or his son's descent into pre-millenial faggotry. I
Anyone born between 1981 and 1996 (ages 22 to 37 in 2018) will be considered a Millennial
Keep in mind that this was HBO's first real attempt at an R-Rated character driven TV Show. This type of thing had never been done before. Yes, they missed the mark at times, but the overall story was an excellent one.
Yeah, I couldn't ever really get into Oz when it was new and I tried giving it another go awhile back and I just couldn't do it. It has some things going for it, but the writing was bad enough that I couldn't plow through.I gave Oz a rewatch recently and after season 2 I found it almost unbearable. The writing just becomes so hack. Of course everyone’s son/father also ends up in the exact prison block as them as well as a hundred assassinations on people on the outside. Also besides some of the main folks like Adebisi, Said, schillinger and Augustus the acting is terrible. Everyone of the Italians is so comically over the top that the whole thing becomes a fucking cartoon.
Edit: O’reilly is badass too
I couldn't plow through.
I wonder if the Chinese cock-sucker is going to make an appearance in the movie. One can only hope.
This show really was a masterpiece.