Only sophomoric behavior in here is adults who can't fucking control themselvesCmon now. Keep that edgy teenage shit to the political thread.
Only sophomoric behavior in here is adults who can't fucking control themselvesCmon now. Keep that edgy teenage shit to the political thread.
I guess I owe an apology if this is serious thread.
I drink heavily probably twice a week but I'm pretty lucky in that I just chill, shitpost, play games and watch movies until I eventually get tired and go to bed. My wife is the same way. I never ever drink heavily in public (like when we go to a bar with friends) because I just don't feel safe being drunk not in my house or at a close friends house.
I've got buddies and a dad who drank himself to death that are sort of like you, they have a drink and it just makes them want be out and about while continuing to drink, which obviously leads to other bad choices like drugs and doing / say dumb shit. If you fall in this category you should probably get whatever help it takes to stop drinking and realize you're in the category of people who can't drink. Think if it like crones disease or something, can't eat certain things, cept for you it's booze.
I quit drinking because of the genetic link. My grandfather's entire male sibling group died between the ages of 40-42 from alcohol-related deaths. I used to be a crazy drunk and it was fun for a while but thankfully not too long. I never drank as hard as my father or them but I still enjoy alcohol. I just stay away. and my wife helps me stay away lol.
Ya I cut back a little more every year. Down to 750ml (give or take a couple hundred ml) of bourbon a week. Beer / wine doesn't count. I'm not even in the same league as my dad, he was taking down 750ml+ a day.
Lol, at give or take a couple hundred ml. I never liked wine that much but still like gin/vodka too much. I had a lot of bad, bad nights with bourbon and tequila and can't handle that shit without lots of chasers beforehand.
That's about where I'm at. Morning coffee with two shots. Can easily do a full bottle of whiskey a day without noticing. Two or three bottles of wine etc. It's ridiculous but with only marginal obvious downsides (beside the obvious wasteland that is my internals), I just have no reason forcing me to stop. Upcoming Tussle of the Rustled is a good reason, but thats a problem for future Screamfeeder.
Only sophomoric behavior in here is adults who can't fucking control themselves
Well. My ex got me into cocaine. We have been broken up for a few years now. I think I'm still fucked up about it and stuck in this cycle where, "oh this time will be different", "what's the worst that can happen", "live a little", <insert excuse to use here>
I probably do need to talk to a professional. The most success I had with sobriety was in out-patient rehab in 2015. (2 months)
Thank you for the adviceiannis
Screamfeeder . I am coming down now which is probably why I'm feeling so emotional right now. I just hate feeling like this, but I never seem to remember the shitty times everytime I go and use. Sucks.
It's really easy to offer up that kind of platitude.Only sophomoric behavior in here is adults who can't fucking control themselves
Shut up drunkIt's really easy to offer up that kind of platitude.
"Just stop!"
"Control yourself"
It's the same ignorant response you hear from people about depression.
"Just cheer up"
"Get over it"
One word for that kind of response. Sad.
Admitting that you have a problem and need help is the beginning. Go to some meetings, every night if necessary, get a sponsor, and then you and your sponsor can evaluate whether you have to go to rehab. Residential rehab in NYC is probably going to be a retarded amount of money.
I never got the appeal of heroin. At least not injecting. Just made me sleep. Got a better high off whipits.
It is a high and most people don't actually pass out. They "retreat" into their head and body. But the CBA is way off. The down is too harsh, the high so high you can't appreciate it (or just sleep like i did). Honestly doing whipits was a better bang for the buck. I mean, don't do drugs kids, but if you are going to, at least make it worth your while.I'm still curious, but ya in movies and shit I never really understood the deal. You just shoot up and sorta pass out it looks like. Was kinda thinking maybe you're still awake feeling your high but just look like your comatose.