Oh man, nasal spray are the fucking devil.- I have met a couple of people that are addicted to that shit. It does not even get you high. This girl at the last rehab went thru 3-4 of those fuckers a day, she was killing her sinuses.
Smoking is a bastard to kick but I found that nicotine gum helps a ton at first. I'd find myself caving when I was drinking but then I just bought a cheap ecigarette to puff on when I'm in the pub to help stave off any bad decision making. Vaping is alright but I would just find myself wishing I was smoking.
What about smoking ?
I mean, I smoke 20 cigs / day and I tried quitting. Will only gets me as far as 3 hours without a smoke. Then I start feeling a biological crave for nicotine and I am done, I have to smoke.
Right now my GF says her highest hurdle is just fighting the urge to do SOMETHING. Not even just the nicotine craving, but just the general fidgets. I think a lot of people that get benefit from Nicorette would get just as much benefit from Wrigley.
Aye, I call them the boredom cigarettes - vaping is probably the way forward for her then, it's not as satisfying as smoking but at least you can do that. I still find myself having a bit of the gum everytime I think 'I'm bored, I want a cigarette' and if you chew it like a normal bit of gum you get a pretty sweet niccy hit. Although that does put you at severe risk of hiccuping uncontrollably for 5 minutes.
Right now my GF says her highest hurdle is just fighting the urge to do SOMETHING. Not even just the nicotine craving, but just the general fidgets. I think a lot of people that get benefit from Nicorette would get just as much benefit from Wrigley.
I don't think she'd be willing to try vaping. Partially because she's kind of anti-hipster, but also due to the cost investment. She's been rolling her own cigarettes for the past four or five years, so the cost difference to pick up vaping is just gonna be too great.
I think what she's going to have the hardest time with in the end is her scheduled breaks at her factory job. Those cigarettes are really ingrained in her.
My friend quit Arabian tobacco without a single symptom after smoking it for a year as often as you would smoke a cig. Maybe somewhere between a half pack and just shy of a full pack a day.
Very weird and something I'll not soon forget.
My gut reaction was "well its gotta be a potency issue". But who the fuck knows? 0 symptoms.
See ya on the news soon!Going all in. Quitting pot and smokes cold Turkey. Wish me luck.
Vaping doesn't have to be some hipster thing. Just get visit a vape shop, there's hundreds of models now. You don't have to have some vanilla ice tea flavour vape. You can just have plain old tobacco - I use menthol just cause i smoked menthols.
It's perfect for the break at work as it's a direct replacement for smoking and getting that hit in.
She should try it, she might be surprised.
Edit: also it can be very cheap, cheaper than rolling your own cigarettes if you want it to be.
I read this the last time I quit. Highly recommended.I know it sounds lame, but try that famous book. "finally smoke free" ? i think it's called. I thought it was bullshit too, but i didnt even finish the book before i decided to quit. I mean it can't harm, give it a go. Goes for you alsopharmakos
This i think it is.
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