Sam DeathWalker said:
And ALL those over 18 do? And NONE of those under 18 can?
Isnt an intellgence test a better indicator of who can make rational life altering decisions on a constant basis then age?
No it isn"t, you are living proof of that.
Let us assume you have a 144 IQ.
You have 144 IQ but can"t grasp simple concepts like spelling, grammar, punctuation, forum quoting OR EVEN FUCKING USING GENERIC GRAMMATICAL QUOTES. Now normally I wouldn"t jump on someone for not being able to spell, but you routinely misspell the same word in the SAME FUCKING SENTENCE, TWO DIFFERENT WAYS. This proves to me you are mildly retarded. Only someone with an extra chromosome would spell disease "dicese" and "disiese" in the same fucking sentence.
On top of that, you completely and utterly fail at very basic logic, argumentation, dialogue, reading comprehension, and cognition, as evidenced by this thread and your court arguments which were laughable at best. Citing 300 years ago, or other countries laws, or pretending you are 15, or comparing prostitution to mowing the lawn, are all some of the weakest arguments I"ve ever heard out of the mouth of any one I"ve ever met, including children arguing over who"s father can beat up who and why.
You proclaim you won at life, and yet you are a handy man with a rusted out Lincoln Continental from the 1970"s with a rat nest in the back seat festering away in front of a home most people would be too embarrassed of to post a picture of on the internet. Your dizzying dungeon with chained up CRT monitors hovering overhead of a rabbit pelt arm rest in an ultimate challenge to Darwinism both shocked and amazed me. This is how I pictured a neanderthal setting up a trap to catch a meal.
You are the most narcissistic, delusional, filthy, mouth breathing, social inept, failure, that I have ever seen in my 30 years on this earth. Only someone with a perfect blend of mental illness and down syndrome would put their face within ten yards of a hooker"s snatch. But you Sam, you take the cake by eating diseased pussy with a mouthful of rubbing alcohol to save a few bucks.
I am sure contracting syphilis, gonorrhea, and whatever the Outbreak monkey is carrying are worth the risk in order to save a few hard earned handy man dollars to 36 box World of Warcraft with multitasking skill that rival that of any bingo playing grandmother suffering from parkinson"s disease and arthritis.