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Fortunately you assume wrong. One a rogue can get through it stealthed (with talents) and two it"s highly resistable (and that was without CloakWith the Thunderstorm Spell I can cast it every 2 seconds and knock back most anything. Cool down is 45 seconds so it will be up again when I cycle back to the first guy. This will also make rogues visible, I assume.
Its insant cast so it wont be inturupted. If its unresistable (the knockback) then Ill basically be invulnerable to mellee attack for as long as mana holds up in both pvp and pve, with one shaman casting this every 2 seconds.
Just make sure to keep the kids off it after dark, because that"s when the dungeon gets bumpin.Zehn - Vhex said:Dude needs to set up a live feed on pay per view. He could fund his gaming habbit and then some.
There"s no point even trying... let him 26 box, it is comedic gold in and of itself.Ghiest said:Fortunately you assume wrong. One a rogue can get through it stealthed (with talents) and two it"s highly resistable (and that was without Cloak).
Well not good but still, gonna have to resist every 2 seconds ... Its a single resist to the damage and the knockback? You have a link to the resist formulas for this or any solid infos?Ghiest said:Fortunately you assume wrong. One a rogue can get through it stealthed (with talents) and two it"s highly resistable (and that was without Cloak).
I would pay money to see you attack a city.Sam DeathWalker said:Well not good but still, gonna have to resist every 2 seconds ... Its a single resist to the damage and the knockback? You have a link to the resist formulas for this or any solid infos?
I doubt one or two rogues gonna do much to me anyway with 25 heals ...
Ya well I really not planning on doing raid instances because its been pointed out you need 2 or 3 tanks, dispellers and all kinds of different classes. I have 6 computers; Paladin on the main computer as the leader/assist/tank and then I have 5 computers left so its 5X5 or 4X5 so 21 box or 26 box. Because I play in full screen I need the same number of clients on each computer. I can drop one of the shaman and sit on the character create sceen or something for instances but as I say its Lake WinterGrasp, Cities attack or AV (if I can get all in) mostly ...
what"s the point of rolling on a specific battlegroup when he"ll never do BG"s anywayHorse said:What is the point of the paladin, besides making this funnier than it"d be without the random "paladin for assist" tossed in?
Please. Tell us more about how shamans work.
Also, please roll elsewhere. You"re rolling on a battlegroup as horde where horde dominates. If you wanted a challenge you"d roll alliance on bloodlust.
epic win imhoSam DeathWalker said:Planing to make 25 Elemental Shaman (troll female): -> Info -> Classes -> Shaman -> Talent Calculator
And One Blood Elf Prot Paliden (male).
Thunderstorm - Spell - World of Warcraft
With the Thunderstorm Spell I can cast it every 2 seconds and knock back most anything. Cool down is 45 seconds so it will be up again when I cycle back to the first guy. This will also make rogues visible, I assume.
Its insant cast so it wont be inturupted. If its unresistable (the knockback) then Ill basically be invulnerable to mellee attack for as long as mana holds up in both pvp and pve, with one shaman casting this every 2 seconds.
Ill have Chain Lightning X 25 to kill oppenents with and Chain Heal X 25 to heal my guys. And tremor totems so I dont get feared
Ill have 1 computer for the Paliden, and 5 clients on 5 computers for the shaman, as I have 6 computers for EQ anyway.
Ya I know there wont be much to do cept try and get all 26 into AV .. or do a city raid or take over wintergrasp.
But dang what a plan!
Target Mob (or pvper), Cast 25 Chain Lightning, CAst 1 Thunderstorm, Cast 25 Chain Heal, Cast 1 thunderstorm, new target cast 25 Chain Light ... etc.