Sam DeathWalker said:
The disadvantage of multi boxing is a complete lack of flexability. Ill have ONE healing spell, ONE offensive spell, and totems and Thunderstrike. Thats about it. Thats why I choose the spells I want, not the versitility of the class. I could set up to do more but in the heat of battle you can"t remember one hunderd things, ether I vastly over power my oppenent or I dont ...
Individual players will be able to use everything their class brings to the table, whereas I can only use 4 or so things (but the best 4 of course).
The reason shaman are required is with any other class, 5 boxing is extremely vulnerable to desynchronization because of the randomness of being AE feared and scattering. Tremor totems fix that, but only if you"re planted in one spot. You wouldn"t know because you"ve never played, of course... so stop explaining "choices" you"ve made or how the fucking game works you nincompoop!
You did not invent multiboxing in WoW and you have zero innovations here, the choices you"ll make have been made already, at a larger scale than you"re doing.
I lose games with the 5-boxing shaman all the time because in 15 on 15 its like having 11 on one team, but that 11th guy is really fucking great. Problem is, if you 5 man zerg without the rest of the team supporting you, you lose.
If you can manage to get into a world pvp area, you will probably lose. You"ll kill a group of people really fast, but then they"ll SEE YOU and avoid you, doing the objectives. You would still only be able to win with others helping you. The first time you get your stack blown because you"d be forced to extremely overkill a few targets, just log out for the rest of the night or have fun moving 25 chars in a synchronized corpse run and rez. Even then people will just camp you.
If there was an ultimate objective, like killing the final boss in AV, you could hold that indefinitely by yourself... but it is impossible to get into those reliably and you would pretty much get steamrolled anyway.
The advantage of multiboxing is that all 26 toons are up for the same stratagy instantly. There is no arguing over what is best or not, its just think and do. No one is afk, and becuse I dont have others around me when playing I dont get distracted.
All Blizzard has to do is eliminate auto follow to stop boxing ... Or eliminate assist.
It"s not using autofollow, you fucking moron.
It is using a KEYBOARD COMMAND SPLITTER. When you press UP on your keyboard, UP goes to all of your clients and they all move forward. You don"t need ASSIST (though it helps) because again you can use hotkeys to target.
The entire jist of using this software to do this stuff is that everything you press on your keyboard + potentially mouse goes to every client synchronized.
As the poster before the last stated "open pvp zone" well thats where I will be going. No raids, no BG, no arena.
Wintergrasp all the way baby!
I choose the server because the horde is outnumbers on that server, the battle group someone said is mostly horde, but Ill be fighting mostly on the server, not in the BG so ... is there server pvp in a battle group that both have low horde numbers?
Numbers are meaningless because there is no world pvp, and the lower population is generally tighter knit and better geared. All that matters is who tries to play and why. World PVP has been "meh" so far, when they do it right there will be no way to zerg it reliably as the #1 concern is how they can make a public pvp area on a server that has screwed up population balance...
You"re also looking at a good 4 months played if you level each of them via questing. Cut that down if you have an entire powerlevelling service/crew/guild backing you.
Add MASSIVELY to that once people realize where you"ve rolled and corpse camp any characters they believe are yours. The server will hold dps contests to see how fast after you rez you can be killed.
Gosh, sam...