Sam, playing with more doesn"t make you "win", it doesn"t make you better. It makes you look worse, look unskilled. For example, a lot of people would have bragged:
Raider1: We pwned Boss_01 with only 60 people in raid!
Raider2: Fuck, we had 45 last week, you guys must suck.
Raider3: 60 for Boss_01? Shit we"ve done it with only 30, maybe we"ve got better characters? Better gear? Better skill? I GUESS WE WON THE GAME!
Sam: No, I won, roxxor! I came in with 4 full raids, boxed by myself, and after 2 years of attempts and $20k, I finally beat Boss_01!
This is where everyone looks at you and laughs/cries. The above isn"t realistic; you don"t do content, natch.
It"s doing more with less Sam, not less with more. Being able (or, willing) to run 30-40 characters is...interesting...but it doesn"t make you better. What it does do, is make you look like a gimp. You keep adding characters, when other people don"t need more than1, or 2, or in Glo"s case, 5. Especially when you add more because you can"t beat Glo, as though more characters will help you.
Remember when you asked everyone what the rush to level was, when we harped on you about your pathetic leveling speed? The above is one of those reasons. Had you shut your mouth and FUCKING LEVELED LIKE ANYONE ELSE COULD, you"d have higher level characters and would be more capable. Your "I don"t need to hurry, I"ll win in the end!" strat worked reeeaaal well, didn"t it Sam?
Of course, if you had a shred of humility and didn"t troll the everloving shit out of people, we"d be more supportive. But, you come on and talk a ton of shit, as though we don"t know the score. And the score? You, who used to get smoked with one character, went to 5 "so you could beat everyone". Then you added more...and more...and more. You came over to WOW, and now your claiming you will beat everyone yet you have to start more characters?
I know it"s inevitable, Sam, that you would add more players. It"s a metric you can control. I thought you"d wait until 80, wait until you got all your chars smoked by a 5-boxer who acquired decent gear and is actually skilled, wait until then to simply add MORE characters in your quest to be unbeatable. What"s your upper-limit Sam? 50? 60? 100? You"ll keep adding characters until you are "NIGH UNSTOPPABLE" I"m sure, but the sad fact is, that if you actually need 40 or 50 characters on at once to be unassailable, then you suck. You"ll say it"s "fair" to play all these characters yourself against one person, but when 50 Alliance show up and smoke you, you"ll cry about that being unfair.