Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW

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Well a great day.

I am now a 36 boxer, and have everyone named so that I know their class, which computer they are on, and which group on that computer by their name: And got 3 wotlk accounts. And like 8 accounts are RAFed.

wkaa shm
wkab shm
wkac shm
wkad shm
wkae shm
wkaf shm
wwag warl (new)
wkab shm
wkbb shm
wkbc shm
wkbd shm
wkbe shm
wkbf shm
wmbg mag
wkca shm
wkcb shm
wkcc shm
wkcd shm
wkce shm
wkcf shm
wmcg mag
wkda shm
wkdb shm
wkdc shm
wkdd shm
wkde shm
wddf dk (new)
wwdg warl
wmea mag
wmeb mag
wmec mag
wmed mag
wmee mag
wref rog (new)
wpeg pst (new)
wkzz pal

So like wmeb means he is a mage on computer "e" in group "b". So 7 groups of 5 each and the Pal main.


Now have to make my 4 new guys (one is the dk), then get everyone flight paths while doing the bonfire quests. Then finally start killing some outland mobs again!


The simple fact that you keep buying accounts emphasizes just how much fail you really are. What are you going to do with 36? Wintergrasp is going to 100 man capped very soon.

We all know that even the smallest group drops you like the slug you are so;

A.) Mass PVP via BG is out.
B.) World PVP is pretty much dead and we"ve all seen how quickly you drop to just 1 organized player (Glo)
C.) There are no current 40 man instances for you to take your 36 into. MC/BWL/AQ40 are all well beyond your skill level and the gear there would be worthless to you at this point.
D.) Your rag tag bunch of characters cant even get to 70 after a friggen year and 2 wasted RAF attempts so now you are on your third.

So tell us Sam DeathTalker, what are you doing this for? To be the best?

You have already been beaten by better players who multibox with far less.
You will never instance because quite frankly it"s above your skill level.
The entire wow community is literally laughing their ass off at you in every single message board you post in.

Why don"t you just quit life, take a razor blade, slash your wrists the right way, and film it all live on a webcam?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sam DeathWalker said:
If you claim A is not greater then B then you infer that B is greater then A ......




And yet I somehow managed to win EQ .....

Many were the naysayers in EQ if I remember correctly, and they are all in the dustbin of history, while the MIGHTY DEATHWALKER slays all those who dare oppose him!

How long do you think 5 will beat 36 lol .... and then after I tear him apart it will be "Well you have 36 to his 5 so it wasnt fair" lol ...

There is patch after patch, you guys originally said that I couldnt do WG and Prepared is there all the time. Things change Lets see whats up in 3.2 or 3.3 or 3.4 ...

There is nothing above my skill level cause I can write macros for the spicific encounter .... sure Ill wipe a bunch of times but then when I get done writing for each guy and tieing all to spicifc keys well its over for da mob.

People in EQ were saying I couldnt run 4 at a time lol ....


Molten Core Raider
Njorls said:
Actually, your real competition is glo. He rolled 5 DKs on your server and spent a small amount of time levelling/equipping them and is now steamrolling over you, posting videos for us to laugh at.
This is so true.

Sam DeathWalker said:
And keep in mind that WoW is way easy compared to EQ.
Remind me again - you"re the same guy that said, a year ago, that leveling in WoW is much easier than in EQ ? And now your quitting those chars a year later with most of them in their mid 40"s ?

Sam DeathWalker said:
What I mean is that at some point in time I will beat everyone except possibly Prepared, just like in EQ many beat me at first but I surpassed them all, just like at one time Furor was way ahead of me in EQ but when I quit his toon would have died to me in one second.
You never will. Honestly.

The thing is, Sam, you are looking for an, "I win", series of spells, abilities and macro"s based upon superior numbers. In EQ that is easy. Tank, taunt, heal, DPS - or, in PVP, /target, /assist, DPS.

That doesn"t exist in WoW.

Superior numbers or superior DPS doesn"t = "I win". EVERYTHING has a counter. There are hundreds of different abilities, all of which have counters in a rock, paper, scissors style. A decently skilled and outfitted small group of players will always beat you, even when they are all lvl 80.

Just for you :


Sam DeathWalker said:
And yet I somehow managed to win EQ .....

Many were the naysayers in EQ if I remember correctly, and they are all in the dustbin of history, while the MIGHTY DEATHWALKER slays all those who dare oppose him!

How long do you think 5 will beat 36 lol .... and then after I tear him apart it will be "Well you have 36 to his 5 so it wasnt fair" lol ...

There is patch after patch, you guys originally said that I couldnt do WG and Prepared is there all the time. Things change Lets see whats up in 3.2 or 3.3 or 3.4 ...

There is nothing above my skill level cause I can write macros for the spicific encounter .... sure Ill wipe a bunch of times but then when I get done writing for each guy and tieing all to spicifc keys well its over for da mob.

People in EQ were saying I couldnt run 4 at a time lol ....

Again you didn"t Win Everquest Jackass. You can"t win a game that never fucking ends you worthless douche bag. We"ve seen your pathetic characters there and guess what, You were wearing bazaar bought or crafted gear, and you have not even touched any real content there in over 10 FUCKING YEARS.

10 YEARS SAM. 10. Do i need to say 10 even more times? You were on Sullon Zek. The fucking worst server of them all, hell you should know since you too played there with the thousands of other server rejects that couldn"t hack it anywhere else went.

So where are your pictures of Soloing Time, any of Gates of Discord content, Omens of War, hell any zone instance past that. We don"t see them. If you slay all that oppose you why are your accomplishments limited to small pvp engagements?

You know the funny thing is you keep saying that you are going to waste his 5 yet all we see is the failboat sailing in on a DAILY fucking basis on your retarded ass. It doesn"t even matter anymore man. You go down more than a hooker on a crack binge.

And now you buy even more accounts and start adding in random characters thinking you"re going to get some kind of respect from a community who has had it with you? Fuck off you worthless cum dumpster.

No community will ever respect you, your perceived accomplishments no matter how hard you try. Stop playing Video Games. You"re giving the rest of us Adults a negative image by even attempting to play.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Sam, playing with more doesn"t make you "win", it doesn"t make you better. It makes you look worse, look unskilled. For example, a lot of people would have bragged:

Raider1: We pwned Boss_01 with only 60 people in raid!
Raider2: Fuck, we had 45 last week, you guys must suck.
Raider3: 60 for Boss_01? Shit we"ve done it with only 30, maybe we"ve got better characters? Better gear? Better skill? I GUESS WE WON THE GAME!
Sam: No, I won, roxxor! I came in with 4 full raids, boxed by myself, and after 2 years of attempts and $20k, I finally beat Boss_01!

This is where everyone looks at you and laughs/cries. The above isn"t realistic; you don"t do content, natch.

It"s doing more with less Sam, not less with more. Being able (or, willing) to run 30-40 characters is...interesting...but it doesn"t make you better. What it does do, is make you look like a gimp. You keep adding characters, when other people don"t need more than1, or 2, or in Glo"s case, 5. Especially when you add more because you can"t beat Glo, as though more characters will help you.

Remember when you asked everyone what the rush to level was, when we harped on you about your pathetic leveling speed? The above is one of those reasons. Had you shut your mouth and FUCKING LEVELED LIKE ANYONE ELSE COULD, you"d have higher level characters and would be more capable. Your "I don"t need to hurry, I"ll win in the end!" strat worked reeeaaal well, didn"t it Sam?

Of course, if you had a shred of humility and didn"t troll the everloving shit out of people, we"d be more supportive. But, you come on and talk a ton of shit, as though we don"t know the score. And the score? You, who used to get smoked with one character, went to 5 "so you could beat everyone". Then you added more...and more...and more. You came over to WOW, and now your claiming you will beat everyone yet you have to start more characters?

I know it"s inevitable, Sam, that you would add more players. It"s a metric you can control. I thought you"d wait until 80, wait until you got all your chars smoked by a 5-boxer who acquired decent gear and is actually skilled, wait until then to simply add MORE characters in your quest to be unbeatable. What"s your upper-limit Sam? 50? 60? 100? You"ll keep adding characters until you are "NIGH UNSTOPPABLE" I"m sure, but the sad fact is, that if you actually need 40 or 50 characters on at once to be unassailable, then you suck. You"ll say it"s "fair" to play all these characters yourself against one person, but when 50 Alliance show up and smoke you, you"ll cry about that being unfair.


i personally find sams definition of winning refreshing, after all i"d rather wear furry underwear and bang skanky hookers while fixing apartments for mexicans than be a multimillionare working for Blizzard as the lead designer on the most popular video game of all time.
When I quit no single person had a stronger force then I did or could kill npc"s (by himself with all his toons) higher level then I could or could even stand any chance against me in pvp. If there is such a person name him. Level 80 in the best gear in the game and I still wipe him out. Dosnt matter what my gear was, my 13 wizards will flat out destroy any single character at level cap when I left. Thus in EQ I proved that my way was the best over time. Link the character or character that could have beaten my 24 guys. I was so far ahead there was nothing at all to compare to, and no reason for me to keep playing. I don"t know why you all keep babbling like retards (oh ya its the rickshaw); just provide a link to any level 80 in EQ that can beat me (or links to a group of toons controled and owned by one person), with year old gear, or even with new gear lets see that even. Its not even close.

Glo is ganking lower level characters, big deal, you don"t think that if his guys were my average level (say 59) that he would even remotely stand a chanch. He would get slaughtered. As I get higher and closer to 80 he can"t get any stronger and Ill wipe the floor with him. I could kill unlimited pvpers 10 levels under me. 1000, 10,000 whatever. I just don"t feel like ganking people. Also as he gets closer to 80 he will draw the attention of other Hoard players, right now a solid 80 will kill his five easy.

Wait 6month to a year. Hell be toast. Also don"t forget about the engineering plan. 30 rockets ... lol ....
Im still kinda wondering if a hunter is worth it for tracking. They can see rogues but then again I have a rogue that can see rogues also. And carbonite tells me if some enemy is in the area (I have my chat spam out to max I think its like 200 yards) based upon my chat spam so not really sure if I should drop a level 44 sham and start up a hunter (Ill have some levels to grant from my new rafs).

Also I don"t know what you are talking about that I abonded my shaman, thats not what I said at all. Iv lost like 3 total. Just all the new characters I made are not going to be shaman. See the above list I still have 23 shaman (levels 44-48).


God I can"t wait to see you micromanage this "force".

Level 59 DK (been working on the midsummer stuff), Rukh, can not wait to camp you will Glo and company.


Sam, you don"t get it do you? No one, here or anywhere for that matter, uses your defination of winning. WoW is about doing the current content. You have failed at completing the current content since you started playing. You will continue to fail at doing current content with your set up. WG is not current content.

There are two forms of content in WoW. One of them is PVE raiding, the other is PVP Arena. BG"s are not current content, and neither is leveling. Your force of 36 will never do any current content in WoW, ever. You will either box 5, 10, or 25 people. Thats it. Leveling with 36 is meaningless as you will not do any current content with that number of characters.

The only time you will get any respect is if you do something new and innovative, like the guy that boxes all 10 characters for naxx10. Guess what, he"s doing Ulduar 10 as well, and doing very well at it. He"s competing in the current content of the game. Either put up or shut up. Level, stop dicking around, and start doing current content like the rest of us. Then, maybe, and its a big maybe, you might be looked at as something other than a person who made poor life decisions.


Sam DeathWalker said:
Well a great day.

I am now a 36 boxer, and have everyone named so that I know their class, which computer they are on, and which group on that computer by their name: And got 3 wotlk accounts. And like 8 accounts are RAFed.
If I worked for Blizzard, I would ban all your accounts. Not because you are doing anything wrong, but because I know you would run out and purchase another 50 accounts plus subscription fees. I figure I could do this every 6 months, ensuring your resubscription with just a single post saying "Ha ha, you lost WoW!"