Sam DeathWalker said:
When I quit no single person had a stronger force then I did or could kill npc"s (by himself with all his toons) higher level then I could...
...because by the time you quit, most everyone had already left? Sam, you"re like some guy that"s at a football game. You wait until the game is over, everyone leaves, and right before the lights go out, you run out on the field and run for a touchdown. Only an idiot would claim that they once scored a touchdown in an NFL game, when they did the above, because it"s beyond stupid. Yet, that"s akin to what you are doing with your EQ claims.
EVERYONE HAD ALREADY LEFT. If you had any real claim at all, you would have been rolling people long before then, there would have been "OMG SAM RAPED ZEK, GIANT PVP BATTLE". But there wasn"t, because YOU COULDN"T FUCKING COMPETE UNTIL EVERYONE LEFT. Even those screenshots you"ve posted before, you were just a parasite on a guilds accomplishments; it was that guild...oh, and that Sam Deathwalker guy, back there in the corner...
Sam DeathWalker said:
I was so far ahead there was nothing at all to compare to, and no reason for me to keep playing.
There was no one left to compare you to, you dunce. 99% of the servers left, and you were left competing with yourself.
Sam DeathWalker said:
Glo is ganking lower level characters,
Well, he kind of has to Sam, since you level too slow for any normal person to stay in range of. If this was EQ, he could die a fuckton or sack(EEs), but since this is WOW, what should he do? Level another 50 characters while he waits for you to hit 60? Deactivate his accounts for 2-3 months to let you catch up?