Sam DeathWalker said:
I have places wehre I can pull 6 mobs at a time forever, there is no down time cept mana and thats hardly at all cause of evocation. So I get 6K every one-two mintues. Plus I can pull 10-12 level 60 mobs easy if they are there.
You mean, like all the places we see you get ganked at, when Glo finds you? So, let"s see...the shadow dragon thingies, was that the far side of Netherstorm? They don"t clump, so strike one - you won"t be pulling 6 at a time. Next, when Glo was there FRAPSING, I only ever saw you with one or two at a time, strike two. Even if I spot you a third, that"s not your claim of 6 per pull. I also wasn"t seeing big clumps of corpses. See, Sam, I have leveled multiple characters through those zones (as has everyone else) and I remember that spot - you kill one, run to another, kill another. "Pulling" is stupid there, the best way I ever found was to circle the area, usually charged/intercepted on a warrior, and often jumped on a mount and went to find more to cut out downtime. That"s just another reason why I call bullshit on your claims Sam. I"ve SOLOED there, on WARRIORS, and I had a hard time not either having downtime, or having to mount up and go find more dragons - including the big dragons. Both on the egg quest there, and not. So, strike three in my eyes, I call bullshit (not like I didn"t already think you were full of shit). A 5-man group with decent gear I would think would clear the entire fucking ledge in almost no time at all, which makes your claim seem...well, retarded. I hate using that word so often in this thread, but it simply is incredibly apt. And if you make the whole "the more characters in an area, the faster the respawn time" argument, then why the fuck wasn"t your raid standing knee-deep in dragon corpses when Glo finds you? FFS, Sam, you are always just standing there, where the fuck are the piles of corpses that would be present if you
weren"tcompletely full of shit?
Of course, you could say "
That"s not one of my super-duper pull spots". Then...why would you be there, if there are better spots, places with "endless (imaginary) pulls?" Why does Glo either find you in BFE, like over by Toshley (which BTW has a ton of mobs, but they are all spread out iirc, so wtf?) or like the Fraps on you over at the dragons? If you really did have some super-uber-mega-Samsreallynotaretard mob spot...then why haven"t we sen it on Fraps or in screenshots? Why hasn"t Glo caught you there? Why aren"t YOU there?
Because you are full of shit, Sam.
Sam DeathWalker said:
I don"t see whats so complex. I get 3X the exp you get meaning I get 3 times stonger every day.
Ya things have been slow so far but I havnt really been playing all that much. Just getting everything in perfect order so that when I do play I get the most efficency possible.
Well back to leveling.
Again, you are as full of shit as you are full of fail. It"s entirely possible to level 5 to 60 so quickly...would 2-3 days be out of the question? That"s what comes to mind atm (Glo or someone else can confirm/deny, you know, someone who has actually done so). Let"s say 5 days, more in your favor, for 5, with RAF. For 25, that"s 25 days? A month? I"d think that would be a conservative estimate - I know peeps that have RAF boosted to to 60 in a single days worth of playing. But anyways, in order for you to be faster (it"s hard to compare when you haven"t had but a handful of your guys hit 60 yet), it would need to take a person at least 2 months time to 5-box to 60, and I know it doesn"t take 2 fucking months. Even if we believe your crap about
"It shouldn"t be one year, I was (full of shit excuse) for the first 6 months", then again it would need to take a 5-boxer an entire month to hit 60 in order for your "method" to be faster, and still, I think that"s entirely wrong. And of course they wouldn"t need TWO SETS OF RAF, OR THREE, BECAUSE THEY"D BE 60 BEFORE THE FIRST ONE WAS UP.
And don"t give me that old, tired argument of "Well, I don"t have a high level to boost with". That"s bullshit, you could have paid someone to help you for a day or two (I"ll give you 2k-3k gold, or via paypal, etc), or heaven forbid, if you didn"t alienate people so much, you might have been able to get someone to come help you. Have fun being an island unto yourself, in an MMO no less. I"d bet you $1,000 that if I wanted to start a character and get boosted, and needed a high level, that if I didn"t have friends to help me, I would either be able to get someone from the server, or from a forum, to do it. I bet if you hadn"t made yourself an absolute pariah over on, you would have been able to ask someone over there who actually has highlevel characters to help you, for free, and they would have done so. You"ve managed to get people to camp you, and I"d say that is probably the harder of the two to accomplish.
In a nutshell, Sam, I imagine if you weren"t so busy waffling, tapdancing around our points, and making up bullshit arguments, you could have actually had all of your guys to 60 months and months and months ago. We tried telling you how to do it, a year ago, and you blew people off. So did the people over at Dualboxing. So in short, get your bullshit XP theorycrafting out of here, because it"s bullshit. You"ve been saying you could grind faster than quest, for nearly the entire year; if that was true, would you still be so far behind? I think your progress (or actually, the paucity of progress and success when compared to other boxers) speaks volumes and actually answers the question itself. SlowSam is sloooooww....
Flight said:
Sam you really are wasted here.
The real theory crafting elite post on Elitist Jerks.You would get much better advice over there.
Let us know when you start posting there. Please.
Sam doesn"t have the balls to post there with his theorycraft, because he knows that it wouldn"t stand up. They"d tear him to shreds. I think most of us here either are too lazy to take the time to actually "Math-rape" Sam, or don"t give a fuck, but I think they"d seriously be tickled to point out his (numerous) flaws. Much like he quit talking/bragging about his prostitutes (it was incredibly lol-worthy), I think he ended up being afraid of being made fun of, so he quit posting his tally. Same with his gaming rigs, I think he"s too afraid to post pics of his current rigs, after everyone lol"ed at him the last time. I don"t know who flamed Sam so badly that he"s afraid to post that stuff again, but Id be torn between shaking his hand or punching him, for denying us updates on it.
Also, Sam, this is a win/win for us, in so many ways. If you fail, drop the ball so to speak, we get to point it out, and you"re too stubborn to admit your mistakes. If you succeed, if you actually get your raid to whatever the max level is at the time, and the game is still active (unlike EQ when you finally got together lol), if you actually are able to rape the server, we"ll be ringside for it all. We"ll be able to sit there and watch as your ego becomes a tangible entity, as you taunt players and talk shit...until either you get banned for griefing, or the playerbase simply gets PUG raids together, and raids you every time you log on. You"ll say that"s fine, I"m sure, but when it happens (should it ever happen), I"m sure you"ll pull the ol" "Sam logoffski" manuever. Prepared already came close to being banned, and that is without the posturing, ego and shit-talking of Sam Deathwalker. Throw that in there, and things might actually get interesting.