Sam DeathWalker said:
Some may not but not all; and perhaps not the majority.
Here"s the thing Sam, who makes the distinction? Who decides which children are adult and who are not? We are forced to do so in rare cases (murder), but beyond that it isn"t practical for outsiders to do so.
Fortunately, we have parents. Hopefully, they have the child"s best interest in mind, and know the child well enough to make the distinction for them using THEIR years of experience and adult capability in decision making to make unbiased and objective decisions in the child"s best interest, in a way that children generally cannot or will not.
Legally, it is impossible to legislate making the distinction. It isn"t feasible to cherry-pick which 15yo is, and which 15yo isn"t, capable of making adult decisions. You either have to make the law broad, generally speaking, as often is done in order to protect those who are not yet capable of adult decisions, or you make the law weak so that it satisfies SAM DEATHWALKER and it doesn"t "infringe" (lol) on the rights of the few, while it allows many children to be taken advantage of. Legally, I believe the choice is clear - protect them all, even if a few do not in reality need the protection, rather than not protecting ANY children, simply because a few do not need that protection.
If you are actually thinking that minors do not need protection, then wtf man?
Sam DeathWalker said:
To say all adults have a firm grasp on reality is also stupid.
You are a prime example of this.
Sam DeathWalker said:
Most crimes are commited by those over 18 i.e. adults and fewer crimes are commited by minors; what does taht lead you to conclude about age indicating a grip on reality.
I would conclude that minors with good parents are keeping them on a short enough leash, that they aren"t free to run the streets stealing or fighting, or giving out blowjobs to older men for drug money.
I"d also conclude that the very laws you rail against, might not be needed, if you and others didn"t break those laws. I for one am glad they are in place, because if you as a 31 yo can"t tell a girl is either 15yo, or damn close, then your simply fooling yourself or you shouldn"t be around minors, period.
Sam DeathWalker said:
Isnt intelligence a better indication of reasoning power then age?
In your case, I"m confused, as both are at odds with the fact that your reasoning is so aberrant.