Sam DeathWalker said:
If that guy lead role in "twilight", 22 years old, offered 15 year old females $100 to have sex with him there would be a line of 15 year old females MILES long to take him up on that offer; they would fighting each other to get to him.
Does that make it right? No. He"d be as culpable as you, were he to go through with it, and I wouldn"t flinch at him getting hammered in court.
As an Adult, the onus of responsibility is on him. He"ll also be the one to be punished in the event he is caught.
Sam DeathWalker said:
You would say that these females, are all crime victims and to stupid to know what they are doing even though there would be 1000"s or 100,000 of them lined up to accept the offer
They aren"t stupid, per se, though that is a quick and easy label to give them (like how it"s quick and easy to label you stupid, rather than something else more accurate and disturbing). Intelligence-wise, they could be child prodigies, but that"s not the point. As per usual, you are tap-dancing around my earlier point. They would be victims, victims of Adult men who would be taking advantage of naive, hormonally and emotionally unbalanced teens.
Oh, they"d know what they were doing, in a "OMG SO-AND-So IS IN LOVE WITH ME! WE"RE GOING TO GET MARRIED!!" way. But that is the point. Minors, especially teenage girls (parents of teen girls feel free to chime in), aren"t guaranteed to see things logically or clearly. Hence the protection as minors. They"ll jump to unrealistic conclusions, become emotionally involved at the drop of a hat (OMG, that cute guy looked at me! I"m in love!), and generally frighten every responsible adult involved.
The fact that you can"t seem to grasp this very basic thing, again, reinforces how either your IQ isn"t 144, or if it is, it is no indication that you aren"t a buffoon.