Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW


Phoenix said:
Why trolls? Tauren or Orc is a far better choice for shaman. Especially on a pvp server.
"zerking fool! Stun resists or HP don"t mean much when your numbers are legion.

(I"d go for 25 Orc Warlocks personally though, nothing says **WTF!!!&*^&* like 25 felguards/seeds and lolAEsbolts shit would be funny as hell. Were I to go this route in general though, nothing would be more funny than 25 druids if you could somehow pull it off. 25 Moonkin in PvP is hilarious and fuck, nothing would be easier to box in PvE than a circle of moonkin + resto + x Ferals tanking.)

Best fortunes though man, boxing WoW isn"t impossible but it is no swing in the park (natch).
Female troll models look better.

Its Lake Wintergrasp the new pvp zone from WoLK.

25 of anything looks good but shaman gives strong range attack, strong in close attack (thunderstorm), strong healing (they are raid healers), they wear chain, and fear resistence for pvp. Pretty much the whole package.

You can"t really multi box over 5 or 10 and have more then one mellee.

My guild on Zek has the highest average level of any guild there (76). The server is lower population but there is pvp when you wish. Now that all my wizards are 75 or better my dps is way up. Well gonna log in have to get that Lguk 360 HP loot from trash mobs lol ... gogo mudification.


what the time scale on this? I cannot wait to see this all unfold, what ever server you role on is going to get a whole lot of attention on the first few days.

The kid"s of wow are going to have a heart attack when they see this man coming for them


Northerner said:
"zerking fool! Stun resists or HP don"t mean much when your numbers are legion.

(I"d go for 25 Orc Warlocks personally though, nothing says **WTF!!!&*^&* like 25 felguards/seeds and lolAEsbolts shit would be funny as hell. Were I to go this route in general though, nothing would be more funny than 25 druids if you could somehow pull it off. 25 Moonkin in PvP is hilarious and fuck, nothing would be easier to box in PvE than a circle of moonkin + resto + x Ferals tanking.)

Best fortunes though man, boxing WoW isn"t impossible but it is no swing in the park (natch).

I gotta agree with this. 25 Warlocks all casting seed would be utter rapes, would basically one shot everything in the area effect of the seed. Don"t even want to imagine the look on a person"s face when they scroll over their debuffs to see 26 seeds of corruption and one tick later instant death along with their entire team.

Would be even more amazing if sam camped graveyards on alterac doing this, get all 40 players on a team respawning in 1 Gy throw one seed and instant honor spam as the entire team dies.


Potato del Grande
Why has no one figued out that he is going to have five full groups and one group with one member? I can"t wait until he starts farming raid trash and his tank gets ported out of the instance because it"s full.

Is there some kind of reason behind 26 intead of the obvious 25?


Chrisb3 said:
Why has no one figued out that he is going to have five full groups and one group with one member? I can"t wait until he starts farming raid trash and his tank gets ported out of the instance because it"s full.

Is there some kind of reason behind 26 intead of the obvious 25?

I don"t think he intends to raid with this group I don"t see any feasible way a 25 man raid could be completed by a multi boxer due to all the gimmicks. This is also ignoring the fact that almost all encounters in 25 mans demand 2 tanks due to the requirements to eat various special attacks or taunting. Sam will manage to make it work I"m sure though. If a multiboxer ever managed to complete vashj or some encounter along those lines I would conclude they are the greatest mmorpg player ever, or just write some insane macros. (hint hint sam)


Potato del Grande
c8fe said:
I don"t think he intends to raid with this group I don"t see any feasible way a 25 man raid could be completed by a multi boxer due to all the gimmicks. This is also ignoring the fact that almost all encounters in 25 mans demand 2 tanks due to the requirements to eat various special attacks or taunting. Sam will manage to make it work I"m sure though. If a multiboxer ever managed to complete vashj or some encounter along those lines I would conclude they are the greatest mmorpg player ever, or just write some insane macros. (hint hint sam)
With 25 Shammies yeah. But with 1 extra Prot Pally!? He has to be considering raiding.

Think of the massive repair bills :p He is doomed.
I have 6 computers.

Pal on main so others follow him and he will be the assist target.

Other 5 have to have the same number so its 4X5 or 5X5.

Ya its one more then needed for 25 man raids but as stated raids in Wow is needing 1,2 or 3 tanks etc. Doubt I gonna pull off anything like that. And I can just drop a shaman in one of the groups if needed


Well done Sam. I"ve been following your exploits since EQ and I"m really looking forward to hearing about your massive burst DPS in WoW. Well cool my man. You are the last of a dying breed...



I think all MMO companies should get Sam to test their games.

Whatever class he picks is obviously overpowered and needs to be nerfed!


Toe Sucker
not gonna lie, leveling 4 shaman at once is brutal let alone 26 T_T
I deleted the first 3 i made because i realized i can maintain 4 windows without lagging but a 5th gets iffy so i"ll just do 4. Now i need to think of 4 delicious names.

my trio was Icame Isaw Iconquered. But that wont work when i throw in the 4th lol

Also, sams gonna rape balls ~