

Potato del Grande
Inventory management is starting to approach deal-breaker status for me. I really am enjoying the game, when I get to play it. Feels like after every mission I'm digging into my pack to see a bunch of garbage, then have to go through the song and dance of salvaging it.

I'm spending as much time playing as I am managing the worst inventory system in any game I've ever played. A line by line list of inventory, limited, no bank. I just don't know how anyone could possibly think this is ok. This isn't even ok on a console! The worst failure is it's just not fun. The inventory mini-game has always blown.

Fuck even EQ did inventory better than this as evidenced by the following shots.

This is in no way a joke referencing the no EQ derails.

I mean shit, just look at EQ's inventory. That shit is elegant, like a fine wine it just gets better with age.

Then over here you have Defiance, like this inventory system defies all mother fucking logic. Shit I haven't even gotten into mods. Yeah let me mod my fucking gun that caps on xp and just clogs up some more fucking inventory space. Separate tabs for mods, guns, shields, and grenades? NO? WHY? BECAUSE FUCK YOU THATS WHY.



Molten Core Raider
Look at this twink mother fucker with his RotLC at level 40

Is there some way to track contracts on the map?


<Silver Donator>
Think of anything you want to do in the game OTHER THAN drive to point A or shoot monsters.

You can't do what you just thought of.


<Silver Donator>
What do I want to do?

Group with people and not have 5 open mics.
Chat with people standing next to me.
Chat with people in my group.
Chat with people in my guild.

Objective markers other than immediate quest goals - things like "where to find this contract" - When it says 'kill raiders on a dock' there are about 6 docks with raiders on them and you only get credit at one of them. Repeat the same above for mutants next to radio towers. Repeat the same for 99ers at a mine. Do you see a pattern developing?

I'd like some open world PVP with player and vehicle collisions.

I'd like an actual physics system so I don't hit a pebble and go from 80 mph to 0 mph instantly.

Hotkeys to switch loadouts since we're only limited to two weapons at once. I'll stick to my autohotkey macro at the moment, but some official support would be nice.

I'd like to know what guns share which kinds of bullets. Why do SMGs and Assault rifles have the same ammo pool? Or is it assault rifles and LMGs that share the same ammo pool? What caliber are these guns?!

I'd like to be able to manage my inventory. I'd like to auto-salvage every piece of shit shield I pick up, because they are all trash. In fact I'd like to auto salvage everything I pick up!

I'd like to be able to earn weapon XP beyond what the xp cap of the weapon. Right now I'm carrying 5 300 level LMGs because there isn't a fast travel to Stinson Beach where you buy them, and I don't want to drive all the way over there when I max 'em out.

I just max out the weapon and salvage it. What am I supposed to do with it beyond this?

I'd like some more powerful guns than the one I start with. My newbie LMG does 400 dmg per round. My ego level 450 LMG does 416 dmg per round.

That's a good list for now, but I could go on further and I'm sure others will be quick to point out things I missed.


Tranny Chaser
Its actually just the first 14 mins despite what the runtime says on the page


Tranny Chaser
Im watching it anyway since I'm impatient and SyFy isnt part of my current Tier (thank you Comcast...). I did notice in the first few minutes that Irisa mentions "We can pay off Varus!" Clearly in reference to Varus Soleptor our gnome ferengi friend.

Holy crap... the Castithan dude is Van Gogh (from Doctor Who)

Doc Yewll is the best thing about this series. Holy crap that character is not what I was expecting from an indogene.


I just finish watching that first episode and so I have a few questions. Spoiler in case some haven't watched it.

Why the fuck does the doctor talk like her mouth is being forced shut by a chin strap?

Why does the bio-man have an off switch on his ass? Even my Xbox can be turned off with a verbal command.

Who destroyed the space ships? Who the hell was on the space ships? If those ships entered the atmosphere then why are there no ships on the ground? I guess the writers figured it doesn't fucking matter because... aliens!

How the hell did that deputy get out there in the middle of the battle field, without driving there, to shoot the commander in the back without getting killed himself? Once I saw that I figured everyone else should have left. This guy is obviously more badass then all of them combined.

Why didn't that commander alien guy shoot that bitch already? I just watch one of those guys hang on to the side of a cliff and have no trouble shooting that arm laser in under a second and this motherfucker just stands there as if he's waiting for a copier to warm up. If he was waiting for it to warm up then why the fuck did he not already have it ready to go? You are in a war zone you dumb shit. Breed to destroy worlds my ass... or should I say bio-mans ass because someone forgot to bring him to help fight. Strap a metal plate to his butt and he'll be good to go.

I've seen kid shows have better looking bad guys than those cgi warhammer 40k rip-offs. Thick plated alien armor against a small caliber rifle should be no contest but nope, might as well go naked.

Oh I see. Shoot and kill four alien dogs with a pistol they get pissed. Shoot one with a rifle and it's time to get the fuck our of here. Did they know he was out of ammo?

Halo knife but no Halo blade? Get the fuck out of here.

How about making the first episode with the idea that not everyone played the game. You know what, fuck it. The episode was perfect. I always wanted to watch a show where you throw a pile of shit on the screen and have everyone else figure out the rest.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Same for the TVTorrents rip, someone tried to create a 720x404 mp4 from a 624x352 avi and actually expect it to look like the higher resolution. I think a better version will be out tomorrow if you can wait.

Zombie Thorne_sl

Does anyone know if you can watch the show tonight without cable/satellite? I have roku/ps3/xbox with amazon prime, Netflix and hulu plus subs.



Tranny Chaser
Hmmm. So the premiere airs tonight, does Trion then wait until tomorrow morning to patch in this week's episodic content? That seems logistically the best way to do it, and yet I suspect I would be more pumped to jump on and play the game immediately after watching it. If I have to wait until 'tomorrow' I may just go 'meh' and do something else.