

Silver Squire
I'm waiting to see what Trion does for the DLCs since they have sold the season passes already before the launch especiallyifthe game seems to be failing before the first one is released.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
TBH I think its set at the wrong price point. I got it super cheap at $5 bucks (industry connections). I do enjoy playing the game but its more Borderlands 2.5 or something then an MMO and I don't feel the need to burn through it in a week. I have not purchased any of the dlc because of course its not out and its expensive. I think at a lower entry fee they would have gained more customers.


TBH I think its set at the wrong price point. I got it super cheap at $5 bucks (industry connections). I do enjoy playing the game but its more Borderlands 2.5 or something then an MMO and I don't feel the need to burn through it in a week. I have not purchased any of the dlc because of course its not out and its expensive. I think at a lower entry fee they would have gained more customers.
I completely agree with you on this. If the game had came out at around 20 dollars then I probably would have purchased it. Trion is hoping to make money from micro transactions/dlc anyway so why have such a high cost of entry? They should have done a DC Universe type of setup. There is still time for them to do that, but they wont because they want to be like Blizzard.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm waiting to see what happens to the MMO when Syfy shit cans the crappy show.
Haven't played the game yet. Watched the show, liked the first one but the second episode was meh. Already too predictable. So much Politically Correct ANGST, so tired of it. The show might get better though, so I'll keep checking it out. And it does make me curious about the game.

TRION was pretty good about fixing up RIFT's initial problems so hopefully they can do the same with the game. If I keep watching the show then it is inevitable it will get me into the game at some point. Which is true of a lot of people. TRION is counting on it, so the game isn't a write off yet.


Silver Squire
They should of just went full cash shop with no box fee. Regular DLC at a reasonable cost. The game isn't good enough to justify a box price IMO. I experienced most of what was available during beta in one weekend. Regardless as a MMO, this is a terrible game.

The show is pretty bad as well. This game doesn't have enough in it to stand on its own should the show fail, which is very likely.

I don't know what Trion was thinking but Defiance was poorly done from start to finish. Launch strategy, game, pretty much everything.


Useless lazy bastard.
I think this game may break the record for collapse of an MMO title. Between the hacks and the lack of content the place is a complete wasteland. Suits the atmosphere of the genre but not the concept of a multiplayer game. You'd be excused for thinking that you are just on a poorly chosen server but then realize that there is only one server...

Not having much in the way of loot progression was okay when the game was at least a fun distraction to blow shit up. Trying to solo an arkfall while getting perma snared only to have someone walk up and one shot it after you've been whittling away for a few minutes just takes all the wind out of your sails.
I have no clue how the US servers are, but here in europe the game is crammed right now. Considering the spread of EGO levels Ive seen tonight in the instances, its also has quite a lot of both old and new players /shrug.

Think it might be a bit early for the doom and gloom to start, but I do agree they need to start adding content. The combat system needs to be used by more MMOs, hell just logging into "other" MMOs to raid right now feels retarded.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Watched the show, liked the first one but the second episode was meh.
It's a pure Western show, wrapped in CGI and makeup. For the first ep., substitute "Fallen Ark" with "Broken Diligence", "Terrasphere" with "Crate of Dynamite", "Volge" with "Apaches", and so on, and you have a perfect match. The second ep. is almost pure western, but the Mafia match breaks down already (the "italians" get an infusion of Apache... well, they're supposed to come from the same place after all). And, of course, you get the modern infusion of conspiracy... can't have a '10s show without an overarching conspiracy.

Regarding the game, I've got zero wish to check it. I hate FPS, and it's mostly one, so no.


Vyemm Raider
It's a pure Western show, wrapped in CGI and makeup. For the first ep., substitute "Fallen Ark" with "Broken Diligence", "Terrasphere" with "Crate of Dynamite", "Volge" with "Apaches", and so on, and you have a perfect match. The second ep. is almost pure western, but the Mafia match breaks down already (the "italians" get an infusion of Apache... well, they're supposed to come from the same place after all). And, of course, you get the modern infusion of conspiracy... can't have a '10s show without an overarching conspiracy.

Regarding the game, I've got zero wish to check it. I hate FPS, and it's mostly one, so no.
I see it much more as "Eureka with aliens".

Ex-military cop, with a daughter, new to the town, saves the town over and over....


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, that element definitely is very Eureka-ish and didn't go unnoticed. The daughter even has an attitude to start, like Carter's daughter did ;p


has an outie
They should of just went full cash shop with no box fee. Regular DLC at a reasonable cost. The game isn't good enough to justify a box price IMO. I experienced most of what was available during beta in one weekend. Regardless as a MMO, this is a terrible game.

The show is pretty bad as well. This game doesn't have enough in it to stand on its own should the show fail, which is very likely.

I don't know what Trion was thinking but Defiance was poorly done from start to finish. Launch strategy, game, pretty much everything.
Tbh with the cash shop and dlc, I 100% expected the game to be F2P. I thought the F2P was part of the draw. I just recently found out about the box price... there's no way I'm interested anymore. :/ The show was bad enough.


<Gold Donor>
Aside the fucked up UI, the game at its core is not that bad. Its just shallow and severely lacking in content. Aside the asinine achivements, anyone can finish this game in like a month, less if you are hardcore.

The PvP is all fucked up. Its basically stealth and double barreled shotty in your face and youre dead. THere is something wrong with your PvP if you have all these options, all these weapons, builds, and yet 98.53% of people which PvP are stealth and double barrel shotty.


Molten Core Raider
No one playing anymore? hah

Fairly sure I saw some blatant hacking tonight, guy was running around to arkfalls and killing them in 5-10 seconds, then longer but still way too fast when they grew. Tried to screenshot the scoreboard where this guy blew everyone else away, but of course you can't do that in full screen. Oh well, I should be in borderless windowed fullscreen anyways right? Oh yeah, they don't have that. What fucking year is this anyways?

(been reading gun damage is stored client side or something, but they can't be that dumb can they?)
Its all client side. I turned on a generic speed hack and was destroying everything instantly.
instant gun reload etc


Molten Core Raider
blatent hacking would probably be detected. But just applying a 15% perma boost would probably go unnoticed.


this game seemed like a good idea, FPS with some MMO elements. There are some serious problems with the game though. Constant server crashes, disconnects, last week everyone got kicked up to level 1000 and a huge roll back happened. They have complete noobs for server admins IMO, they need to crash and burn =(


Silver Knight of the Realm
So, this thread made it to page 3 - game is officially dead; I was only reminded of its existence due to a steam offer! Wonder if they cancelled the show yet.


Lord Nagafen Raider
They actually just bought a second season. It will be another Stargate Universe kinda deal though, I'm sure. This shit will suck hard until we're down to like 7 eps left in Season 2 and then they get their shit together just enough that I will regret them not renewing it.