Denizens of FOH I call upon thee!


This was in my FoH PM inbox, with the subject "Dumb, dumb, dumb..."

Hypocrites, pathetic, losers.... I really could go on more...You all start shit you can"t finish, I promise you that there are a lot more people into cars and bikes than little gamer nerds. You all complain about how there must have been some script that helped Brooke win and in the same sentence, you all can"t stop talking about how retarded we are, unfortunately for you, being a gamer nerd doesn"t make you smart. It"s funny how all of you needed to enlist the help of the really smart people to come up with a script to help your friend win, and she still didn"t! The fact that you all would vote for some girl, while pretty, but not as HOT as the other girl just because she was nasty enough to show all of you her nasty tits. I REAL man who actually sees a woman with nice tits "IRL" would not be impressed with such pictures. You call the other girl a slut because of a tattoo...but did she post nudes to get her votes??? NO! She didn"t have to stoop to being a whore to buy her votes. The fact that all of you voted for Tasha just for those nasty pictures shows just how PATHETIC you all are. Get lives! Get out and meet REAL people, get out of your grandma"s panties in your mom"s basements, stop masturbating and live a little! Stop getting pissed because you all got beat after trying to cheat. Seriously, how can you say that was rigged? You ALL admitted in the beginning that Brook was better looking, and you voted for the 12 y/o boy-girl anyway...because you saw some nasty titties. If this forum was never here and you came across the contest, who would you have voted for? And you must have all forgotten who started this whole thing...according to your own posts, Brooke didn"t post anything until she found out about you guys, yet you call her a bitch and say she messed with you??? You all are retarded....grow the fuck up, be MEN for a change.


Szlia said:
I also don"t believe that Brooke girl was in on it, because if she was, why would she have posted anywhere ever to get votes?
Yeah, I don"t think she was the lead "haxor" or had anything against Tasha.

For me the fishy part is how the contest ended out of the blue just after she pulled ahead.
It"s probably the sponsoring company wanting the former cover model over anyone else.

I was pretty shocked when I got home to see FOHSS on breasts AND she lost. I feel bad for Tasha.


Molten Core Raider
Presarc said:
This was in my FoH PM inbox, with the subject "Dumb, dumb, dumb..."

Hypocrites, pathetic, losers.... I really could go on more...You all start shit you can"t finish, I promise you that there are a lot more people into cars and bikes than little gamer nerds. You all complain about how there must have been some script that helped Brooke win and in the same sentence, you all can"t stop talking about how retarded we are, unfortunately for you, being a gamer nerd doesn"t make you smart. It"s funny how all of you needed to enlist the help of the really smart people to come up with a script to help your friend win, and she still didn"t! The fact that you all would vote for some girl, while pretty, but not as HOT as the other girl just because she was nasty enough to show all of you her nasty tits. I REAL man who actually sees a woman with nice tits "IRL" would not be impressed with such pictures. You call the other girl a slut because of a tattoo...but did she post nudes to get her votes??? NO! She didn"t have to stoop to being a whore to buy her votes. The fact that all of you voted for Tasha just for those nasty pictures shows just how PATHETIC you all are. Get lives! Get out and meet REAL people, get out of your grandma"s panties in your mom"s basements, stop masturbating and live a little! Stop getting pissed because you all got beat after trying to cheat. Seriously, how can you say that was rigged? You ALL admitted in the beginning that Brook was better looking, and you voted for the 12 y/o boy-girl anyway...because you saw some nasty titties. If this forum was never here and you came across the contest, who would you have voted for? And you must have all forgotten who started this whole thing...according to your own posts, Brooke didn"t post anything until she found out about you guys, yet you call her a bitch and say she messed with you??? You all are retarded....grow the fuck up, be MEN for a change.
The plot thickens


Presarc said:
This was in my FoH PM inbox, with the subject "Dumb, dumb, dumb..."

Hypocrites, pathetic, losers.... I really could go on more...You all start shit you can"t finish, I promise you that there are a lot more people into cars and bikes than little gamer nerds. You all complain about how there must have been some script that helped Brooke win and in the same sentence, you all can"t stop talking about how retarded we are, unfortunately for you, being a gamer nerd doesn"t make you smart. It"s funny how all of you needed to enlist the help of the really smart people to come up with a script to help your friend win, and she still didn"t! The fact that you all would vote for some girl, while pretty, but not as HOT as the other girl just because she was nasty enough to show all of you her nasty tits. I REAL man who actually sees a woman with nice tits "IRL" would not be impressed with such pictures. You call the other girl a slut because of a tattoo...but did she post nudes to get her votes??? NO! She didn"t have to stoop to being a whore to buy her votes. The fact that all of you voted for Tasha just for those nasty pictures shows just how PATHETIC you all are. Get lives! Get out and meet REAL people, get out of your grandma"s panties in your mom"s basements, stop masturbating and live a little! Stop getting pissed because you all got beat after trying to cheat. Seriously, how can you say that was rigged? You ALL admitted in the beginning that Brook was better looking, and you voted for the 12 y/o boy-girl anyway...because you saw some nasty titties. If this forum was never here and you came across the contest, who would you have voted for? And you must have all forgotten who started this whole thing...according to your own posts, Brooke didn"t post anything until she found out about you guys, yet you call her a bitch and say she messed with you??? You all are retarded....grow the fuck up, be MEN for a change.
To the person who wrote this: Real tits > Fake tits. Your argument is invalid.


These guys seem to think we ask for tits because we"re desperate to see them. We ask for FOHSS on tits because its like a trophy for our efforts.

Has anyone saved all the images of FOHSS on tits over the years? If so you we should make a new SS banner.


Got the same message presarc. And yes no way this contest received close to a million votes in total, let alone the numbers "speculated" by one person. Possible it was still scripted though... huge vote swing between 2:44 and 2:54pm.


Pub said:
These guys seem to think we ask for tits because we"re desperate to see them. We ask for FOHSS on tits because its like a trophy for our efforts.

Has anyone saved all the images of FOHSS on tits over the years? If so you we should make a new SS banner.
How can anyone on this forum be desperate for tits when I"m here? My mere existence negates that argument.


Tranny Chaser
Wolfen said:
How can anyone on this forum be desperate for tits when I"m here? My mere existence negates that argument.
Exactly. I"m sure anyone coming here to talk smack "accidentally" checks out nine or ten pages of the PGT before leaving.


That person should be less concerned with cars and bikes and more concerned with grammar and sentence structure. What a fucking rube.


Molten Core Raider
epr0 | Camper_love said:
I live up in Sandy, we should give this man a little FoH love.

No I"m jk, I am a very weak scared man who runs away from all confrontations.
I pretend that I live in Sandy but I actually live in White City =p


Molten Core Raider
Damn that sucks. I didn"t even log all my comps back on and vote any more cause it was such a huge gap that I didn"t want to make it look like we were cheating.

As for the retard that told her about us... you"re a fucking cock sucking asshole licking cum stain.

And to the guy who said we should grow up and see real titties... you are a dumb fuck if you think the point is just to see titties you neanderthal. The point is to see how far a girl is willing to go to get what she wants. For a small reward for the good we do her, which in this case we no longer deserve cause let"s face it.. we cheated and they cheated. They won. End of story.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Denonazngreek said:
This is all irrelevant. We must avenge our loss, and make them regret the day they came across FOHSS.
I wouldn"t. Did you know there are more people that like motorcycles and cars than you actually think? That thought alone made me re-think my life of "video games".

You all start shit you can"t finish, I promise you that there are a lot more people into cars and bikes than little gamer nerds.


Seems pretty questionable

Would have felt a lot more legit if it hadn"t been so obviously BOOM, SWITCH, BROOKE WINS in a very short time period. I don"t *personally* feel that we let her down, since she got a metric fuckton of votes and the ending really made it seem rigged. Still sucks that she didn"t win though after going FoHSS.
Does the radio station take calls on air? Can someone ring up, pretend you want to talk about whatever topic they"re covering and when you get on air ask why the competition over ran time while Tasha was leading? How a magical 20 point swing occurred during that overtime? And how the competition was then closed once the other chick hit the lead?


Wow, some child molestin" mother fucker actually PM"d everyone in this thread?

rofl, no life much? Not people lame enough and have that kind of time on their hands to PM with their dumbcunt bullshit. Really?!?

god that"s hilarious.


Tred said:
They might try and run us over with their motorscooters! *cower*
We need to agree to meet them somewhere, and they dig some holes before they arrive!

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