If I was looking for sympathy I wouldn't be posting it here. It wasn't intended to be a fucking sob story, I was simply responding to a post that I related to with the cold truth. I mostly stopped posting here because I've been talking to my doctor instead. (therapists = waiting lists. I'm not suicidal.) Except that conversation seems to just be running in circles now. It's painful and frustrating. It sucks. Different things have helped here and there, but there's been no magical breakthrough. I don't feel fucking miserable every minute I'm at my job or alone, and I don't feel like my body is screaming at me to run away for no goddamn reason, and that's actually quite significant. Yay me.
I don't know what you mean when you say I don't respond to questions asking for details. As far as I can recall there haven't been any. I keep it short and on point because I don't like writing (or reading) one-sided walls of text. Especially on this subject. I don't respond to other's problems because I don't know how to help them any more than I know how to help myself. I'm not conceited enough to think I can know someone over a fucking message board. The communication is too limited, the room for interpretation is boundless. I don't connect the same way - I don't know how anyone could. I don't expect to gain much from it, but I'm happy when I'm surprised otherwise. There's been some details here that have helped. Writing it out has helped, too. Understand that most of this is shit that I have discussed with -no one- for over two decades. Stuff that I've done everything in my power to ignore or avoid. Belittle if if you want to be an ass (or are trying to help in some roundabout way, thanks but I don't care for that kind of game) but this IS significant.
Eidal, depressed people who have truly "given up" are.. get this.. probably seemingly content. If you give up it means you have no desire to change. They may be depressed but they aren't buried in a pit of despair because they've stopped looking for a rope. I've given up many times, and regretted it later. I've tried and succeeded and I've tried and failed. That's the cycle. The problem is the successes have been fairly shot-lived. I haven't been able to gain momentum. And it gets harder and harder to get started each time. Yes, I'm speaking in broad generalizations, but who the hell wants to read someone's life story? It's easy to despise depressed people. Not everyone has empathy or compassion. They are called assholes. Hell, I don't like other depressed people - I need an "upper" to bring me up, not a kindred spirit to wallow in misery with. That's why, for the most part, I just stick to the humor threads and the dick jokes. I like to laugh. I like to make myself laugh. I'm always looking for a joke. Yes, it's another goddamn form of avoidance. It's my armor and my shield. The sad clown, the Robin Williams. But it sure beats bitching all the time, just as you said.
Do you know how much I have bitched about my life throughout eq, wow, our irc channel, and so on? Pretty much never. I'll bitch about game mechanics or something that others can relate to, sure. A lot of that was because I was unhappy about other things, yes. But I never talked about myself, until one day I just randomly posted something here and it helped get the ball rolling. I saw a doctor. I got drugs to stop the panic attacks. I started enjoying some things again. I didn't just fucking bitch about things and leave them alone like pissing in the wind. I don't waste my time writing shit down for no reason.