Just had my second Psychiatrist appointment yesterday with this new guy. I was put on Lexapro/Wellbutrin combo a few months ago. Has worked reasonably well, but started to feel like it was losing effect last month. He upped my Wellbutrin, so we'll see how that goes. He also does psychotherapy. Downside is every Psychiatrist and therapist around here that are decent don't take insurance and they're stupidly expensive. Can't afford to go every week at $190 per hour
Catch 22. My failure at a career/financially is one of my issues, but I need to have a good career to get help with my issues due to the expense.
Anyone who feel like their issues are beyond help and they're kind of screwed? That's where I'm at.
What area are you in, there's often support to help people that have income issues depending on your area - with psychiatric more commonly than general health care in my experience.
On my own life - when I talked about running out of my meds a month or so ago - due to it being Xmas time I was completely through withdrawal by the time I was getting answered since I wasn't being too pushy and have stayed off and not followed up getting my meds replaced now that I'm noticing that my post-move personal support structure is now awesome and I think the meds helped me make that gateway to help replace the missing RL social element of my life which has almost gone into overdrive now.
I seriously would hang out with my own friends (outside of Facebook type stuff) on the order of once a year or so - casual friends every month with none ever getting particularly close (none have contacted us since the move, or even for the couple months we weren't seeing anyone because of the car accident I had near the hangout that made me nervous to get over there [if you're ever in MD, York Rd sucks and people drive extra stupid on it]) - yet here, with just one Meetup group that I've been active with - I honestly feel like a rockstar with me getting my "Norm!" type greetings when I come to anything, even to the point of people expressing disappointment when we've got a conflict, encouraging us to mooch when we forget cash for a pitch in thing (not that I ever do - I hate mooching), people lending us $80 board games to help them learn since they're having a challenge finding the time to teach themself on their own schedule, etc. Like seriously, it feels like in terms of importance of the Meetup (which is pretty large overall - about 60 active people or so right now I'd guesstimate with around 20-30 attending at least once a month, about 10 make almost every event) we're probably considered some of the most valuable people to it below the two guys that actually manage the Meetups themselves. [One night overlaps with a local Makerspace which has it's own]
It's kind of funny that for at least a decade, I was convincing myself that making RL friends was too hard and all I really needed was myself and my wife and a little foruming/online gaming to fill in for random socializing. It really isn't. And all my stupid anxieties that I have over meeting people and why I had decided to alienate myself from people were complete bullshit. With my oculodigitaldental dysplasia (assuming they haven't altered the name slightly again - if anyone wiki's it, might be slightly different but still reference) - no one ever comments on my slightly odd bits of appearance that come with the condition and have always been something I beat myself up over mentally - and people are regularly being aggressive about approaching ME as a friend. I've got tons already, perfectly content and keep getting more throwing themselves at me.
[Hell, due to the dental part of the condition, basically I have baby teeth levels of enamel on my adult teeth, very fragile - missing most of two of my front teeth (from a moving mishap with clocking myself on the chin with a dresser) while I'm going through the whole dental replacement thing - dentist wanted to remove them now, then install the apparatus in 2-3 months - and haven't even had one comment, I'm not even sure if people don't notice or are just mellow about it. I'll be happier when they're replaced, but it barely seems necessary as funny as that sounds (definitely want them in place before I open my store if that still happens though - I actually delayed it because of the teeth - the excuse of "waiting till I know which area I want to buy the home in versus the renting this year while I find out which area I prefer for a home buy" was honestly just an obfuscation to legitimize the delay without admitting the teeth thing (although living close is beneficial for obvious reasons - I wouldn't mind a reasonable commute around here]
Anyhow, babbling at this point. It's amusing how far I've gone in so little time - wasn't actually a plan of mine with the move, but being in a new environment really helped me hit a reset button on my life to help me fix cracks in the foundation of my psyche that I'd convinced myself I had. Not an option for everyone of course - but something to consider if/when you have the opportunity, sometimes a change of environment can really turn things around (with appropriate support on the segway into it as well - don't just say "New environment, no meds!" or anything - might work in the longrun, but stupid in the short)