
Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I started having seizures a few years ago when i was 28. my first known seizure was after i brought home a girl i had met at the bar. next morning she woke me up frantic saying i was having a seizure. After that one, i immediately started having them every couple weeks on average. with some 2-3month breaks thrown in. At first it seemed that drinking(being hungover) was causing the seizures, so i immediately quit drinking. this does not seem to have helped at all. not only am i still having seizures but i had been a functioning alcoholic for most of my life. now my coping mechanism and my social crutch has been taken from me at what feels like the worst possible time.

I have seen a couple neurologists and both were just glorified drug reps. one told me i should use google to answer my questions. the other did nothing but tell me about his other patients my age who take multiple medications and still have seizures. when i told both that i quit drinking, neither cared. one said "sure, if that's what you think"

The medications have made me feel awful. i have tried 5 different drugs and none have stopped me from seizing. Nearly all of my seizures have been in the morning/shortly after waking up. and after having a seizure i am usually unconscious for 5-6hours. because of this i missed work without calling out multiple times and was fired. I just got denied unemployment and disability. while seizing i have snapped my shoulder blade in half, chipped a tooth, and other small injury. I feel like i have been really lucky not to hurt myself too badly yet. but with how often its happening i feel like its only a matter of time.

I dont know what to do.. I feel like i am constantly having an "aura"(i hate that they use this word to describe this experience). I am scared to leave the house for fear of seizing in the street, And i am going to be evicted pretty soon.
It's a longshot but if you live in a medical marijuana state you can try some of the high CBD content weed that's gotten a lot of press recently in successfully treating kids with severe epilepsy.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.... had to move my psychiatrist appointment and ran it out too far for my Efexor scrip by accident so I'm having to skip some doses. Holy shitballs does this suck to be in withdrawl from - skipped yesterday and forgot to take it before I started a long dose of errands today (about 6 hrs worth), I felt like I was going to die. Heart racing, vertigo, sudden bouts of extreme tiredness, hot flashes, cold flashes, slurred speech.

Seems like it's metabolizing quickly because the withdrawl issues are fading pretty quickly (only having mild vertigo now versus the worst I can ever recall earlier and a little temperature oddity), at the 15 min mark or so after redosing ATM, but holy shit was that a horrid experience. And I've got to fit in about 5 skip days before I see her again, fun fun fun... This was a double skip this time, but how bad it was really scares me about those 5 days I'll need to fit into the next 19.


Trakanon Raider
Call your doctor and ask if he is willing to refill it until your next appointment. Effexor withdrawal is a motherfucker.


Whenever I see people together, or talk about having friends or a partner... it fucking sends me into a downward spiral. It's a stab in the heart. As if veryone were telling me, "Look at what you can't have. Look at what you'll never have."


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Whenever I see people together, or talk about having friends or a partner... it fucking sends me into a downward spiral. It's a stab in the heart. As if veryone were telling me, "Look at what you can't have. Look at what you'll never have."
I've lost track, you unmedicated? Because while that specific worry wasn't one of mine - alot of stupid worries I used to have I can think of and then let them pass by at this point with medication, whereas before I'd dwell on them and it would just build up more and more and more until I either exploded or internalized it hurting myself.

And of course, when you're dwelling on things and listening to all that negative self-reinforcement from that dwelling it's going to be hard to approach people and get to know them to fix that issue that keeps being a key issue to you.

Not sure if the Crisis lines are exactly right to get you advice as to what services are best for you and available locally - but I'd hope they could at least direct you to the right number even if it's wrong -County Map with Crisis Numbers


Trakanon Raider
Troll, are you working with a therapist? Medicine can help but until you address the cognitive distortions you constantly bring up in this thread, you will probably never get better.


I have to wait til Monday for sessions to start again.

And I was taking a break from meds after Prozac pushed me to feeling suicidal. I'm going to have start trying again, I think.


Trakanon Raider
A lot of people require up to 3 trials with an antidepressant prior to finding one that works. That is taking into account you have been diagnosed correctly. Who is prescribing medication: a psychiatrist or a primary care provider?


It's been my PCP... getting in to see a psych around here is nearly impossible. I've been waiting for an eval for ADD meds, but they keep calling me while I'm asleep, and when I call back, the spot's been filled.


Trakanon Raider
Frequently, problems with concentration and focus are mood related. I'm hesitant to give anyone stimulants for any reason (but I work with a poor white trash, fresh out of prison, give me all the drugs crowd). I imagine once your mood symptoms are addressed, you'll have an easier time paying attention. But seeing a psychiatric specialist is helpful to make certain your treatment is following the correct course.


I was diagnosed ADD a long time ago. I stopped the meds when I was younger because I hated how they made me feel, even though they helped me concentrate. It's something I've lived with my whole life basically, and to me is a very different animal from the depression, which didn't develop until later. But I do need the consult. I just wish they'd have a fucking opening for me so I can get it.

Now that I'm going back to school, though... I really need something to help me. It's been a struggle just concentrating. I can do it, but it's a 100x harder than it should be.


Vyemm Raider
Just get me through the fucking holidays with the constant reminders of everything.

Sleeping a lot helps.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Find a new therapist. The only time my old therapist ever cancelled on me was because his whole building was shut down for the day, and he got me in within a couple days.


Vyemm Raider
Oh what the fuck, I didn't miss any doses but I'm at work with my hands shaking like an addict in detox.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Oh what the fuck, I didn't miss any doses but I'm at work with my hands shaking like an addict in detox.
That sounds like one of the first things I started getting as my falls started with my neurologic shit - which I don't think is a detox thing usually. If it's like how it was hitting me, usually calming myself for 10 min or so would let it abate (and if I was getting emotional/worked up it would last much longer). If it keeps up and it's not a med thing (like I'd imagine, not sure which meds you're on to look at the PDR for detox stuff) you might be due for getting involved with a neurologist if my history is any indication.


Just found this thread - never visited this subforum before. Been dealing with this shit my entire life and it's gotten a lot worse lately. Psychologist told my mom when I was a kid that I would probably be a significant player in whatever field I pursued. In point of fact, I'm now 30 and selling fucking phone contracts at walmart.

Recently returned to college and blitzed through the calc series and early data structures classes. Then I began dropping down to a single class a semester. Now, it's none. I am terribly afraid of all people and any attempt I put forth to concentrate on anything is overpowered by a cloud of sheer misery. Both of my parents are MD's (neither in psychology) and they're sympathetic to my condition, but I can't bring myself to tell them how bad it's gotten.

I have a close group offriends, but I none of them can really relate to this. Most are finished with or about to finish their phd's and will likely move away within a few years.

I have tried pretty much every med I know of. I can't tolerate SSRI's, welbutrin gave me seizures, effexor gave my agonizing headaches and dehydrated me due to profuse sweating, etc etc. Mirtazapine has attenuated my insomnia to an extent, but I haven't found d its antidepressan effects to be sufficiently potent. I just don't know what to do.

There isn't really any point to this post, but it falls in line with a lot of the others and i hope it might provide a tinge of relief to let out. Sorry if this was inappropriate or overly meandering or irrelevant.

Edit: on phone. Sorry for typoes


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I know it's not a fun option to consider, but have you considered looking at going inpatient for a few days to really get things worked through? Especially with all the medication "misses" it seems like a close monitoring situation would be the way to resolve things properly.


Well, I left work in a frantic rush to tell my parents how shitty things have gotten, and that was their immediate suggestion as well. They're in radiology and internal medicine, so this is well outside the bounds of their expertise, buut the suggestion seemed reasonable enough to me.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yea, don't get me wrong - my experience definitely had some "Cuckoo's Nest" moments - but it definitely did me a world of good getting me on a proper regimen and some of the training exercises to drown out some of the "static" that would drive me nuts.