Gavin, it really is kind of scary how much you are like I used to be. I was a nihilist in the literal sense, not the Hollywood sense, and I very much wanted to die but was too scared to off myself. I spent my teens and 20s treating my body like shit and hating myself and most everyone else. I played video games as much as possible and destroyed the few close friendships I ever had. I eventually came to a point where I was drowning in debt and had nothing to live for. I got lucky, though. I had a moment of clarity, and swallowed my pride and went back home to rebuild my life. For me meditation was a big part of that change. I saw the damage my bi-polar episodes were doing and chose to fix it. I could have done therapy, but the only shrink I ever went to immediately wanted to put me on some drugs, and I told him hell no.
After that I started looking at the mistakes I had made over the years and decided to rectify some of them. I got my debts in order. I got my AS. I got a job. I'm still a very deeply fucked up individual, and always will be. The only real difference is that I am fucked up in ways I embrace, and I no longer give two shits what anyone else thinks about it. I might die tomorrow, and that's OK, but I am making the most of whatever time I have, because why the hell not? There is more interesting and fun stuff out there than anyone could possibly enjoy in a thousand lifetimes. There is no make believe old dude in the sky giving people eternal blowjobs and pie, but that's OK too, if you want a purpose for your life then you can make one up like everyone else always has.