No gyms are open
I ride a bike but that doesn’t seem to help
Absolutely, but not like that.Has anyone here self harmed?
I ended up bursting a blood vessel in my eye the other day after literally beating myself up
Try jumprope, sounds like you’re being a kid again but it’s great cardio and it really burns fat pretty well.No gyms are open
I ride a bike but that doesn’t seem to help
Honestly I can’t do jump rope or jumping jacks: my equilibrium is shot and I’ll literally get dizzy after 10 or so jumpsTry jumprope, sounds like you’re being a kid again but it’s great cardio and it really burns fat pretty well.
Ouch that sucks, how about swimming? Crewing is good too or kayaking. Mowing the yard also burns calories and is pretty therapeutic in a wayHonestly I can’t do jump rope or jumping jacks: my equilibrium is shot and I’ll literally get dizzy after 10 or so jumps
Ouch that sucks, how about swimming? Crewing is good too or kayaking. Mowing the yard also burns calories and is pretty therapeutic in a way
Ya know... my bad... sorry I keep forgetting about fucking corona... guess this is a case you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone :|we have a community pool, but Covid...
nowhere close by for boating
I don’t have a yard
What you say is true. And if you do not have some serious issues, I highly recommend, if a doctor casually tries to prescribe you an ssri, tell that doctor to fuck off, and immediately find another one. They are *not* minor drugs. They get into your brain wiring so that withdrawals are ... not hell like heroin hell, but they are amazingly weird. If I try to stop I get things called "brain zaps." You can google them. It is messed up.
If I could deal without them, I would. But, I was getting awfully close to the " suicidal and totally non functional " zone you mention. So, the side effects for me are a nasty trade-off, but I will still take that deal.
But I will also say this: I am not sure how well they actually "work." All I experienced was, they got rid of "the worst of the worst" mood swings and feelings I would regularly get. But my opinion is, ssri's are no where close to a "cure." The just take off the really sharp edges. But you are right: they have a nasty side effect on that primal libido side.
But I'm just overjoyed I actually enjoy my morning coffee. I can handle living like this lol.
It’ll pass, the adverse effects. Have faith. It’s better to wean than cold turkey though. Gives the tissue time to upregulate receptors without too hard side effects.I don’t understand how y’all can do SSRI’s, I think they’re fucking brain poison. Sure if you’re suicidal and totally non functional, they are better than the alternative, but the joy/libido killing factor strips most meaning from life. SSRI’s stole my sex drive, which has persisted long after stopping them, and you quickly realize that the hidden motivation behind a lot of things you do and look forward to in life revolve around pussy. Take away the desire for pussy and it’s like a big void of meaningless appears in your life.
It’ll pass, the adverse effects. Have faith. It’s better to wean than cold turkey though. Gives the tissue time to upregulate receptors without too hard side effects.
Also, docs got some other good stuff in the medicine bag you might enjoy down the line. Tadalafinil 5mg daily will make you a trooper in no time. Stay vigilant, brother.
Get tested for testosterone levels. Get some butt pellets fromIt’s been a few years at this point and the problem isn’t getting it up, it’s interest. Just not horny anymore at all, not interested in chasing tail. It’s like I can recognize a woman as beautiful, but that emotional and physiological response that would make you climb mountains to plow her are gone— she might as well be a lovely painting. Those drugs rob you of your ability to *feel*.