I'll be on some tonight
and for sure Sat night.
The game was absolute shit prior to Taken King, defending it before that point is hilarious.
Mkopec, I loved TKK and when they actually did something with the loot garbage (And had to fly in the Diablo team to tell them what to do because they didn't have a clue lol)
It will be interesting to see if they come out with the same abortion Destiny vanilla was, or if they actually learned how to make a compelling and addictive game that it should have been. Like anything (Not trolling) it's always the second game which shows the real results of the first's success. Case in point - everyone and their mom bought Watchdogs. Watchdogs 2, even though better, didn't touch it with a ten foot pole. Why? People fall for the hype, and won't get burned again.
Watch Dogs 2 launch sales nowhere near Watch Dogs 1
Same for when Ass. Creed unity hit and sold a metric ton because of the success of Blackflag. Look what happened the year after with syndicate:
Assassin's Creed Syndicate sales "clearly" impacted by Unity
I am willing to bet Destiny 2 will see a VERY slow trickle of sales and if good, may still never fully recover from the abortion that was Destiny 1 and it's first two cut content expansion packs.
This is a cycle that has been repeating since Medal of Honor.
So while one can say the first did well financially (Which it did), the second game is always the judging factor on if the game was actually good, or if people fell for the hype and are trying to sugar coat it. For me personally, if it is more of TKK style gaming, I am all in. However, there are a lot of pissed off people out there. And regardless, because of the Destiny/Bungie screw job, I will be VERY cautious to even consider a day one purchase.
Basically, it proves that gaming consumers aren't lemmings and easily conned

Which is a good thing my man.