FPS noob
- 23,680
- 27,770
We asjked to be raped. It is our fault
Maybe if you didn't walk around with your credit card out then game companies wouldn't ask you to pay more for the game you bought, ever think about that? Bungie is just human, if they see a person flashing cash of course they are gonna want some.
Did you guys ever previously run prestige? Or are you mad just based on principle?
Platinum'd on 9/27
Destiny 2 Trophies - PS4
i got 200+ hours so not gonna call in plus I don't mind playing once in a while still and i own the DLCs. Still, its a bitch ass move by any company to lock launch trophies behind DLCs and imo its just as bad as loot crates and shit and there is zero excuse to allow it. "Players asked for harder nightfall" is not a fucking excuse, change the platinum trophy then to not require the new DLC locked trophies.
Anyways apparently Sony is not refunding at all, just about everyone is getting refused. Xbox is pretty cool though and will probably refund you if you ask nicely and flirt a little. I don't know about Battle.net/Activision