Finished it up last night, not bad for a $15 DLC. Took about 3-4 hours? Wasnt paying attention to time. But now its done and back to doing weekly shit, lul. Ended up at 318 or so which is not bad. Scored 2 exotic engrams that decrypted to shit I already have so they didnt fix that shit I guess. Would be nice to get one of the new weapons like the red death pulse pistol or that Pratorians lens or whatever its called. Im calling it right now, that lens will be the new meta in crucible. Saw a few people already with it and you cannot compete with that weapon 1v1. It seems to me like the ttk with that thing is like ~.5 sec. Its crazy good.
Did the heroic strike thing, got 2 of 3 to be on venus, they were cool strikes but mirrored 2 of the missions you did in campaign, like exactly. they are also not too hard, like the heoic missions on venus, more in that later. One of them was a big boss in the past atop of the tower you had to climb that moves in a circle around the top of the tower, the other was the red legion commander you had to chase just like the story. Pretty cool strikes but did they have to make them exactly like story missions?
Venus is really small and you cannot do the forest thing without accepting a mission from the blind dude at the light house. So thats kind of a bummer since youre limited to the dailies to get into the forest. Tried a heroic one last night and it was pretty tough, not sure if I was under leveled but all the fucking mobs were bullet sponges, some had shields with a rotating burn like the nighfalls have, also there was a part where it was timed which I failed, they gave you 5 min to kill 2 yellow fallen sniper dudes that have an aim bot and shoot every second, surrounded by more fallen, and then a boss captain thats shielded. LUL I think that captain took me like 5 min alone to kill. He had that shrapnel launcher thing that he kept spamming. I had to wait for the correct burn to show up to do damage. But rewards were good tough, got like 5 tokens and some higher level gear even after failing the timed part.
Also got one of the prophecies, I think for doing that heroic mission, but now I have to collect 10 things that drop from chests or public events to turn into him and do whatever, except I did like 2 full PEs on venus and opened up several chests, and only managed to get one so far. LUL. So grind we shall. Also they need to fix the little jump pad things on that PE. Since it kills you like 80% of the time you use it at a certain part of the pe. Not sure if Im doing something wrong, or whatever, but I feel its fucking broken.