There's actually a relatively significant amount of people migrating back to D1 for the PVP alone. I for one like the subtle changes they've made to movement, but that's it and definitely miss the 6v6. Also, the lack of power fantasy in D2 compared to D1 is what I think is really killing it for people, maybe subconsciously. In D1, the exotics and your class felt powerful. Sometimes too powerful, but that's the point. That's exactly what separates Destiny from other shooters. This time around the exotics are extremely 'meh' compared to that of D1. The recharge rate of supers, grenades and melee is so slow, especially in PVP that by the time you get it the match is halfway over. I've only had a handful of matches where I managed two supers, and that was squeezing it in there. I hated the shotgun metas in D1 but still, would much prefer that craziness to the boring Better Devils/Mida meta that is pervasive in D2. It's just so boring right now.