Destiny 2 - Clan Link 1st Post


Gunnar Durden
I hate the new clan XP. Fuck. Hada clan of like 5 friends and we didnt care, just did it to help get each other engrams. Now I gotta find a rando one
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Gunnar Durden
Which one, I cant find anything that isnt forcing me onto discord.

I just want someone to let me farm XP for them
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The Prime Attunement buff you get each day is so worth. I've gotten 2 prime engrams each day so far.


FoH nuclear response team
Anyone have any insight on these named bounties from the spider? I'm talking about the top row that takes ghost shards or whatever to purchase.

Everytime we see one they just vanish after a few moments, I haven't had time to look into it yet but thought you assholes might have some answers.


<Gold Donor>
Most are in lost sectors, but some are roamers, just do a google search and each one now has a video. Some of the roamers are a pain in the ass becuse if you dont catch them as they spawn chances are some other asshole kills it in 2 seconds leaving you with dick in hand. The two I found to be most painful is the two nessus ones. One spawns right by the ship, and the other in the next area over where you fight the fallen tank for the strike.


That guy
So which exotic weapons are worth boosting to 500+? Got a couple nice purple weapons so far that I plan on keeping with me, namely an arc scout rifle with Outlaw and Rampage. Also went ahead and boosted a Sins of the Past to 500 since it's still the best rocket launcher. Almost seems like certain purple archetypes will be best with the right ability combos. Guess we are back to D1 status.
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Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
Whisper of the Worm is the only Exotic Weapon I boosted. Cost of infusion is too damn high to be infusing willy nilly these days.
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FoH nuclear response team
Whisper of the Worm is the only Exotic Weapon I boosted. Cost of infusion is too damn high to be infusing willy nilly these days.

Go talk to the spider and buy mats, they reset daily and you have nothing else to spend glimmer on really. Sometimes they cost shards though, so pay attention.

Tried to teleport to a section of the EDZ earlier to do some bounties and it stuck us in a strike, lol.


That guy
jesus christ pvp is back to what I hated about D1 and that's everyone running around like a faggot with a shotgun
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<Gold Donor>
Its not about the mats, yo can go to a planet and collect 30-50 ez in 30 min by doing bounties and just driving around. Its about those master work cores. I only had like 30 or so going into this expansion and they are all gone, and also had not had one masterwork purple drop in that time frame and I have 2 characters to 50 and 510 light.


<Gold Donor>
jesus christ pvp is back to what I hated about D1 and that's everyone running around like a faggot with a shotgun

Yeah, and also the range on them is crazy. I remember them nerfing the shit out of the range in D1, but here it seems like you can be within 10 yards and still get a ohk. Im not sure how I feel about this. I do like the lower ttk overall, in some games you can take out several people now. But some od these weapons that are dropping with kill clips are fucking crazy. I got a pulse with kill clip that can 2 tap. Same with my kill clip better devils.

At least people are starting to let go of the teams nuts again and venture off on their own again which is a good thing.


That guy
Yeah, and also the range on them is crazy. I remember them nerfing the shit out of the range in D1, but here it seems like you can be within 10 yards and still get a ohk. Im not sure how I feel about this. I do like the lower ttk overall, in some games you can take out several people now. But some od these weapons that are dropping with kill clips are fucking crazy. I got a pulse with kill clip that can 2 tap. Same with my kill clip better devils.

At least people are starting to let go of the teams nuts again and venture off on their own again which is a good thing.

This is a shotgun I have. If the MW had rolled Range it'd be at 96.

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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If you wait til you're lvl50 to do the Baron Adventures, you'll get a Scorn legendary piece of gear. Didn't know this on my first character, and only learned about when I had 3 barons left on my second. Ended up with 2 chest armors, 1 helmet and a Sidearm. Yesterday was funny, got 3 exotics while leveling. A suros regime, skyburners oath (never had that one, seems really underwhelming), and the Slide exotic legs for Titan.


FoH nuclear response team
That shotgun looks sick, I've been farming for my Sleeper Stimulant while I wait on my friend to get online.

I've done two of the barons and they are good so far. The bounties from spider are really going to give people plenty of knowledge about the maps.


<Gold Donor>
Also some of my other goodies are better devils with outlaw and kill clip. Some SMG with kill clip, it fucking melts. Got one of them gambit pulses from my first rank up which has full auto trigger. Its my go to PvE weapon. So the one hes got for sale when you rank up is the same thing except with kill clip which should be even better. I also got one of them other 450 pulses with rangefinder and ikill clip also energy one, 2 taps people in crucible and range is crazy. Another 450 rpm pulse just like it except kinetic too I got to drop with kill clip as well but shit for handling. Also a 200 rpm void scout with explosive payload which is fun to use. It would be nuts with either kill clip or full auto trigger. Oh, snapshot, outlaw crucible sniper which is also my go to PvE weapon. It has 5 shots so its nice to use.

So this leads me to the point that this is why crucible is the way it is. 2/3 taps for days since these kill clip weapons are dropping like candy.