I had great hopes for Beyond Light. While I enjoy the gameplay still, the narrative seems fucked and they have made a mess of both the content and the itemization. Someone explain to me how this works out in the lore. Destiny 1 started out with great premise which has been steadily sullied by casting costs and poor story choices for years. Bring in celebrity cast member for X expac, kill them off screen in a lore tab or cut scene or some other stupid thing.
I mean, It could go somewhere great but its been handled so poorly. Let's deprecate, as someone said above, 75% of all guns! WTH? How much time I spend trying to earn that machine gun that is now worthless? First bounty on Europa? Machine gun kills. There are so many different things they could have done with the story, what a waste. I mean, maybe it goes that way but why not make the Darkness super power cost something to use, like Light, and every time you use them it permanently drains your light unless you go back and talk to the Traveler. Make him an actual character. Make you choose between the two. Make the Darkness alluring, not bestial and obviously evil, yet required to finish out the story. It could be a fantastic journey, rather than the banal " Darkness subclass" now that everyone has, that you have to do, without any options. The EXO strangers retcon is stupid and eyerolling. Everything else is just /sigh. Hopefully it gets better and lives up to the promise Destiny had at launch.