thanks for the invite to the posse last night (Me and Dex)
I am still learning about everything stats wise and such as I progressed the last couple of weeks. Looking forward to playing the expac. I got caught up on the story over the last week.
I am finally getting the hang of it from a stats perspective (a bit) but yeah - this game is anything but newbie friendly (Even though I played before it's been years and everything changed)
I am also ashamed to admit I like Gambit.
I am going to need assistance and holy shit you have some good gear.
If I were Bungie I would fix a few things:
1) Pricing needs to include previous content especially if it gets vaulted - Have two options: 1) $39.99 expansion - $79.99 for Expansion and all seasons - $99 for expansion, all seasons, including all previous content.
2) When I came back, I had no fucking clue what was what. Have an Alan Wake style "Previously in Destiny..." up through to Forsaken. Then lay down the Forsaken Story campaign > Shadowkeep Story campaign > Last Light story campaign > Witch Queen story campaign. At the end of each campaign if there was seasonal content that led to more story (Likely) add a "After (Expansion) a few events occured" and fill those in with cut scenes. Get rid of the free play mission of the next expac altogether. "To continue the story, please enable (Expansio here)
3) Above all, it is so disjointed at the moment no one can have any idea what is going on because you literally have no idea what to do first and none of it is marked. Especially when you throw in those free story missions out of each expansion to get you to buy something you do not even understand story wise. They need to stop pointing people to random content they cannot have without a purchase and LEAD them there instead in a chronicled fashion. Guarantee this would get people to buy a $99 edition of everything from a free to play perspective and on.
2 and 3 only for new accounts. If another class on an account that did it already, drop them at the end of the content marked as played and give them the option to do whatever they want.