FPS noob
- 23,686
- 27,779
I hit 276 (?) light today, its kinda weird because afaik you don't see your actual decrypt light level anywhere, just your own light changes depending on your gear but the whole light level stuff is very confusing and poorly explained. My blues seem to cap out at 267, purple engrams generally will be 267 too but sometimes they will randomly jump up much higher like 273 or 278, exotics are all over the place, some quests only give 265 purple gear, and then of course you have mods which can increase an item by 5 light levels but NOT for infusing, it uses the lower level for that. Just feels scattershot and not cleanly designed.
Also not a fan of the nightfall having a time limit and you failing if you go over, hate timers and shit that stress people out. Went in solo and it doesn't seem too bad but with a base time of 10 mins (you get a few seconds for every mob you kill) and all the elemental switching stuff it feels like its going to be more stressful than fun.
Also not a fan of the nightfall having a time limit and you failing if you go over, hate timers and shit that stress people out. Went in solo and it doesn't seem too bad but with a base time of 10 mins (you get a few seconds for every mob you kill) and all the elemental switching stuff it feels like its going to be more stressful than fun.