Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'll try to answer, even though I am getting more pissed off with Bungie/Activisions way of handling the press and doing the typical misleading "Hey look, $500 million sold to retailers!" crap to mislead people into thinking they made $500 million in revenue the first day. Along with not giving any of the reviewers a chance to come out with day one reviews because they had a feeling it wouldn't garner 8, 9 and 10/10's and hurt sales. It is definitely a 6/7 out of 10 sort of game. I can explain why I feel like that after the explanation of how it is definitely like ME3, but 1st person, but without the things that made the atmosphere so awesome.

1) ME3 had a good storyline and single player component. This definitely doesn't. The single player is horseshit, with horrible voice acting, with the same rinse and repeat wave of mobs missions and nothing ever changes. The reason why I feel people can definitely be upset about this is they originally sold this as a solid story experience/universe. Alpha/Beta showed limited content and you would have fan boys saying that there is going to be much more, causing confusion in the community. When it comes out, you realize there are maybe 5? different atmosphere types, which consists of large maps getting heavily reused, and limited NPC monster/alien art. So the single player experience is MAYBE, quite honestly in my opinion, about as brainless as playing against Bots in Battlefield 1942 in single player with a back drop that never gets explained. 10 year plan or whatever the hell they are saying, it isn't engaging. AT ALL. So that 10 year plan isn't going to be worth jack if they don't make some serious changes in their DLC momentum if they come out with the same content for the next two DLC's.

2) It differs from Borderlands in that it really isn't open world. You are limited in where you can go, and while there is stuff to explore, there isn't any need too unless you are a completionist. Which is fine if you are, but going back to a planet to find 5 gold chests which aren't doing anything for me anyway since nothing seems to be dropping from them regardless (Until they fix this) isn't making it any more fun for (my) tastes. Borderlands was definitely less persistent in so far as population. You picked a group of players to play with and you were locked. Here at least you can run into random players. What the majorly fucked up here on is you have really NO way to communicate with them unless you invite them to a fireteam or friend them randomly. Otherwise, about the only interaction you are going to have is spamming a wave/salute/dance emote in a corner somewhere. You will get the occasional player that you just team up with ala the game Journey(If you ever played that, you run around a world and randomly a buddy shows up and you two work together without speaking and only communicating via blips and bloops), with zero communication and just playing together without speaking. Loot rained from the sky in Borderlands. In Destiny it is sought after and you feel a sense of accomplishment when you actually * do * get something, but the entire itemization process from 1-20 is ridiculous. In leveling to 8, I haven't seen one blue drop through playing PvP matches, single player, and one fire team. All green or white. You would think you would be able to at least get a blue drop, and heaven forbid a taste of a lower level purple. Not a thing. Whether that is because I am one unlucky guy, or because the low level rare items just flat out don't exist on the loot table, I have no idea. But being that no one else has gotten anything super cool in this level range from what I have read across the forums, I would bet it just doesn't exist.

3) The missions and encounters are EXACTLY like ME3 multiplayer in COOP. Here are a wave of enemies, now you get to a destination, now you fight more waves of enemies, then you win. Seriously, how they could not have made this more engaging boggles my mind and screams lack of effort. Considering EVERY mission is like this. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Whether it is going through a story mission or a fireteam, or if you are out on patrol - with one exception being maybe you get lucky enough to see a boss and you fire on the standard "Hit the yellow weak point". None of the bosses seem to have any cool special abilities. Which is again, astounding to me. Put some effort into it for God's sake.

Now there are some good parts, but nothing that you couldn't really find in any game out there today. Want to go hunt loot? Talk trash in party chat? You can do that in pretty much any game out there today so it brought nothing new to the table other than the fact there are more people playing it for the next 2 weeks than Diablo 3 because it is a fresh coat of paint in a different genre.

The gun play is good and very responsive, and the UI is easy to navigate. It has a fun skill system, and an itemized upgrade path for items which help you reload faster, pray more bullets, do more damage, etc. But even that upgrade is locked to the piece of armor you will have so once you loot a new piece of armor, that upgrade you got while doing a story mission, you need to go back and do it again to replace the upgrade on the new piece of armor. And that's called replayability in their eyes, which is fucking ridiculous.

The PvP is pretty much a 3-4 point conquest mode. Nothing new here either, although I really didn't expect it to be.

Basically I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of people just cash this thing out after 3-4 weeks and if they didn't buy digital, trade it in for a slew of fall games. Far Cry 4, The Evil Within, DA:I, AC: Unity, Little Big Planet 3, etc. People are going to get burned out quick on the lack of engaging gameplay in missions, horrible story so no need to follow it, and standard run of the mill PvP. The game doesn't differentiate itself from anything else, and what it tries to bring to the table it does horribly due to a lack of communication options, even when you set your fireteam option to public.

So while I am still logging in just to shoot some random crap and see if there is anything better later on in the game, I keep reminding myself of when I played River Raid on the Atari 2600 and I thought "Ok if I blow up this bridge, something really cool will happen and I will see something new" only to see the same crap, over and over. And in this day in age with the budget this thing had, watching a publisher try to side swipe fake numbers as sales in the press to garner popularity among the community, and seeing other people's reactions that feel the way I do, I wouldn't be surprised when come November this game is a ghost town.

I also went to Best Buy last night to pick up a bluetooth speaker for my deck, and saw about 50 copies sitting on randomly placed box shelves. Which makes me think their "$500 million to retail" number they spin; $350 million sitting on store shelves across the nation collecting dust.

Anyway, like others, I have nothing else to play. (Although Diablo 3 will get more attention after I put the nail into the box of this game) But once that stops, I forsee the demise of Destiny.

And that, to me, sucks. Had they gotten their mindset into making something new and fresh, it wouldn't have been years of wasted potential. Chalk up another "Not going to take a risk, lets ship mediocrity" game into the nether
This is pretty much exactly what I gathered from watching streams for a bit. Nice to see that someone who also plays the game feels the same way, probably will skip this when it comes out for PC.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
The gameplay is high quality. The game itself is just...repetitive. I don't see myself grinding a bunch of gear for no reason, really. I'll finish the story and wait for the DLC...maybe.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Serious question. What would you change about mission structure? You literally simplified it to such an extreme that every game ever made follows that same pattern.


Only thing I would change about missions is that the all the bosses weren't exactly the same. Infamous had this problem as well.

All the bosses in Destiny are one big guy that you hit a weak point on, and at certain percentages of his life he spawns adds.
All exactly the same.

They could have been a bit more creative on this, even tho it just gets monetized at the end


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm looking forward even more to the division... Destiny has some good elements, but hopefully they learn from Destiny's mistakes.


Destiny really hasn't made any mistakes , they made a game that is based on the Diablo model. People loves those grindy games. Unlike Diablo tho there is a pvp multiplayer side to it that boderlands , and other games like this do not have.

The mistake is the public trying to make this a game that it was clearly not from the beta.

I said it really early in the Alpha. Destiny is a bigger version of the Halo series. Instead of the story mode giving you small perks like the helmets etc in Halo 3, you get a large supply of gear to bring into the multiplayer shooter side of the game.

Smoke and mirrors. They just made some improvements on the Halo series which they no longer own, and were able to put a new IP together for their company.

What I expect in future expansions is more multiplayer modes, like big team battle, CTF with vechiles etc, A competive ranking mode with disable features etc.


Was able to play for an hour or so for the first time last night. No beta experience - I had fun, which is probably the norm for people experiencing it cold. My one negative takeaway so far is the Grimoire. How anyone believed that it should be web-accessible only boggles my mind. That shit needs to be implemented and accessible in game. I'm a completionist, so unlocking the stuff in the Grimoire is going to be a ton of fun for me. But for fuck's sake, let me review it in game. Even if it just amounts to reading a bunch of "index" information, it has so much of the lore and personality that the game seems to be simply missing so far (and from what I'm reading will continue to lack).

This cannot be that difficult to implement.


Trakanon Raider
While I typically agree with Ut, I don't feel the mediocrity at all in this game. Sure, I don't see anything revolutionary in a sense but I think they have taken aspects from 2-3 other genres and put the right pieces of them together.

Story: It's stale. That's all I can really say. I find it challenging at times but honestly I never feel like i'm going to fail or that anything is going to out smart me or my party. To me, it every other co-op game ever made in the FPS genre. Sure, Dinklage has some major Hollywood power but it doesn't fit. To me, if you and some friends are able to get together and have a good time hanging out and attempting to get some loot upgrades to further your character then it's tolerable and as good as anything else but not "mind-blowing better" as advertised. Apparently we haven't see raids and all that DLC will bring so the game merits playing up to and through Christmas. However, if H1Z1 came out tomorrow, I would probably drop it. Also, what's up with 3 man parties?

PvP: I've only watched this... not experienced it for myself. A few of my friends walked me through some crucible stuff and I like it. They have some serious balancing to do but I like the look and feel of it all. If they can get some balancing in place, it's going to be pretty cool. Again, nothing new here, I feel like i'm fighting for currency and reputation again which I do hate that with a great passion but here's hoping for something meaningful in the future. I'm thinking of Public Events among the factions for something worthwhile is the type of PvP I want to see. They painted a great picture at E3 a year or so ago and i've not see that magic as of yet.

Bounty Boards: To me this is the saving grace of any issues I have with the game right now. I can't help it. I'm a sucker for challenges. I would probably have enjoyed D3 so much more with Leaderboards and a decent PvP element. The bounty board derails me from monotony, while it may not for others, but it shifts my goals for a moment. I hope there is more to this coming soon.

Ultimately, when you line up the missions/story, grouping, bounty boards, crucible, raiding and whatever they have coming down the pipe, that's a lot for a game out of the box. It's beautiful, with lots of customizations, and while I wish there was more efficient means of communication, playing with friends is easy to start up and a fun experience. Again, i'm looking for the Public Event/PvP magic but for now i'm occupied. We'll see where I stand around the end of October maybe Thanksgiving.


I totally agree on the Grimoire, it's a console game. I could maybe understand if they were a PC game, and wanted to have an interface similar to battlefield with the web browser thing, but clearly they are not.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I would say they made mistakes in the social aspect of the gameplay. No chat, no out of fire team communication, no instant grouping (without going to orbit) all are pretty unforgivable... That being said what it does right is making a fun game


Trakanon Raider
I totally agree on the Grimoire, it's a console game. I could maybe understand if they were a PC game, and wanted to have an interface similar to battlefield with the web browser thing, but clearly they are not.
Agreed... this needs to be remedied


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I'm totally liking the game, but it's not a play all the time for a long term type of game for me.

For me in a strange way, it feels like FPS version of Marvel Heroes with how the game is setup. A social hub with vendors, story missions that can be replayed. Loot grind end game.

The biggest issue is the non-existing chat.

For Marvel Heroes, I go back for a week or two anytime they add a new hero I like, or new content, and I'm guessing it will be the same here...I'll come back now and again when they add new content.

Right now I'm having leveling my first character.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I totally agree on the Grimoire, it's a console game. I could maybe understand if they were a PC game, and wanted to have an interface similar to battlefield with the web browser thing, but clearly they are not.
Yeah, they really want you to use their stupid app and site. It's lame.


I would say they made mistakes in the social aspect of the gameplay. No chat, no out of fire team communication, no instant grouping (without going to orbit) all are pretty unforgivable... That being said what it does right is making a fun game
I agree, I think they will remedy these issues in the future tho.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Serious question. What would you change about mission structure? You literally simplified it to such an extreme that every game ever made follows that same pattern.
Even CoD and Battefield throw curve balls into the mix to change up the gameplay. Taking command of a vehicle like an AC-130 and supporting ground troops so you always aren't just behind a gun, in fact, zooming back and forth where you are the men on the ground, and the next step you are back in the air, and seeing the repercussions of both. Or in Battlefield 3 where you are at least manning a jet and shooting down planes to change it up so a player isn't doing the same thing all the time. This game takes it to a whole new level of boredom. Because now across Fire-team missions, Single player missions, and patrol, all you do is fight wave after wave of enemy like playing a game of Galaga. With possibly, loot at the end. Do you know how boring that gets?

What I would do? And I will also take from what other posters here have said as well.

1) They give us vehicles. Why not vehicle races? Or let's say a goofy team building guardian event where we all get together to boost morale in the face of the Fallen. In the end, give us the tool, and then make some content around the tool other than from getting from point A to point B. This should be pretty basic for Bungie, but I guess not.

2) More mission types. Did they really thing they are going to keep a player engaged by having the same mission, over and over? I know exactly how the mission will play out before I even join it. "Hey, I think we need to go over there" says Dinklage in his horribly bored voice wondering if he has reached a new career low by reading horribly written dialogue. "Ok now that we are here, I need to get into that (Cave, base, room). "Ok now that I am here, I am going to (Hack, activate, break into, steal) this thingie. "Oh no. Here comes the fallen!" Fight 3 waves. "Good work, now we can get this thingie to the thingie person". 30 second countdown.

2A) Recommended mission types alternatives: All scripted and at least one or two of these would help change it up.

1) Play as the ghost with a mini hacking game with a timer as the game takes over your character and you have a time limit to hack/steal whatever the heck it is you are trying to get. With a voice actor for the protag yelling at you to hurry up.

2) Air strikes on key fallen bases with massive killing. Give it an achievement. "It was a good day" by killing 1,000 fallen from above. With really cool random weapons that haven't been seen before that cause massive amounts of hilarity.

3) Hell, at this point, I would even consider an escort or stealth mission (Any of what we have seen before in games since 1988)

4) Boss encounters where bosses have special abilities picked from a pool of special abilities which makes a player think. They wanted to get into this Diablo loot space, at least Diablo 3 gives us bosses where mechanics are required other than "shoot yellow scale weakness spot" (If even at a limited scale)

5) They give us this world where we can see a lot of folks. Give us a player bounty mission where we can hunt someone down if they are on our friends list. Nothing screams fun like killing a an e-buddy and laughing about it.

Just a few off the top of my head, which yes, have been used before in some way or fashion, but to have none of them at all while all we do is fight waves of mobs, over and overm with no point at all.... I mean really. Was this some sort of sick experiment to see how little a designer could give us in terms of gameplay to see how long the loot carrot would make us last?

As it stands now, the game is a shell of what it could be with an empty atmosphere which could have been so much more. It's unfortunate. It makes me think this just should have been a free to play title with a cash shop. That is how little depth the atmosphere and missions give.


<Gold Donor>
I'm totally liking the game, but it's not a play all the time for a long term type of game for me.

For me in a strange way, it feels like FPS version of Marvel Heroes with how the game is setup. A social hub with vendors, story missions that can be replayed. Loot grind end game.

The biggest issue is the non-existing chat.

For Marvel Heroes, I go back for a week or two anytime they add a new hero I like, or new content, and I'm guessing it will be the same here...I'll come back now and again when they add new content.

Right now I'm having leveling my first character.
That's actually an excellent analogy - its the kind of game that you "drop in" for a few hours and then not play for weeks (aka content pushes).

Agreed with pretty much everything Ut said - Feel like Bungie missed a trick here, and the way they've been in the press etc since Beta hasn't done them any favors. Game is fun in spurts, the UI is excellent and gun play is good/great.

I'm almost 20 now, and by far my biggest grievances with the game are the retarded boss designs and communication issues (multiplayer game you say? Sweet! Let me exit the fucking game to invite you bro, one second.... whats that? You can't hear me? Wait! Come back bro, I'm inviting you before I can talk to you to ask you if I can invite you! DEEEEEERP - this shit should be one fucking button. Also, I get that they didn't want to have proximity chat and why they left something like that out, but there should definitely be a toggle for that... sometimes I want it quiet, sometimes I WANT to hear what are people are up and WANT to be able to talk to randoms). Like others have said - how about some boss abilities? Why the fuck is every single boss in this game a massive, lame bullet sponge with never ending waves of adds? How about something that, gee I don't know, actually tasks you with thinking and adapting? The designers responsible for those encounters should be shit canned and black balled. For a game so reliant on grouping with others to be fun, they've certainly made it hard to play with other players and group. Also, heroic strikes don't have matchmaking?! Brilliant! The raids I (sort of) understand needing a pre made, but strikes? Give me a break.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I like the idea of controlling the ghost for hacking. Failing means having more and stronger enemies to deal with.

Also, they implemented your idea about varied boss mechanics, but they aren't until max level. You seemed to describe what nightfalls are. Suddenly, based on random mission parameters, your weapons so half damage so you need to find another weapon element.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I like the idea of controlling the ghost for hacking. Failing means having more and stronger enemies to deal with.

Also, they implemented your idea about varied boss mechanics, but they aren't until max level.
That's good at least. The problem there is how many are going to go through the mundane to get to max level to see it. Things they also should have done is make sure it isn't always about guns/weapon type, but abilities the monster has and make them fun to see/avoid.

One thing that would keep me playing indefinitely, is if they had guns (a lot of them) which all had different sound effects and graphical explosions/effects that are unique to the weapon so when you are out in the wild, you see really cool things from other players and know that you may get a super cool weapon of that nature too. Maybe they have that at max level too? But that's a big what if for me right now. All I see is the same gun with a couple variation in gun sights with the same sounds and a higher number for damage or different type of weapon damage with no visual or audio variation. That also gets boring really fast, especially in a loot centric grind. Again maybe that gets better? But in Beta my blue weapon didn't do anything different either.

Don't get me wrong I am still going to play it and may as well get my money's worth. Something to do until the next game comes out but I may just go back to Diablo 3 until then. This poster on another forum pretty much summed it up I think.

"With Destiny its not the quantity that is the problem, its the quality. Boring and repetitive missions, lifeless and bland world, no social aspect to the game even though it has always online DRM, poor variety of drops, terrible story."

Not sure how they see a 10 year plan out of what they released. Oh well. Spoken my peace
See some of you online at some point. And if anything, like I said, I am now Abefroman's friend on PS4 and also expanded my friend's list heavily due to the ramp up of this game. So it's always good to have a new friends list now that I have pretty much ditched Xbox Live/360 except for drunken Rock Band 3 nights.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Phogoth the untamed is ridiculous. The two level 14 strikes were leagues easier than that fight. We ended up getting stuck in the respawn room with a shrieker that kept respawning and about 4 wizards/3 knights. Eventually, mobs stop spawning.
I didn't do the moon strike until 19 and it was still pretty ridiculous. The other two people in my group were 19 and 20. They really need to do something about that fight; either tone down the add spawn rate, reduce Phogoth's hp, or at least not be so stingy with the heavy ammo drops. The fight would have been a lot faster if I'd been allowed to shoot more than like 12 rockets at him.


Regarding weapons, I still can't decide which type I like the best. I really want to go with pulse rifle but there's something fucked up with some of the sights that makes the gun cover up like a third of the screen while aiming. It's practically unplayable in any sort of heated battle.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Phogoth the untamed is ridiculous. The two level 14 strikes were leagues easier than that fight. We ended up getting stuck in the respawn room with a shrieker that kept respawning and about 4 wizards/3 knights. Eventually, mobs stop spawning.
Phogoth is much easier if you do not stay in the room with the shrieker. Staying in the room with the shrieker causes more wizards to spawn and let's the shrieker dictate your movements. Move your whole fire team to the left side of phogoth and kill all adds first. After that all you have to do is keep an eye on the respawns and focus the wizards. Save super charges for the respawns that get close to killing you. Makes it easy enough that I was able yo do the 18 strike with just myself at 18 and a level 17 after the third abandoned us.