Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


Molten Core Raider
Long time lurker back on FoH and now on here. Have a 297 Titan and would like to do the raid and the Black Spindle at some point. Feel free to add me and hit me up. Gamer-tag Earp0031.

Lost Virtue

Trakanon Raider
Would anyone be able to help me with the last Touch of Malice quest mission (Fear's Embrace) tomorrow? This is assuming of course that Court of Oryx T3 rotation goes to either Balwur or Kagoor for my last Calcified Fragment I need.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You guys all need some noob toons. I'm level 18 on my Titan, and all my friends list is level 40 and 280+ light. Get your noob on!


Trakanon Raider
xPosting, but take this game, make it fantasy or steampunk using the sword controls as a basis and add 1-2 more abilities.

Make money.


Problem with using arc with Tlaloc and Rainment is you are encouraged to use your Super. Sunsinger spec you are encouraged to retain your super for when deaths occur (basically an oh-shit ability). I personally think stormcaller + rainment + Tlaloc is a mismatched combination as those 2 item's perks do not snergize with how Stormcaller is to be played.
Oh I agree, you tend to use your super less with Sunsinger, which goes naturally with Tlaloc's perk.

I personally use Tlaloc as a PvP weapon though, there are better choices for me for PvE, so rarely if ever do I use Tlaloc with Sunsinger. In PvP, I usually go Stormcaller, sometimes Void. With Stormcaller using Feedback and Perpetual charge, you can keep up your grenades and melee charge at a crazy rate. Fun times.

Correct, since while in SC you can have grenade kills recharge melee, and melee kills recharge grenades (instantly), so no real need for the Tlaloc perk to regen grenade energy, or the Raiment perk for recharging melee/grenades with Orbs.
Actually I find that all works together in synergy, rather than redundancy. Like I stated above, Perpetual Charge (the thing you mentioned), with Feedback, Rainment, and Tlaloc all help to recharge. It doesn't matter which gets there first, as long as one of them (grenade or melee) is ready to go off.


<Silver Donator>
Man I haven't even began to start thinking about that touch of malice quest. Maybe if I wait long enough they will increase the reward from 310 to 320 or 330 or whatever the new cap is going to be.


Useless lazy bastard.
I still like my red death better, but at range the thing does own for sure with its lazer like accuracy. It will definitely free up an exotic slot now for PvP, I hear in PvE its not bad either.
It works excellent in PvE. I actually upgraded mine to 310 and use it as my go-to gun for all chars now, frees up the exotic slot for the sniper or one of the swords.

In PvP its a monster. Since I upgraded it I have almost stopped switching weapons while playing matches since its a so-so sniper with its stability (it does suprising damage at long range), it usualy kills of shotgunner rushing in on you before they come close enough and so on. I expect it to be nerfed.


<Gold Donor>
I dont know WTF Bungie is thinking. "We want people to use all kinds of weapons in PvP" Then they give away the Mirwins the second month of Yr2. ITs like almost a Messenger of Yr1.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I dont know WTF Bungie is thinking. "We want people to use all kinds of weapons in PvP" Then they give away the Mirwins the second month of Yr2. ITs like almost a Messenger of Yr1.
Sorry, must be early or something, but what weapon are you referring to? Mirwins? Never heard of it


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Interesting write up on how Bungie whittled the story of this game into bits, and a lot of hints at repackaging content already created for DLC.

The Messy, True Story Behind The Making Of Destiny

I would love to know how much Activision played a hand in this, if at all. They also talk about how Blizzard had some folks come in to talk about their broken loot system and how they fixed Diablo 3.


Trakanon Raider
Where were you yesterday a_skeleton_03! :p haha, I ended up pugging with the worst rando's ever. Spent about 3 hours to get up to the oger. I ended up getting a 303 ghost and a 302 fusion rifle. :/