Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

Lost Virtue

Trakanon Raider
Anyone need to do a fresh run on HM before the reset happens? Still need to do a full run on my hunter. I am EST and should be on tonight around 6:30 till midnight.
I'd like to, never done HM yet. I am a 306 (305 pending on primary) with ToM. Would that suffice?

I'm on EST and am available from the same time as you.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
I'd like to, never done HM yet. I am a 306 (305 pending on primary) with ToM. Would that suffice?

I'm on EST and am available from the same time as you.
We should be able to get up to oryx at least at the light level. Hit me up when you get online, PS4 tag is JonnieRipps

Lost Virtue

Trakanon Raider
We should be able to get up to oryx at least at the light level. Hit me up when you get online, PS4 tag is JonnieRipps
K - added you. I am 'LostVirtue'

If I am afk, just message me. I have my Playstation app running right now. Got my B. Spindle too, so that'll help.


Black Spindle was super annoying to get today. I don't like this expasions raid because of its reliance on jump puzzles. This is the only game my friends will play together and I feel more often than not that it's a 2nd job rather than a way to relax after work.


Black Spindle was super annoying to get today. I don't like this expasions raid because of its reliance on jump puzzles. This is the only game my friends will play together and I feel more often than not that it's a 2nd job rather than a way to relax after work.
Then I think you definitely need to take a break. You should never feel you HAVE to play. An example, I do NOT have Black Spindle. We wiped 3 times, after that I said screw it. I wasn't having fun. So, we moved on to helping a newbie with VoG NM. Now that was fun (it was awesome doing a little payback)! Remember, its just a game.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
Some advice on getting black spindle that I have not seen mentioned really anywhere. The adds come in waves so do not even focus on shooting the boss instead push into the room and clear all adds and take down the blights. Once all adds are cleared DPS the boss. At a certain health level more adds spawn, stop DPS'ing the boss and clear adds and blights again. Once adds are gone go back to DPS'ing the boss. The last wave of adds (I believe 3rd or 4th maybe can't remember, but its the last wave) spawn yellow bar shielded captains. Swords should be used to kill them down fast at their spawn point (side entrance in the room) exotic swords here are nice. Once that wave is down finish off the boss. Reminded me very much of the Skolas fight in PoE minus the mines thankfully.

My group kept failing on this until someone joined our team that showed us this strategy and we beat it with like 30 seconds to go on our first attempt.


Some advice on getting black spindle that I have not seen mentioned really anywhere. The adds come in waves so do not even focus on shooting the boss instead push into the room and clear all adds and take down the blights. Once all adds are cleared DPS the boss. At a certain health level more adds spawn, stop DPS'ing the boss and clear adds and blights again. Once adds are gone go back to DPS'ing the boss. The last wave of adds (I believe 3rd or 4th maybe can't remember, but its the last wave) spawn yellow bar shielded captains. Swords should be used to kill them down fast at their spawn point (side entrance in the room) exotic swords here are nice. Once that wave is down finish off the boss. Reminded me very much of the Skolas fight in PoE minus the mines thankfully.

My group kept failing on this until someone joined our team that showed us this strategy and we beat it with like 30 seconds to go on our first attempt.
That is what we were doing, but we were trying to carry a very casual friend. While 2 of us averaged 70-80 kills each, the third was getting 30-35. We justs didn't have the add killing power we needed. But, I am not worried. I have cleared the Raid without BS. I do not feel I need it


FPS noob
Black Spindle was super annoying to get today. I don't like this expasions raid because of its reliance on jump puzzles. This is the only game my friends will play together and I feel more often than not that it's a 2nd job rather than a way to relax after work.
yeah as an older dude with bad reflexes i don't love the new raid at all. I've gotten the ship and dick puzzle jumping down pat and can go through both blindfolded now, but the daughters jumping stuff is just nerve wracking to me since so much shit is going on - screen is all fucked up, stuff is shooting at you, a timer is counting down, and near the end you can hit a goddamn spike sticking out of the wall and fall to the ground. fuck the asshole that made that boss fight, fuck him right in the ass. out of like 12 normal clears and 1 HM clear (didnt kill oryx tho) i've only been the ghost twice on daughters and only successfully did it once, wish they put in a way to practice the daughters jumping like a solo raid mode or something where you could just try out the mechanics without fighting anything.

didn't play destiny at all last week and no ragrets, i'll come back when new content is in but all my guys are 305-310 and i just don't see the fun in grinding hard mode raid with randos for drops that will be replaced by green loot when the next tier of content is released. nice thing about f2p MMOs though, can just abandon for a long time and come back whenever you want or to PVP when you feel the urge.

i did spend $20 on silver and bought 6 packages, lucky got the blue skull helmet on my 4th one. that thing is awesome, i wear it all the time fuck my light level!


<Silver Donator>
I was fairly lucky with the spindle quest. I tried it the first time it came out and got nowhere CLOSE to completing it.

The second week it came around, or maybe the third, I wasn't even planning on doing it. a_skeleton_03 sent me a random invite while I was idling at lunch time and we knocked it out the first try, without any planning. I got the ship, too!

The only real difference between the attempts were exotic swords. The raze lighter tears things up in situations like that.


<Gold Donor>
I signed up for a LFG group to do it last night but it never happened, oh well. I did pretty well in raid with my 1000yd and sleeper. Always posted top 3 every time i did it.


Yeah, my Black Spindle woes were due to trying to carry an undergeared/no exotic sword coworker and failing for four hours. Finally giving up we switched everyone to mains and managed to get one for at least one person doing it in one shot on geared characters.
I'm cool with letting some other folks get to see raid for the first time having gone all the way through it. Grinding that raid just to do hard mode? No thanks. Maybe I'll go do Trials of Osris.


Played this a few months ago and gave up on it after like 6 hours on account of how underwhelming I thought the whole thing was. Heard that The Taken King improved the game a lot, so I just got it and booted it up. I appear to have lost my mission progress - it just had me do the Dark Within quest (level 3 I think?) and I'm level 18. Kept all my gear and level, but it seems to be making me go through the story again. wtf?

Lost Virtue

Trakanon Raider
Anyone have room in their HM raid tonight? 306 w/ Spindle & ToM. Will leave for Oryx if you all need to grab a higher LL person. Just want to complete the start through sisters primarily.

Message me online or leave a message on forums.


<Gold Donor>
Just as a clarification - I can select what appear to be any of the story missions I've done in the past, but the UI is treating them as new.
It pretty much reset everything with ttk patch. If you want quests check the large ipad kiosk by the trainers at the tower. It has all the quests up to ttk. Also you can start the ttk questline at 25. Just go to phobos on saturn.


Alright, thanks man. Still not overly effusive about the game but it's definitely gotten better. I remember I'd often do 3-4 missions with only a few white trash drops for loot. Now it's like 4-6 greens per quest, so that's definitely a lot better!


That guy
It pretty much reset everything with ttk patch. If you want quests check the large ipad kiosk by the trainers at the tower. It has all the quests up to ttk. Also you can start the ttk questline at 25. Just go to phobos on saturn.
Phobos is Mars' moon. C'mon man didn't you play Doom!?!

Lost Virtue

Trakanon Raider
So did HM up to Golgaroth then we kept wiping due to idiots blowing up raid. I was the lowest LL @ 306 but was doing 200-300k+ more damage than the rest on most attempts. The fucking Fireteam Leader never hit 1mil dmg on Golg (and he wasn't the gaze runner). So, I got sick of it and basically left due to the shitty mistakes and the Fireteam Leader literally being carried (and he liked to randomly AFK for 5min every 10min or so).

So... I am at Golgaroth if anyone has room. I'd be fine redoing the whole beginning raid part if needed. Just want to finish Golg and Sisters, but I am now up to 307.
Really surprised Bungie didnt announce something today to keep people playing. Tons of people going to play COD and with Bungie relying on the silver store to make money you think they would dangle at least a carrot on a stick to keep interest. I was actually expecting some content release of some sort.