Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


Vyemm Raider
I just hit level 30 and I have a few questions, do people do the level 26 raid anymore? Why are there level 40's killing level 1-25s on patrols? Any rewards for finding all the dead ghosts and the like? Should I bother upgrading the strangers pulse rifle and that fusion that I got for the 25 marks? Anything else a noob needs to know?

Also I totally nerded out when I realized both Nathan Fillion and Gina Torres share the main table at the tower. Only complaint is Shohreh Aghdashloo while sounds great it is like she does not care or understand anything she is saying in game and after every line I can see the puzzlement on her face and the audiable sigh they had to edit out.

I will be added as many of you as I can tonight to my friends list so we can kill shit so make sure it is up to date.
1. Not as level appropriate content that i am aware of. There is a level 40+ quest that takes you there later however.
2. For bounties(read: Wow dailies)
3. Unless you like to be a completionist none I am aware of.
4. No

I am Gankak123 on PSN and still play a fair amount.


<Gold Donor>
I just hit level 30 and I have a few questions, do people do the level 26 raid anymore?
There is a quest that opens up like once a month when you are lv 40, It was a hidden quest to get the No Time to Explain exotic pulse rifle but now everyone knows about it and part of this quest is to kill Atheon (the last boss) so once that quest comes around, go to Destiny LFG and there will be plenty of groups trying to do it. Other than that there is still some good weapons to get from there, yr one weapons that are still viable in regular crucible like the pulse rifle, the full auto scout, and some others. Just go to Destiny LFG (download the App) and start a group for it and Im sure you will get people to sign up especially now when everybody is kinda bored of the TTK shit. Its a cool raid.

Why are there level 40's killing level 1-25s on patrols? Any rewards for finding all the dead ghosts and the like? Should I bother upgrading the strangers pulse rifle and that fusion that I got for the 25 marks? Anything else a noob needs to know?
People working on their exotic sword quests, hunting the Ultra Taken bosses for quests and three of coins, planetary material hunting, Some exotic quests take you to the planets to do shit, oh and there is the gunsmith test guns that take people to patrols to kill shit with them. Also its all dmg capped, so its not like they are breezing through it. Once they enter a patrol, its like they are de-leveled.

The dead ghosts just give you a higher gimore score, only for the competitionists.

Strangers rifle is really good in crucible, or it was before the pulses got a nerf. I have not tried it since but you should try it. Its one of the good noob guns to use if you dont have an arsenal of good shit yet.

As a noob I would concentrate on getting to 40, and then getting your light level up by always equipping your higest light level possible when decrypting engrams you find. when Xur comes around on friday, spend some strange coins and get some three of coins and use them on strikes or when killing any ultra, it ups your chance of getting an exotic engram to drop (but wait until you are lv40). Its kind of the way people get all their exotics these days. Grind strikes and crucible and use those 3oC. Cruible is fun once you get the hang of how shit works in PvP. Actually its one of the more fun PvP experiences, but it will take you some time to master it.

Sign up for the dead orbit faction first and start to grind that to rank 3, once you hit rank 3 get that scout rifle he is selling, its a beast for anything PvE. Once youre like Lv40 with 290 light start spamming Destiny LFG for normal TTk raid.

Do your daily crucible for marks. It does not matter if you win, suck, lose, whatever, its free 15 marks every day until you are high enough light level to do the daily mission which will be another 15 marks a day. Also do as many of the daily bounties from the robot guy at the tower for faction and exp. Just load up on them, the pvE ones and go grind strikes. Usually a few strikes and they will all be complete.

You can hit me up when you need help or something when im on PSN: Evaneezer110 although I have been slacking lately.


A nice asshole.
Thank you for the info it really helped, hit 40 last night then burned through a full controller battery doing things before I went to sleep at 4am....been a while since I did that for sure.

I am surprisingly good at PvP(hate controllers for shooters) I come in first place a lot but still lose more than half of the matches I play, usually when titans are stacked and use that dang burning hammer attack in succession. Warlock warp double/triple kills FTW!


Golden Knight of the Realm
I just picked up a new PS4, never played destiny and it + the king is on sale for ?20 (about 30 dollars), is it worth it? Have the last of us and uncharted to get through already


Trump's Staff
Just started playing this today. Surprisingly a lot of fun! I'm only level 7 and still a total newbie, however. Mostly just doing story quests (jumped into 1 team deathmatch crucible game, didn't get last place but didn't do great).

Couple questions: Is there a way to turn off the auto-aim and how much does gear help you in Crucible games (if at all)?


<Gold Donor>
Just started playing this today. Surprisingly a lot of fun! I'm only level 7 and still a total newbie, however. Mostly just doing story quests (jumped into 1 team deathmatch crucible game, didn't get last place but didn't do great).

Couple questions: Is there a way to turn off the auto-aim and how much does gear help you in Crucible games (if at all)?
No you cannot turn it off although some guns have more of it than others. So just use the guns that "feel" good to you. In regular crucible gear does not mean dick, other than its effects, for instance the Adamantarium titan exotic chest piece having access to 2 grenades vs 1. Or the hunter legs, the dancing machines that make you move faster. Grenade throw distance, shit like that. This is why a Lv10 dude can go into a regular crucible match and fucking destroy everyone if hes good.

Gear and light levels only matters in the event based PvP like Trials of Osiris or Iron Banner. But even that is pretty much based on a curve with diminishing effects, so a light level 295 dude can still do well against people 305LL+.


Trump's Staff
I learned the pvp thing quick, was getting #1 before I hit level 20 easily.

What's the checklist of to-do shit once you hit 40? And is there any reason to do the 26 and 30 raid? I was hoping it matched me with people but apparently not.


A nice asshole.
I learned the pvp thing quick, was getting #1 before I hit level 20 easily.

What's the checklist of to-do shit once you hit 40? And is there any reason to do the 26 and 30 raid? I was hoping it matched me with people but apparently not.
This is my issue, no one appears to be raiding.


In reading up on this game to determine if I want to buy it or not, I am seeing a major bitchfest from PVPers who don't like the new skill based matching system which I assumes uses some kind of ELO system to place players of comparable skill against one another. What exactly is the problem with that? Fairly certain both Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 used a similar system to make their PVP games more competitive.


Trump's Staff
People that are good at PVP in Destiny don't want competition. They want sucky players that they can beat without dying the entire match.


Trump's Staff
I didn't even know there was a matchmaking system O_O

I guess that's why I seem to get worse the more I play...


FPS noob
since destiny is p2p for the most part (some server talk for data but most match stuff is p2p) matchmaking gets frustrating when one or more people are lagging. Every fps game has this problem, mitigated by grouping people with similar connections. For some it works fine in Destiny - I've rarely experienced lag in games - but for others, you just see everyone teleporting around, get killed by people you can't see, etc and it gets very frustrating. I haven't played in months so dunno how they have tweaked matchmaking but if it first accounts for connection and THEN ELO/skill thats fine, but if its ELO/skill only you get matched up with people outside your region which leads to rubberbanding, etc.


Useless lazy bastard.
since destiny is p2p for the most part (some server talk for data but most match stuff is p2p) matchmaking gets frustrating when one or more people are lagging. Every fps game has this problem, mitigated by grouping people with similar connections. For some it works fine in Destiny - I've rarely experienced lag in games - but for others, you just see everyone teleporting around, get killed by people you can't see, etc and it gets very frustrating. I haven't played in months so dunno how they have tweaked matchmaking but if it first accounts for connection and THEN ELO/skill thats fine, but if its ELO/skill only you get matched up with people outside your region which leads to rubberbanding, etc.
Very much this. I have a love-hate relationship with Destiny; On one hand it is one of the best FPSish games Ive played on a console, on the other it has severe issues (for me) when it comes to the problems with PvP that spronk mentions.

The gameplay PvE side is amazing, everything feels right and the gunplay is superb. For this alone its worth paying for even if you dont set foot in the PvP section. If you like PvP and end up on the recieving end of the problems with P2P (which I for some reason ONLY have in this game /rant ) be ready for frustration and throwing the controller around the room while your friends laugh their asses off over coms.
People that are good at PVP in Destiny don't want competition. They want sucky players that they can beat without dying the entire match.
Don't think thats the reason at all, people get annoyed and do not have fun at all when the matches are lagging and you know you got the kill but out of nowhere you die 3 seconds later with no one around.

With skill based matchmaking and a declining population you are being matched with people further and further away the better you get, and that ends up giving you god awful connections in games. I've turned my ps4 off so many times due to connection issues in PVP, its not fun at all. I don't give a shit if a better player is killing me over and over, i do give a shit when you know your a good second behind the action and die every time when on your screen it was a clear kill on the other player with his back to you.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
In reading up on this game to determine if I want to buy it or not, I am seeing a major bitchfest from PVPers who don't like the new skill based matching system which I assumes uses some kind of ELO system to place players of comparable skill against one another. What exactly is the problem with that? Fairly certain both Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 used a similar system to make their PVP games more competitive.
it sucks to shot people who are lagging so bad it does not register on their character, but there is also a lot of manipulation with connections they call it red barring. evidently since Bungie does not have dedicated servers people can manipulate their connection so they can blink across the map. So you have people who just want the matches to be decided by connection, but that means a low light like me can end up in a match with a guy 20 light over me which makes me a 1 shot for them and them a 3+ shot for me. Also I completely suck at PvP... this is the first console game I have played since Banjo Kazooie on Nintendo 64 so I am most definitely slow with the controller.


Trump's Staff
Yeah, and it was very noticeable going into Iron Banner at 200 light level :p still managed to kill people though.

Question about strikes: if I fail to pick up an item orb/drop, is it lost or do they get mailed to me?