Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I would say that is more spin than normal. That isn't sell through to customers. Only what they shipped to retailers. I hate it when companies do this. Completely 100% misleading, and it is done on purpose.
It's not as bad as people contantly saying they spent $500 million on one game when that amount is actually the investment for the franchise including the sequels.


Karazhan Raider
So is voice chat enabled for PUG strikes? Like I queue up a strike and end up with 2 random blokes, can they hear me if I talk?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I watched a friend play this and have to ask: Where's the story? It just seems like a bunch of nebulous plot points that have you kill shit over and over on various planets in the solar system. I hear comparisons to Borderlands but games like Borderlands and Halo have more substantial story elements.
I don't remember the Borderlands story.


Ssraeszha Raider
Anyone that was expecting a mmo environment out of this is sadly delusional. Youll always have die hard fans like Column for any given games but when you remove the shiny coating, its still the same old shooter that brings nothing new to the table. It was easy to see months ago.

Then you have a game like thisNo Mans Sky. Its pretty obvious to spot a dev thats trying to break the mold and one like bungie who is playing way too safe.
You are guys are delusional believing hype. Here's some hype I'm delusional about


Lord Nagafen Raider
Acknowledging a game concept is different than cod or halo isnt pumping hype, buuuut you can keep trying to sound clever.


what Suineg set it to
Is this worth buying a PS4 over? I haven't owned a console since a PS2 and I really am not tripping over myself to play a shooter with a controller again.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Based on what you just said. No. Save your money.

I'm enjoying the hell out of it but I'm not sure the game is worth $400 if you don't already have a console for it. You could get a cheap(er) PS3 and play it on that?


what Suineg set it to
Well, it would more or less just be a reason to pull the trigger. I just haven't paid much attention to offerings since release. PS2 had a huge number of awesome games, I never got 'caught' in that situation RE: PS3 until PS4 was on the horizon so just ignored PS3 entirely.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
There are definitely other great PS4 games to play. If you're just looking for an excuse to pull the trigger and not just for Destiny then I'd say yeah it's worth it.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Is this worth buying a PS4 over? I haven't owned a console since a PS2 and I really am not tripping over myself to play a shooter with a controller again.
Not in the slightest. However, if you do not have a decent computer and want to play Far Cry 4, play Last of us remastered (Now), possible Diablo 3 which is really popular on PS4 especially with the rerolled crowd, and some others in the new fall line up, along with The Evil Within, it may be a good time to ask for one for Christmas. This isn't a system seller. (Well, it may be because it looks like $150 million of the $500 million dollar budget went to marketing it as a reason to own a PS4 - but there are going to be a lot of pissed off people.)

With that said, I'll be on at 8pm central for a few others to just blow some random shit up. I may as well get some money out of it unless it picks up when I hit 20 before trading it in. Glad I didn't go digital. And if anything, I now have Abefroman on my PS4 friends list as a result of this game.

Always look for a positive!


Fk now I need to buy a ps4 and this game and learn how to play on a console just to get Abefroman on my friends list.


FPS noob
the shitstorm that would have happened if this game launched on pc would have been epic. not for any game reasons, just that a big chunk of people would be constantly crashing or DCing, by day 2 there would be tons and tons of speed hackers, teleporters, infinite ammo cheaters, etc. by day 3 bungie woulda shut down the servers due to duping and account hacking.

One fun thing for the explorers is to find all the dead ghosts and gold chests. You get random loot for clearing all the gold chests in a zone (pretty easy), not sure what you get for all the ghosts. The latter is much harder since they tend to be hidden away in weird spots. Reminds me of jumping puzzles in MMOs a bit. I think there are 4 ghosts inside the Tower, found 2 so far. As far as I can tell there is no way to see your progress or rewards or anything like that for all this extra stuff except by going to or using the companion app on iOS/android. Like nothing in game to track this stuff, which is bizarre.

Anyways the game is a multiplayer game with a thin single player campaign built on top of it, a bit better than the Titanfall/BF4/COD SP campaigns but not as good as the Borderlands 2 campaign (which had no MP to be fair). Claptrap > Dinklagebot though. 2k Games is making a huge mistake releasing their pre-sequel on 360/ps3 only and not ps4/xbone.

definitely came out at the exact right time though, pretty much nothing else to play on consoles so I could see them making $1b easy by end of the year. They have definitely pumped a shit load of money into marketing it though, which is kinda sad in a way - pump enough money into marketing and any game will break $500m probably.


the shitstorm that would have happened if this game launched on pc would have been epic. not for any game reasons, just that a big chunk of people would be constantly crashing or DCing, by day 2 there would be tons and tons of speed hackers, teleporters, infinite ammo cheaters, etc. by day 3 bungie woulda shut down the servers due to duping and account hacking.

One fun thing for the explorers is to find all the dead ghosts and gold chests. You get random loot for clearing all the gold chests in a zone (pretty easy), not sure what you get for all the ghosts. The latter is much harder since they tend to be hidden away in weird spots. Reminds me of jumping puzzles in MMOs a bit. I think there are 4 ghosts inside the Tower, found 2 so far. As far as I can tell there is no way to see your progress or rewards or anything like that for all this extra stuff except by going to or using the companion app on iOS/android. Like nothing in game to track this stuff, which is bizarre.

Anyways the game is a multiplayer game with a thin single player campaign built on top of it, a bit better than the Titanfall/BF4/COD SP campaigns but not as good as the Borderlands 2 campaign (which had no MP to be fair). Claptrap > Dinklagebot though. 2k Games is making a huge mistake releasing their pre-sequel on 360/ps3 only and not ps4/xbone.

definitely came out at the exact right time though, pretty much nothing else to play on consoles so I could see them making $1b easy by end of the year. They have definitely pumped a shit load of money into marketing it though, which is kinda sad in a way - pump enough money into marketing and any game will break $500m probably.
Well, the Pre-Sequel was offloaded to a 2K B-team in Austrailia or someshit. I'm sure anything they make off of it is going to be gravy, considering its popularily. Gearbox main is probably full-on developing Borderlands 3 for next gen as I write this.

I would say that is more spin than normal. That isn't sell through to customers. Only what they shipped to retailers. I hate it when companies do this. Completely 100% misleading, and it is done on purpose.
My bad Ut. I missed the part in the original article that mentioned sold to retailers and first parties. I agree that it is completely misleading. I'm a case in point.


Holy crap I am bad at the pvp in this game. I guess I really need to practice with a console controller. I have played 5 control games and have been last in all 5. Practice makes perfect I guess but wow. . .I am bad.


A Mod Real Quick
I remember first getting into console shooters for the PS3.. mostly I got it for RPGs but then all of my friends had the COD games so I joined in. I was absolute ass.. the worst.

Now I feel really comfortable playing them. Not good by any means, but good enough that I can enjoy myself most of the time. You guys will get there.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I am terrible at PvP as well. Not sure what sensitivity to try to adopt. Either feel like I'm moving too fast without zoom or too sloe zoomed in. Could be that I haven't played a console fps since halo 2 years ago.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Something you may not notice right away if you make an alt after getting to 15+ on your main--both subclasses will already be unlocked. Guess I'll make a hunter after all, since I can go straight to bladedancer and not have to slog through the early levels as the derp class.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
As much as I love Dinklage I just don't like his voice as the Ghost. It's so distracting to me. I'd rather it be some no name robotic voice instead or even Glados lol.