Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Which is why you're better off buying whatever purple weapon with the right combo of mods on it from a vendor, if it exists. At least IMO.
Well there's two problems with that. Armor is what controls your ability to even enter harder content, so it must be prioritized even though it has a far lesser effect on your ability to clear said content than a better weapon would. And then there's the "if it exists" part. My pulse rifle on a vendor is fairly crappy due to the mods on it. Since dropped ones have random mods, mine is a much better gun due to having full auto and reload speed mods. ARs are the same way. I would want an AR with at least "does more damage but fires slower while aiming down sights" mod on it but you cannot buy that from a vendor. In general vendor guns seem to have the less-desirable mods on them and if you want a really good gun you either need an exotic or you have to win the cryptarch lottery.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Has anyone seen the cryptarch sell anything higher than green? I've been capped on glimmer (25k) for a few days now
Buy green armor engrams, even at 450 glimmer for 10 rep it's worth doing. Don't buy green weapons, they cost 580 which is worse than buying white armor at a 250->5 conversion.

Buy guns off the gun vendor and make yourself some spare weapons parts.
Don't do this. Cryptarch rep is far more important in the long run. Weapon parts are trivial to come by. I already have more from farming WE'VE WOKEN THE HIVE!!!! than I will probably ever use.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Legendary engrams specifically say that legendary items are random class, while blue items are not. Bungie apparently felt it was necessary to have 5 layers of RNG on both weapons (getting the engram, getting it to roll purple, getting the right slot, getting the right type of gun, and getting the right mods) and armor (getting the engram, getting it to roll purple, getting the right slot, getting the right class, and getting the right mods). I would argue that 3 is already pushing it and 5 is extremely excessive.
God damn it just reading that paragraph fills me with disgust for RNG shit. lol


<Gold Donor>
I'd spend it on the heavy weapon consumable to be honest - watching raids, the successful groups were popping them like crazy to whittle down bosses and clear large groups of enemies.


Vyemm Raider
The RNG is pure fuckery, out of 30+ legendary engrams ive had 2 legendary items and one of which was for my Warlock i dont play the other was a Machine gun. IMO legendary engrams should remove blue and keep materials/legendary/exotic. I dont mind if i get materials but what L27 person needs more blue items?

They also need to add flares in the game, or a way for a player to alert others in his phase that there is an event at his location. A map would help too, that way you can open it up to see if a player has sent up a SoS or whatever for help on an event. Sure in most cases you will arrive too late to help out but sometimes it would be nice to not be soloing an event.

PVP needs chat support

Game needs basic proximity chat support when in the tower, maybe put a small ring around the player with open mic who may want to talk to passerbys about doing a strike or raid, X player enters ring and can talk to X player or something.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'd spend it on the heavy weapon consumable to be honest - watching raids, the successful groups were popping them like crazy to whittle down bosses and clear large groups of enemies.
Yeah, that's a good idea too. Depends on how close you are to doing raids/nightfall strikes. If you still need a bunch of upgrades I'd do the cryptarch rep, if you hit the lottery already then buy consumables. I've probably earned at least 250k glimmer so far and I still have to get lucky with the coin vendor on Friday to be raid/nightfall ready.

The important thing is to never let yourself get capped, that's just an incredible waste.


Vyemm Raider
Has anyone seen the cryptarch sell anything higher than green? I've been capped on glimmer (25k) for a few days now
No its bullshit, my Cryptarch is L11 and for the past 3 lvls has given me nothing but blue engrams on lvling up and hes never sold anything above a green and its usually like 5 whites and 1 green. I dont really see the point in having him level up at all other than 2 free items every level that will generally turn into 500 glimmer.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Had some luck with the lottery yesterday. Did the daily pvp mission, went like 3/10 and got awarded an exotic pistol (the last word). So now I have an auto pistol to go with my auto shotgun (invective) lol. Both are pretty hilarious in pvp. This morning I did the daily bounties before coming to work and got to vanguard rank 3, those bros sent me a legendary pulse rifle in the mail.

Have legendary armor in 3/4 slots, just waiting to see what tentacle face has for sale on Friday before I spend the vanguard marks to fill the last slot. Got lucky and got a legendary helm from a blue engram 2 days ago which saved me 120 marks.

I wish the exotic and legendary weapons were higher than 300 damage tho. Killing the bosses in strikes still takes an abnoxious amount of time. At least doing the level 24 strikes gets you to 100 marks pretty quick. I'm already at 100 for the week after yesterday, granted I had the day off to nerd out.

Also the exotic weapons take forever to accrue experience. Did all 5 bounties this morning with the handgun and it was just enough to finish the first upgrade. At this rate it will take a full week of playing just to max each gun. Anyone have any tips for fast exp farms?


Toilet of the Mod Elect
Decided to go beast mode yesterday and did about 8 hours of mind numbing engram farming in the cosmodrome where the Fallen and the Hive fight each other just past skywatch. Basically infinite spawns at a leisurely pace. ~24 legendary engrams -- Every single one was a god damn blue. I now have a 24 Titan, 21 Warlock, 20 Hunter and I have yet to see a legendary or exotic on any of them.
Its a great spot, world event that lands on your head, balls of wax for glimmer and unlimted mobs! Been here for a few hours today. Four purples, 2 turned into upgrades. Countless blues and greens for my crypto levels! 6 points till level 25!


Vyemm Raider
Had some luck with the lottery yesterday. Did the daily pvp mission, went like 3/10 and got awarded an exotic pistol (the last word). So now I have an auto pistol to go with my auto shotgun (invective) lol. Both are pretty hilarious in pvp. This morning I did the daily bounties before coming too work and got to vanguard rank 3, those bros sent me a legendary pulse rifle in the mail.

Have legendary armor in 3/4 slots, just waiting to see what tentacle face has for sale on Friday before I spend the vanguard marks to fill the last slot. Got lucky and got a legendary helm from a blue engram 2 days ago which saved me 120 marks.

I wish the exotic and legendary weapons were higher than 300 damage tho. Killing the bosses in strikes still takes an abnoxious amount of time. At least doing the level 24 strikes gets you to 100 marks pretty quick. I'm already at 100 for the week after yesterday, granted I had the day off to nerd out.

Also the exotic weapons take forever to accrue experience. Did all 5 bounties this morning with the handgun and it was just enough to finish the first upgrade. At this rate it will take a full week of playing just to max each gun. Anyone have any tips for fast exp farms?
Thats because damage scaling is near non existent and being a bullet sponge is part of the strategy in Destiny.


<Gold Donor>
The RNG is pure fuckery, out of 30+ legendary engrams ive had 2 legendary items and one of which was for my Warlock i dont play the other was a Machine gun. IMO legendary engrams should remove blue and keep materials/legendary/exotic. I dont mind if i get materials but what L27 person needs more blue items?

They also need to add flares in the game, or a way for a player to alert others in his phase that there is an event at his location. A map would help too, that way you can open it up to see if a player has sent up a SoS or whatever for help on an event. Sure in most cases you will arrive too late to help out but sometimes it would be nice to not be soloing an event.

PVP needs chat support

Game needs basic proximity chat support when in the tower, maybe put a small ring around the player with open mic who may want to talk to passerbys about doing a strike or raid, X player enters ring and can talk to X player or something.
I'd be okay with them lowering the drop rate of purp engrams but eliminating the chance for blues, definitely. One of the gayest, most piss brained loot systems I've ever seen.


I feel like the defense stat on gear is useless. I notice no reduction in damage from anything. Level 4's it feels like are hitting me just as hard as 24's.

Also, once you get a set of legendary gear...feels like you kind of hit a wall? Anyone else know the feel I'm talking about? Like...what upgrades are there out there, besides actually upgrading your currently equipped stuff? (Seeing as you can only have 1 exotic armor piece, there are no other real upgrades out there for the legendary gear?)


<Gold Donor>
I imagine it will be a while before you find legitimate light level upgrades to the full set of purple gear. By the end of the weekend, I should have full legendary/1 exotic armor.... with blue weapons.... What's left to grind after that? Raids? Raid gear on normal (which still looks hard as fuck) is the same ilvl as the shit I have now, correct?


FPS noob
PVP needs chat support

Game needs basic proximity chat support when in the tower, maybe put a small ring around the player with open mic who may want to talk to passerbys about doing a strike or raid, X player enters ring and can talk to X player or something.
Definitely should add voice comms to PVP, every FPS in the past few years has launched with it just fine. Add a button next to every player in the scoreboard screen (touchpad) that lets you mute them, since there are always retards who have open mics or play music and shit. 80+ hours in titanfall and I never had a problem with your team having voice comms during matches, and both sides being open during pre/post match.

I'd love 3 extra rooms in the tower. One is just basically PVE LFG, separate it out into small areas (leveling strikes raids etc) and like you said make voice comms proximity. Second would be PVP LFG. Last would be clan room, where you can shoot the shit with clan members and form groups. Can add in later extra stuff like in game post its and leaderboards and clan wall trophies etc but its a shame they didn't launch with real basic social tools.

joe rogan's final raid boss kill video not embedding so not spoiled for people who havent been inside


Molten Core Raider
I've just decided that the RNG legendaries are the (lucky) cherry on top if you get them. At this point I assume I'll be buying all of my legendary stuff primarily through marks. Which I guess makes sense? Otherwise farming a quick spawn quest would negate people raising any faction for any reason at the moment. *shrug* Still silly as shit though.