I think they rationalized it if they do it like the character, then it's somehow OK. Conflating Dexter's code and how his character had self-permission to do the things he did.
But mental illness isn't rational. Some of the copycats were huge losers. Think the Canadian ones were basically just weirdos.
We live in a world where people take Tide pod and Comet challenges and die from it. What was that one movie? HS football team showed how brave they were and laid down in traffic? Some team did that in real life with predictable results. I can totally buy into the idea of some goofball being inspired by a show and trying to replicate it.Normally I'd argue that it's stupid to think a tv show turned normal people into murderers and that they would have been "inspired" by something else.
But holy fuck seasons 4+ were so bad I think they literally killed people
We live in a world where people take Tide pod and Comet challenges and die from it. What was that one movie? HS football team showed how brave they were and laid down in traffic? Some team did that in real life with predictable results. I can totally buy into the idea of some goofball being inspired by a show and trying to replicate it.
i really like her enthusiasm tho
"Hot water challenge ya'll"!!!
I can totally buy into the idea of some goofball being inspired by a show and trying to replicate it.
mobsters have been dressing up since forever, nice clothes, nice cars, nice houses. i dont recall in movies when mobsters were ever portrayed as slobs. before Don Corleone there was Humphrey Bogart, Edward G Robinson, and James Cagney. they all dressed up in sharp pin striped suits with their signature tommy guns. Don Corleone and his core beliefs wasnt invented by Mario Puzo or Francis Ford Coppolla. Corleone was based on other real life gangsters like Lucky Luciano and Al Capone. if anything, the mob guys in my neighborhood in the 70s and 80s dressed like everyday people. dressing like Don Corleone made you a target. in the 90s when i started going to after hours bars, these were mob joints and the cops stayed the fuck away from them. they dressed like your average guido. basically they dressed up back then because it was a trend to do so for the time. things have been getting less corporate and more casual for the last 30 years. when i was a kid my dad was a programmer at IBM and he had to wear a suit and tie every day just to sit at a desk . when he retired from Sony ten years ago, he was wearing just a regular shirt and pants.Well we have a hard example with testimony from former high ranking mobsters that the Godfather movie changed the dress code and "respect" level of the existing mafias.
Basically every snitch has said at one time or another that the movie created this thing called "popcorn gangsters" guys that liked to dress up and play the part-- copying the movie. Whereas prior to the movie, this hadn't existed. Not since Myer Lanksy was running the streets in the decades prior. And was pretty much isolated just to Myer Lanksy pressuring mobsters individually to "step their game up" and believed mobsters needed to dress better.
The Godfather effect wasn't just dressing better though. It was an attitude, a set of behaviors. I could see how Dexter could inspire some behaviors in retards.
mobsters have been dressing up since forever, nice clothes, nice cars, nice houses. i dont recall in movies when mobsters were ever portrayed as slobs. before Don Corleone there was Humphrey Bogart, Edward G Robinson, and James Cagney. they all dressed up in sharp pin striped suits with their signature tommy guns. Don Corleone and his core beliefs wasnt invented by Mario Puzo or Francis Ford Coppolla. Corleone was based on other real life gangsters like Lucky Luciano and Al Capone. if anything, the mob guys in my neighborhood in the 70s and 80s dressed like everyday people. dressing like Don Corleone made you a target. in the 90s when i started going to after hours bars, these were mob joints and the cops stayed the fuck away from them. they dressed like your average guido. basically they dressed up back then because it was a trend to do so for the time. things have been getting less corporate and more casual for the last 30 years. when i was a kid my dad was a programmer at IBM and he had to wear a suit and tie every day just to sit at a desk . when he retired from Sony ten years ago, he was wearing just a regular shirt and pants.
Doakes was a solid character. Dexter dispensing with the nerdy act and showing Doakes who he really was, was some good tv.Regarding Dexter, season 2 with Doaks was some top tier shit. Between that and the Trinity Killer was some damn fine TV.
Doakes was the shit, dude saw right through Dexter's bullshit, he should have been the one to take him down, but the show made him too smart and thats why he got killed off so quickly. Dexter wasnt going to get taken out in season 2 and you couldnt have Doakes getting cockblocked from finding out the truth every season. at least not these show runners. Breaking Bad had no problems stringing Hank along for 5 seasons in a believable manner. they probably could have strung Hank along indefinitely. Dexter's writing team wasnt that good, so they had to kick Doakes off.Doakes was a solid character. Dexter dispensing with the nerdy act and showing Doakes who he really was, was some good tv.
I could see how Dexter could inspire some behaviors in retards.
I mean that Twitchell copycat who got linked didn't get caught by forensic evidence, he got caught because he did stupid shit that Dexter didn't do.I could see how it could make people think that they could get away with it with the kill room and everything. I could definitely imagine some dim bulb thinking "There's no way I will get caught. Dexter never did!".
I mean that Twitchell copycat who got linked didn't get caught by forensic evidence, he got caught because he did stupid shit that Dexter didn't do.
I only watched the first three seasons and the intro to the first episode of the fifth season, but from what I've heard of the final 4 seasons it's possible Dexter actually did that.You didn't see the episode where Dexter killed the guy and then stole his car then claimed he bought it for $40?
No.You skipped the Trinity Killer? Wow, that's crazy. Watch season 4, just for John Lithgow alone.
That's like saying you watched Westworld, but you only bothered with Seasons 2 and 3. Season 1 was too long ago.