If they suddenly discovered that Quinn was a serial killer that would be the perfect expression of how this show has gone full retard.Nah deb will lose her shit again, very soon too when dex kills her next love interest or old one Quinn.
That would take so much strength. I wonder how many actors in this show know it's shit now.Obviously there have been a ton of WTF moments throughout this series. However, the stabbing through the bed last night was so ridiculous over the top that I was at a total loss for words.
i watched that scene and was like... wtf, when did he get the curtain bar down... and how the hell is he stabbing it through the mattress and the boxspring, there is no damn way... it would be more of a *STAB... twist twist twist... "hey stay down there a min, this may take a while" twist, push, twist, push... huff huff huff*Obviously there have been a ton of WTF moments throughout this series. However, the stabbing through the bed last night was so ridiculous over the top that I was at a total loss for words.
Nope, it's going to be that new kid Dexter is going to teach the code to that will kill him.If this show ends with Quinn killing Dexter I'm going to be pissed off.
Forgetting whats going on when you are invited over to fuck that chic is out of place?Hi! My name is Quinn. I am a brilliant detective. There's this guy who left the scene of a murder and who knew the victim, but because the witness recanted and his father is an important member of the community, we did not confront him about it. Since it leaves a sour taste in my mouth, I decide to tail the guy. But on the night he is waiting on a parking lot in a newly acquired car which is a lot less flashy than his usual Porsche, my girlfriend calls me and ask me to join her for the evening at Dexter's. What am I to do? Since nothing even remotely suspicious is going on at all, I leave pronto! The little guilt I might have felt vanishes as I see by buddy Dexter hiding in a bush also tailing the guy. A that Dexter! Such a good friend! I am sure he planned it all to save my relationship with his nanny!
Hi! My name is Dexter. I am a brilliant serial killer. My target is being tailed by Quinn, the boyfriend of my nanny, so I cleverly ask my nanny to invite him over so as to move him out of my way. I catch my prey before he catches his, drag him into the bushes and, as I recover from my efforts, Quinn stops his car by me, thanks me for taking over the tail and leaves... that was close! Now I can proceed with my plan of killing the guy, I am sure I will have no question to answer to anyone once the target goes missing...
You are not wrong, but there are levels. Sometimes you let things slide, suspension of disbelief, understanding some corners need to be cut and that realism must not go in the way of a good story and all that, but... sometimes it's just too much. I found this chain of events particularly grating.You could do this for every episode since season 3, Szlia.