Blackwing Lair Raider
- 888
- 1,451
Second that shit, pulled a 1:57 gr70v yesterday with Inna, WoL in-geomInna WoL monk for speed farming.
Edited for correctness
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Second that shit, pulled a 1:57 gr70v yesterday with Inna, WoL in-geomInna WoL monk for speed farming.
There is a "large cursor" option in Video options that I have to use playing at 3840x2160; do you have that box checked?So I was trying to get D3 to work on my computer that uses a 4K TV, except no matter what i picked something was wrong. Windows (fullscreen) had the taskbar always showing with Lock Cursor option doing nothing and Fullscreen would have no mouse cursor at all. So "the fix" was to set a custom text size of 149% instead of 150% on Fullscreen which did actually make the cursor show up, except the Windows cursor was freakishly smaller despite only -1% change in scale, and the D3 cursor has no adjustment so it's really hard to keep track of on a 4K display with combat effects everywhere.
And now it's done something bad to my Chrome where the UI (not webpage) font size on the UI is way off. WTF would changing a setting by 1% fubar this?
So I wussed out and didn't quit yet. To that end though the farm portion of a Wiz, like everybody else is saying here, is a fucking joke. I've tried every build sans DMO, guess that's next, and there's just nothing that you can safely run GR70+ in less than 5mins that isn't your full on push build without it being the most ideal of GRifts. So I'm at GR 102 and figure I need my 3 gems at the same level and enchants, I'm going to spend 5+ mins a rift and it's a "speed" run? Ugh....
How is HOTA for pushing buttons and farming? Is it mindless? Might re-roll a barb as the only other thing I have to play at the moment is Fortnite and I'm just not feeling it.
I've played a Barb this season for about 45 hours, and pushed up to a GR97 in about 10 minutes. Just haven't bothered to push higher just yet.Everyone is playing wiz this season but how is barb looking for pushing grits and speed farming?
Is there any reason to run GR 70 over GR 60 to level my legendary gems as long as they are still in the level window for 100% upgrade chance?
You won't get the Nemesis dudes without an online connection, right? Do they limit trading on console without a connection I assume?Without constant internet connection, am I missing anything except being able to do Challenge Rifts and leaderboards? Except the obvious grouping issue.
I’m enjoying solo play at the moment but that’s mostly because I have a ton to catch up on since losing 500 hours of play files. I got to Para 100+ and have multiple toons working now so it’s much more tolerable. I am actually having a ton of fun experimenting with different builds on the lower end while still blowing through rifts and actually giving a shit about every single that drops because it might be an upgrade. I have a lot to do but I keep feeling like I’m missing something?
I guess the lesson is be pissed and throw a fuck ton of mats at something.
Got mad of gambling full inventories of pants all day and no ancient Tal's. So vowed to up every yellow pants until I got one. Thousands of mats later... hey they do exist! Min armor but resist and gold pickup and I rerolled a max 650 Vit.
I guess the lesson is be pissed and throw a fuck ton of mats at something.
Cubed powers are always max %, doesn't matter if the item is a min % level 41 version.Question I can’t find quickly on Google and my data sucks, if I extract a legendary power such as Corpse Lance does extra 26% damage for x reason, will the extraction be 26%, will it reroll the value or will it be a perfect 30% regardless?
I’ve never cubed out a roll property and don’t want to risk it being less than perfect if it should be the case.
Side note I got my Wiz to 70 last night and the first drop I got was an almost flawless across the board rolled Tal source. Inspiring stuff boys. Literally the first drop I got at 70, lol.