21,006 int on that guy. I'm used to seeing T hits during fire cycle but that much of a damage boost gives him 10T+ in an oculus ring regardless of type.Gotta love them trillion point hits.
At this point in your grind, don't worry about burning bounty mats on Legendary Reforges. To get certain pieces of builds, use the yellow upgrades. Grind both. I typically will join public neph rifts, as the loot chances are higher, and they clear faster doing it that way. I always end up with tons of keys, and don't run enough GRs. Remember to be running GRs that you can complete in less than 5 minutes.Still playin this on switch, finished my GR20 grind and got the 6 piece vyr, been using archon/disintegrate with familiar/weapon/one of the armors. GR20 was a joke so im wondering if I should keep my build or look into some other ones. Not sure if I should grind nephs or GR's at the moment, guess I could use some leveled up legendary gems but I need some crafting materials so I can upgrade/extract.
been reading some "DMO" build is better for switch cause they didnt nerf twister stacking on consoles while channeling arcane torrent.
Jeebus another switch dude, if you need some gear or something let me know and I'll bulldoze some t13 rifts for you.Still playin this on switch, finished my GR20 grind and got the 6 piece vyr, been using archon/disintegrate with familiar/weapon/one of the armors. GR20 was a joke so im wondering if I should keep my build or look into some other ones. Not sure if I should grind nephs or GR's at the moment, guess I could use some leveled up legendary gems but I need some crafting materials so I can upgrade/extract.
been reading some "DMO" build is better for switch cause they didnt nerf twister stacking on consoles while channeling arcane torrent.
I am, pro controller and docked. Imo screen is to small to play handheld. My biggest problem, and this was no different than any of the console versions I've played, is that targeting is a suggestion instead of pinpoint like you can with a mouse. I know you can target individual monsters with a button but indirect fire around corners and doorways is impossible.Are you guys using the pro controller on the switch? My brother got me D3 as a present and its still sealed, thinking about not having a mouse has put me off even trying it.
I have the same issue. I have a giant like 75’ brand new TV and have no trouble with resolution and plenty of space on the screen to run all damage numbers etc, but target selection is a bitch no matter what. On PS4, you can hold L2 to lock the target but it takes a second to register and if you have a pack of anything more than 3-4 enemies (which is 90% of the time in D3) trying to select a specific one is a clusterfuck shitshow. I don’t know if they have the dodge roll (Rolling R3 stick on PS4) on PC but I have found that you can roll into your target and lock it from there if you can time your dodging correctly. Still an absolute pain in the ass but it does work with some practice. It’s the only thing I’ve found to get around the issue other than learning the ‘magic feeling’ to maneuver the screen around and skill selection until you get the mob you want. I wish tapping L2 would cycle through mobs like tabbing in classic MMO style and holding would lock. Or even replacing the dumb L3 light beam above your toons ahead to target selection or auto target the closest elite or anything like that. We all know that will never happen though.I am, pro controller and docked. Imo screen is to small to play handheld. My biggest problem, and this was no different than any of the console versions I've played, is that targeting is a suggestion instead of pinpoint like you can with a mouse. I know you can target individual monsters with a button but indirect fire around corners and doorways is impossible.
That’s really interesting, I had no idea that was part of the gimmick. To be fair though, I switched to an Envious blade and was still producing giant numbers.When you kill things with sever it produces huge numbers, but those are basically fake. Two piece impale probaly gives you enough damage to insta kill things, which causes the inflated damage numbers to appear. Tried a build long ago to take advantage of those huge numbers for AE effects to other monsters but it didn't work, cuz it doesn't REALLY do the listed damage.
Yeah from old numbers I think it's 3-4% to get a rainbow goblin and then 1% (possibly less) to get the proper rare Princess spawn that drops the wings. My count is well over 200 at this point and the level of my luck shows in all things.Rainbow Goblin, it's when you kill the goblin and the rainbow portal pops up. From inside that Whimsydale level, you can get special wings if you get lucky. The cosmic wings, rightMalakriss ?
Jeebus another switch dude, if you need some gear or something let me know and I'll bulldoze some t13 rifts for you.