I am starting to feel the grind. I’m at 400 paragon, which I think is pretty good for my time played and only running solo. Looking at top tier builds though, for my Demon Hunter it looks like I have all of the foundational impale build equipment and some of it is pretty close to ideal rolls. The pieces that are not though, are taking fucking forever to upgrade properly.
On top of that, I just realized what it means to augment an item to rank 125 which is absolutely fucking insane that so many people have augmented max 125 in all possible slots with how much Greater Rift grinding that requires. I did not know what I was doing for a while with gems, so unfortunately I have numerous random level gems instead of focusing on one but lesson learned.
The only thing I do not like is that I essentially have to level up a gem to 125 on a gem that I will not really use because it will disappear when I augmented if I understand this correctly, meaning I should level up my useful greater rift gems first meaning that’s even more grinding.
I’m in a weird spot toughness wise though, I’m at greater rift 67 and I am still one shotting basically everything but I am also getting one shot easily if I am not careful. Trying to figure out how to add sustainability while keeping my damage high is tough at the point where I’m at, going to try and kamikaze up to 70 though to at least unlock Primals. On the bright side, I have every character back to 70 again except crusader which will happen soon. Looks like Monk is a lot of fun and I need a fast bounty running character anyway.
I have been running a support character on my player two and use her to just follow me around for auras and the XP and MF boost. I have been using necromancer for pets and auto corpse lance, but I am realizing how bad ass of a support character monks can be and think I am going to power level a side monk to run with instead. Any suggestions or ideas on that aspect?