Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls

Mudcrush Durtfeet

Hungry Ogre
Funny I never researched this back in the day. I mostly played assassin, and apparently there's a reflect monster trait which meant I was effectively killing myself because my damage far out ranked my health/armor, and thought it was the explosion that occurs when they die. Just remember this mostly being the only thing that ever really killed me consistently on the last section of Hell on Nightmare difficulty. Last time I played D2 was probably 2004.

Sidenote, I'd like to go back and see what a hacked character looks like on today's computer hardware. Once built some assassin claws that would cast every spell in the game on hit. Shit was funny, but made the game run like a slideshow on an Athlon 1700XP running at 2.4ghz. Still. Fun.
Some monsters hit you with the iron maiden effect, Obsidian Knights maybe.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yep iron maiden, ruiner of a lot of hardcore characters.

I hope they bring back immunity monsters, there should be things that live in straight up lava that would not be remotely phased by fireballs, or demonic hellbeasts that weigh 100 tons that physical does nothing to.


<Silver Donator>
The little skeleton knife fuckers in durance of hate exploded on death doing a percentage of their health as damage on death. With how health scaled the more players were in the game in hell difficulty with a full game they often 1 shot melee classe.

Iron Maiden was a curse put on you that would make you take damage proportional to the damage you dished out. Knights in the Diablo area cast it. Many WW barbs were instagibbed by this shit, this is why in vanilla d2 hardcore the only spec viable to farm chaos sanctuary as a barb was support/warcry while the sorcs and hammerdins would clean up the place.

Mountain Biker

Trakanon Raider
I'm having a blast and a half playing a seasonal frenzy barn right now. I didn't think I would be able to get back into D3 but it's pretty fun now.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Iron Maiden was a curse put on you that would make you take damage proportional to the damage you dished out. Knights in the Diablo area cast it. Many WW barbs were instagibbed by this shit, this is why in vanilla d2 hardcore the only spec viable to farm chaos sanctuary as a barb was support/warcry while the sorcs and hammerdins would clean up the place.
Not really. Vita barb with ww + crushing blow (bonesnap) worked fine . You could easily take a few/many hits with IM, depending on LL%. Main "problem" was paladin auras, high level concentration could get you gibbed, so you'd just go to a group clearing the other side. I had a 93 hc classic barb back in the 1.06/7 days, doing group/solo CS runs in 8-man games was not much of a problem.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Y'all can take your iron maiden and shove it, everyone knows gloams were the real pieces of shit, that I hope come back in D4.
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<Silver Donator>
Y'all can take your iron maiden and shove it, everyone knows gloams were the real pieces of shit, that I hope come back in D4.

Those fucking lighthing projectiles with multi shots could be a bitch lmao.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Is Blizzard collaborating with Disney and My LIttle Pony again for D4?
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Mountain Biker

Trakanon Raider
I would love if D4 was just basically an updated D2, with better graphics, QOL upgrades, and some system upgrades (like rifts or something similar for end game). But we all know it would be "too hard" these days to have monsters immune to specific types of damage.

Mudcrush Durtfeet

Hungry Ogre
Y'all can take your iron maiden and shove it, everyone knows gloams were the real pieces of shit, that I hope come back in D4.
I've been playing D2 but haven't dealt much with Gloams yet. I forgot about those. Fuck those fucking things!
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Yep, I don't recall giving any effs about gloams specifically. MLEB (multi-shot lightning enhanced bastard) was the name of the game :p. Especially if accompanied by conviction. Gotta love the invisible projectiles...


Blackwing Lair Raider
You could tell a map had gloams when even the botting hammerdin warping to baal up and quit 10 seconds in
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
S22 ends Mar 28

Mountain Biker

Trakanon Raider
I'm surprised by how few stash tabs I have available. I only have 6. I saw that you get two more from buying the necromancer and one for each season up to three or something but I would figure you would be able to buy infinite tabs if you have the money. I've only been playing for like a couple weeks and I'm already almost out of character slots because of all my mules. I guess I'm just a hoarder.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You're definitely a hoarder. Shard/cube anything not ancient, you can get normal legendary items in a miniscule amount of time simply by playing/gambling for them.

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
The "limited" storage space is something I appreciate about D3 compared to POE. I don't need a fucking item filter to find something, and forced to make decisions about what I hang onto. That said, it's never been a problem. I hang onto the best version of whatever the item is, burn the rest, or roll it for something else. Only reason I ever kept items not related to meta builds was in case a new build is discovered mid-season and I didn't arbitrarily dump a related item. Plenty of space otherwise to maintain 3 different builds with one character.

Are gems still an inventory item?

Compared to something like Division, at least the items are easy to manage, stats clear and concise. Division made comparing items a fucking nightmare when you get to the point where shit starts dropping everywhere and you can only carry like 40 items.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah, division 2 whole loot thing sucked from beginning to end. Its like the one major thing the game failed on. I cant believe they cannot just use the good ole tried and true loot system from Diablo 2 that many games since adopted. Base, Prefix, and suffix. I think the first loot system division 2 had was like 5 different rolls on each piece. Good fucking luck trying to RNG an item worth a damn. Then you had items dropping from every other mob. So you had to collect them all, because you could not tell right away if they were good or not, until you got done with mission and waded through all the shit for like 10-15 min. This got so fucking tiring.

I know they improved the loot since, dumbed it down some, and reduced the drops. But at that point no one gave a shit anymore. I never played D1, but from what people were saying it suffered from the same shit loot problem.

I take that back, there was 7 possible rolls on an item if you include the armor stat. All RNG except maybe the armor stat, not sure on that, I dont remember. NOt to mention later everyone realized the skill builds all pretty much sucked, and anything other than stacking crit dmg and crit chance and maybe elite dmg was pretty shit. At least for the PvE stuff. Never really did PvP in that game.

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