Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


<Bronze Donator>
Then don't buy it. We're past the point where Diablo 3 was going to be fixed for free. Would be nice, but it's not going to happen. Either pony up or don't pay on principle. There are other facets of comparison where D3 beats other arpgs handily, so go play something else for free isn't a valid argument.


If they'd released that ladder and rift leaderboard system it would've been worth buying. The game is still a grindfest with no carrot.


<Bronze Donator>
If they'd released that ladder and rift leaderboard system it would've been worth buying. The game is still a grindfest with no carrot.
Forms of dick waving exists currently. Have since the beginning. You just have to be creative how you broadcast the prick swinging.


Does it matter what weapon type your character uses?

In the short time my monk was level 60 before the expansion, the best legendary weapon I got was a 60 dagger. I ended up using a shield in the offhand. Last night I got a level 62 legendary spear that was an upgrade. The game will allow me to equip both the spear and dagger.

Here is what I don't understand. If I leave the shield in the offhand, when I replace the 60 dagger with the 62 spear my DPS rating goes up. If I replace the shield with the 60 dagger, not only does my Toughness go down, but my DPS rating goes down as well. I had assumed that dual wielding would improve my DPS.


<Bronze Donator>
Only barbs that spec weapon master care about the weapon type. Otherwise they are all the same and only swing speed matters.

Paper dps averages DW dps while DW gives you a 15% attack speed boost. So if the spear's dps was 15% greater than the dagger's dps, DWing is a dps loss, stats on the dagger and shield not withstanding. Weapons can have sockets(and thus crit damage) while shields can have crit chance.


<Bronze Donator>
I disagree. I tried PoE and Marvel:Heroes and could not just get into either of them. Maybe it was that I have already invested a bunch into D3 and didn't feel like starting over. But my feel from both of them is that they felt clunky. The engine, combat animations, environment, etc all feel much better on D3. It's really satisfying to kill a monster and watch his bloody bits go flying off and lightning arcing between them. I don't remember anything like that in the other games, so from the get go, they're at a disadvantage at keeping the player's attention.


Molten Core Raider
Does it matter what weapon type your character uses?

In the short time my monk was level 60 before the expansion, the best legendary weapon I got was a 60 dagger. I ended up using a shield in the offhand. Last night I got a level 62 legendary spear that was an upgrade. The game will allow me to equip both the spear and dagger.

Here is what I don't understand. If I leave the shield in the offhand, when I replace the 60 dagger with the 62 spear my DPS rating goes up. If I replace the shield with the 60 dagger, not only does my Toughness go down, but my DPS rating goes down as well. I had assumed that dual wielding would improve my DPS.
If there is too big of a gap between in the relative speed of your weapons, it will net an overall decrease in your dps. Dagger is the fastest 1-hander and spear is one of, if not the slowest 1-hander.


Only barbs that spec weapon master care about the weapon type. Otherwise they are all the same and only swing speed matters.

Paper dps averages DW dps while DW gives you a 15% attack speed boost. So if the spear's dps was 15% greater than the dagger's dps, DWing is a dps loss, stats on the dagger and shield not withstanding. Weapons can have sockets(and thus crit damage) while shields can have crit chance.
I'm used to figuring all this stuff out on my own with a DPS meter and target dummy. Since that isn't available for D3, is there some website where you can input your stats and build and it will theorycraft your theoretical DPS?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Even the marvel one is better.
I want to like the Marvel game, but it just feels like a slower version of the PS2 X-Men games I loved. And those were a little slow for my liking to begin with. I just have to invest SO MUCH TIME in Marvel to get anywhere, and I want to have all the characters with all their powers, etc. I'm hoping they make something more akin to those PS2 games but with Marvel Heroes I really doubt it.


A Mod Real Quick
I disagree. I tried PoE and Marvel:Heroes and could not just get into either of them. Maybe it was that I have already invested a bunch into D3 and didn't feel like starting over. But my feel from both of them is that they felt clunky. The engine, combat animations, environment, etc all feel much better on D3. It's really satisfying to kill a monster and watch his bloody bits go flying off and lightning arcing between them. I don't remember anything like that in the other games, so from the get go, they're at a disadvantage at keeping the player's attention.
I tried really hard to like Poe and I hated every second of it


Molten Core Raider
It's worth $40 if you want to play a version of Diablo where your loot upgrades come from playing the game rather than playing the auction house or bartering. But the hook is still essentially akin to playing the lottery.
Too bad the bot I had got shut down bro! shit would be perfect for this diablo.

might have to go find one


<Silver Donator>
Hmm did 5 bounties on T1 with my DH quickly to check it out before I go to bed since I finished the game on my crusader, got 3levels. Probably can hit 70 off bounties in T1 in like an hour and a half or so? Pretty nice to get all my other chars to 70. Rerolled a few of my legendaries and gained like 60k DPS, most important was rerolling vit off my xbow into a socket then putting in a shitty trash marquise I got from random white mobs while leveling, bam 20%paperdoll DPS.

As for wether or not it's worth buying, it depends on how you feel about it. I just played 18hours in a row, so even assuming I didn't log tomorrow, that's still a good amount at that price, unless all you buy are stuff on sales, but then everything that releases isn't worth it because it'll be cheaper later so that's a moot point. You might not get 18hours out of the game yourself though, if you rush through the story on a fairly well geared lvl 60 and that's it, then yeah it's not worth it, there just isn't that much new content. If you level the new class/a new character and actually do random events, clear the maps, play on a decent difficulty so the game is challenging at your gear level then farm for a few days, then 40bucks is worth it.


Molten Core Raider
Level 70 and 1 rift later and I've replaced two armor slots with very minor upgrades, plus a new rare weapon on my 200m wizard. Total of 4 slots replaced since loot 2.0. Glad this was worth removing trading for.

Removing lifesteal altogether had the predicted effect. The good old days of porting back to town to heal and potions never being off cooldown are back. Had to make health globes relevant somehow I suppose. They don't even heal for very much.

Filling the game full of trash mobs that hit players with unavoidable damage combined well with removing lifesteal. Blizzard managed to add yet more fire-on-the-ground to boss fights which is amazing. Blizzard games are now the RPG equivalent of bullet hell.

The story was, of course, terrible as always.

If I had paid money for this expac, I would have been mad.