Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I sent you an invite, but dunno if it went through. My friend and I couldn't add each other using the blizzard tags, but when I used his email it worked fine. If you don't see it next time you log on, let's do that.

My main non-HC character is a monk, and he's really spoiled me with Dashing Strike. I use it runed for the extra damage on last target, so it's not half bad single target DPS (spirit free) while still maintaining the mobility / life-saving aspect. Is there another class with a similar ability? Essentially an emergency button that is also used often. The emergencies happen so rarely (but on HC are so impactful) that the ability is needed, but also it sucks to not use 1 ability for 99% of my play time. I looked around at the other classes and nothing really jumped out. Most seem to be on 16 second cooldowns and/or be almost completely defensive in nature, making it useless in that 99% of my time.
Which doctor Spirit Vessel passive will save you from death if it were to ever happen. Although that's about the same as you were saying. You'd be taking a passive that hopefully would never get used.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I petition we boot Arysa from the clan for posting GoT spoilers in clan chat.
Boot his ass and invite me instead. Attog#1840.

I've had 3 Thunderfury drop, using one, gave one away to some random in a public game, and the third I gave to my follower. Get me in the clan and you guys can have all the rest of them.


A nice asshole.
Boot his ass and invite me instead. Attog#1840.

I've had 3 Thunderfury drop, using one, gave one away to some random in a public game, and the third I gave to my follower. Get me in the clan and you guys can have all the rest of them.
I removed 5 people last night due to inactivity, anyone can invite you if it didn't fill back up.


<Bronze Donator>
I sent you an invite, but dunno if it went through. My friend and I couldn't add each other using the blizzard tags, but when I used his email it worked fine. If you don't see it next time you log on, let's do that.

My main non-HC character is a monk, and he's really spoiled me with Dashing Strike. I use it runed for the extra damage on last target, so it's not half bad single target DPS (spirit free) while still maintaining the mobility / life-saving aspect. Is there another class with a similar ability? Essentially an emergency button that is also used often. The emergencies happen so rarely (but on HC are so impactful) that the ability is needed, but also it sucks to not use 1 ability for 99% of my play time. I looked around at the other classes and nothing really jumped out. Most seem to be on 16 second cooldowns and/or be almost completely defensive in nature, making it useless in that 99% of my time.
There's a reason Blizzard made a "joke" about the balance of Dashing Strike in the 2.0.4 patch notes. Nothing else really compares. You can get sort of close with heavy CDR and Steed Charge, but that won't go through wallers and you can't teleport with it.

an accordion_sl

I think its more his gear and set bonuses also, he does something weird hes always talking about in mumble. His sheet dps is really low because of some gimmick he does, ill have to ask him tonight what it is again. Something with crit maybe?
Cassandra - Community - Diablo III

This is the profile right? Looks like the goal is keeping laws of valor up most of the time, the bigger factor is how lucky his amulet/helm is with perfect holy damage. I don't understand the use of ring of royal grandeur in the build.


I looked back a couple pages, but couldn't find it. What are the 'cookie cutter' WD builds? I know there was a pet centric build that I couldn't find, but just wondering what else is out there.

My WD is about to hit 60 and I've been running Acid Rain - Lob Blob Bomb with dogs and gargantuan. Nothing special, and all the WD skills seem pretty viable. So I was just wondering what to look out for in terms of +damage gear once I get to that point. i.e. Is there a specific element to look out for? What about spirit (Haunt / Spirit Barrage) based builds? Is a Locust Swarm / DOT build viable?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Thats what i feared too

With my luck thats entirely unviable then haha.. bummer.. I actually was enjoying dicking around on mine but i couldn't even take T1 remotely quickly due to dying quite fast. The speed i can do normal runs on him though is great.. between the mobility of monks and DH's its really, really hard to want to continue my crusader though
DH with crap gear is no worse than any other class with crap gear. And with great gear they are easily among the top dps in the game, survivability is mostly based on your reflexes and toughness is practically meaningless except for the absolute worst affix combos, and they can cross a map faster than anyone else by a huge margin.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Is there another class with a similar ability? Essentially an emergency button that is also used often.
Witch doctor Spirit Walk.

It essentially renders you immune to all damage, has a Sub-16 second cool down (frequently up multiple times in a fight if you use the "reduce cooldown on kill" passive), last 2-3 seconds depending on rune, and breaks all effects including frozen. It's not a teleport but it makes you unhindered by mobs and gives like a 30% movement speed increase.

I'll use regularly to position to DPS or to continue DPS through ground effects (arcane and molten explosions mostly). It can also be slotted to restore mana or do damage so it is used regularly in that regard too.

Honestly, it's probably the best "oh shit" button in the game.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
You may want to elaborate on the speccing into elements part...
Wizards need to stop splitting skills simply to proc all 4 meteor types. It's much more valuable to spec into something like arcane or fire, stack elem% and legendary effects toward the spender with only 2-3 of the meteors. Crusaders are still going to be the king of trash clearing with the way the shields work right now, but you should be aiming for a max Stone of Jordan with Moonlight Wards or Firebirds and perhaps a Mirrorball.

Those of us who haven't been graced with SoJs or level 70 Tals get to enjoy mediocrity.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I looked back a couple pages, but couldn't find it. What are the 'cookie cutter' WD builds? I know there was a pet centric build that I couldn't find, but just wondering what else is out there.

My WD is about to hit 60 and I've been running Acid Rain - Lob Blob Bomb with dogs and gargantuan. Nothing special, and all the WD skills seem pretty viable. So I was just wondering what to look out for in terms of +damage gear once I get to that point. i.e. Is there a specific element to look out for? What about spirit (Haunt / Spirit Barrage) based builds? Is a Locust Swarm / DOT build viable?
Depends on the playstyle you like. In my opinion there are the more passive builds, where you let pets or DoTs do all the damage, and you kind of sit back and watch things die.

Then there are the more active builds, which can include Fire Bats, or Zombie Charger (Bears). I went with a Zombie Bears build for quite a while when I had a +15% poison damage on a piece of armor. They do great damage, but can run you out of mana very quickly, often times before things were dead. Throw in Voodoo Totem slotted for Rain Dance (mana regen) though, and you can go forever.

I had a lot of fun with a Spirit (cold) build that was high on CC, and had great single target DPS. Pyros on here recommended it to me, and I had a lot of fun with it. My 2 main skills were Spirit Barrage, and Haunt. Both slotted to give mana back on cast. Along with it, I used Piranhas slotted for Frozen Piranhas. Along with the passive of creeping Death, and Locust Swarm slotted for Searing Locusts.

Would Locust and Haunt everything, and slow everything down with Frozen Piranhas, and then just keep moving and spamming Spirit Barrage for damage.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Im sure there is a risk just running it but I wouldnt bot with it Teck, I like my account so I just use the buddystats plugin.

James Im not here to teach people to l2p brah, Dima elaborated some though. A couple of items are just insane combos like the moonlight ward + cosmic strand which ill be using (thanks h8)


A nice asshole.
I thought they put an ICD on moonlight.
They did but the +22% arcane DMG is hard to ignore. Even with the ccoldown I having issue finding better amulet only barbarian.

Really want to try, Thundergod's belt or even razor strop with the right runes to make health globes spawn more, Andy helm, pox faulds/death pants, deathwatch mantle and moonlight ward for what should be endless amounts of aoe spam.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
scales up to 25% arcane, but the effect goes from 240-320% damage so there's a big difference there too on a bad roll.

Lost Virtue

Trakanon Raider
James Im not here to teach people to l2p brah, Dima elaborated some though. A couple of items are just insane combos like the moonlight ward + cosmic strand which ill be using (thanks h8)
I knew about the elemental dmg stacking and gearing for a specific element (thought that was common knowledge), didn't know if you were eluding to something else. I appreciate your schooling yesterday btw (and the t4 fun) , even if i was going all fire anyways. The new build is hilariously powerful, never thought about that build until you mentioned. I was previously going Wave of force + heat wave, explosive blast + short fuse, then hoping for a wand of woh to compliment eventually.