Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Vyemm Raider
This shard farming ezmode shit would be worth it is Kadala still wasnt a stingy cunt. 500 shards every 20mins or less and Kadala just chews that shit up.


<Silver Donator>
FUCK! D3 crashed and lost my 70 HC crusader! Back to square one..
Lost my first HC char earlier, was a DH and was flying through the levels with my socketed marquise ruby, when suddenly, one of these whirlwind fucks in act2 spins and reflects my chakram into my face and I one shot myself. Guess that's one more advantage of cluster, shit doesn't get reflected to you. Oh well was only a low level, like 35 or 36, even though I did lose a full cain set and since I only just started HC I didn't have brimstones so the new reroll isn't using Cain(but got a leoric signet on butcher so I guess that worked out alright).

But yeah DC/crashes seem to be fairly common causes of death due to the logout timer thingie. That's why I'm running Brooding on my DH even though I never use it, if I crash I figure the healing should keep me up until my char is out of the game.
This shard farming ezmode shit would be worth it is Kadala still wasnt a stingy cunt. 500 shards every 20mins or less and Kadala just chews that shit up.
Mind elaborating on how you are maxing out shards in 20 minutes? Bounties give shit for shards, and it takes longer than that to kill as many Guardians as would be required to hit the limit. I would absolutely farm shards to get my Cindercoat via gambling.


<Silver Donator>
I guess in theory running rifts on normal you could clear them in 3-5minutes with a fast build like strafe DH, tempest rush monk or whirlwind barb with the belt. Still at 3mins each you'd still need 30mins to get 500shards, 50shards per rift, so seems like a bit of an exageration unless you're just jumping into games and killing the boss, which I guess can happen.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Lol looks like it was a pretty bad 24 hours for a lot of us in HC. I convinced my friend to start back into D3 since he hadn't played after slamming into the wall that was Inferno back at release, and we started HC characters, he a monk and me a crusader. It was a bit tough because it was our first characters (no money, no artisans, and more importantly no gems) so it made it challenging and also fun. But alas, Crusader's lack of movement/escape got the better of me, and at the cusp of 60 and tasting those sweet new gems, I got caught in a narrow cave with waller/arcane/plagued/some other icing on the death cake and bit the big one. My monk friend of course just Dashing Struck to safety.

Gonna try a WD this time though. HC is fun!! I forget who but one of you (Senaiel?) posted your id and mentioned a hardcore clan, and I added your ID. If you got a request from Jabberwhacky#1336 (so close to being leet) that's me!


Yea i'm gonna start my barb now that the crusader bit the dust lol. Feel free to add me if you guys got a hardcore clan WorldX#1855.


Vyemm Raider
Mind elaborating on how you are maxing out shards in 20 minutes? Bounties give shit for shards, and it takes longer than that to kill as many Guardians as would be required to hit the limit. I would absolutely farm shards to get my Cindercoat via gambling.
Sorry fell asleep - basically you make the game on a level 1 char on t6 and swap to your max level toon after. Ofcourse this is after you have someone else in game with you so it doesnt close it. Then you repeatedly do rifts with any type of thorns and everything just dies. Rift guard still gives 40-60 shards and Kadala will still chew them all up.


A Mod Real Quick
Is Hatemonkey a forum member? His derogatory comments to me did not make me angry, but he was really laying into that dude that rerolled his xbow


<Silver Donator>
I'm messing around with it to change my mindset a bit but yeah mostly checking it out for ladders preparation. Not that there's too much to see, leveling on hard to 70 is basically boring as shit but pretty much completely risk free. I only had to use one potion at 68 against a waller arcane mortar frozen with 5-6champions, and that was just a pot, didn't even proc my death thingie. Granted that was on WD so 4 pets+follower. So it'll mostly be about farming the paragons where it'll matter.

Still interested to see what they add, they said they were thinking of ladder specific legendaries and shit, similar to how poe adds new uniques to each season's "permanent" leagues. I just wonder exactly when they're thinking of adding these, and if it's gonna end up like pvp.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Mind elaborating on how you are maxing out shards in 20 minutes? Bounties give shit for shards, and it takes longer than that to kill as many Guardians as would be required to hit the limit. I would absolutely farm shards to get my Cindercoat via gambling.
Lvled my monk for the sole reason to gamble for a cindercoat for my dh since if you gamble chest with dh you get ~70% cloaks and I got one in ~800 shards!

Been rolling 2-handers now for a buriza and bitch is being stingy now, haven't seen one legendary 2-hander in about 1000 shards.

Vorph I totally need to start rolling with you bro, papa needs a buriza and a new soj.


Confirmed Male
Well, had a really bad RNG run all day yesterday. I basically played from 10am to 12pm with breaks inbetween for lunch/dinner and doing laundry. The only thing worthwhile I got were two rare perfect DPS rings, and some perfect Magefist (which I already had perfect Gladiator Gauntlets, so the Magefists were a side grade for a fire build). Other than that I was on a leg drought, and when they did drop? Holy shit were they bad. This is all being done on T1 speed rift runs. Even gambling, which I went through countless shards netted me 4 legs, but I must have went through a 1000+ gambles. 1 really bad leg mojo, 2 really bad gauntlets, and the magefist. I feel like this weekend that the drop rate reverted to something worse pre-patch, as opposed to 100% leg drop buff. The only plus is I got about 20+ paragon levels, so there is that.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So we parsed for about 8 hours yesterday on T5, never had a wizard but the DPS king of the day was Crusader followed very closely by WD and then Mudcrush (DH) who was right about the WD's edps.