Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Trakanon Raider
Love the "Kanye" cube. After endless hours of farming on my WD I was able to craft Star metal Kukri on my 2nd attempt. I had some time to waste before I left for work at 4:45 am in the morning. First one was a rhen'ho flayer and then I made a SMK. I literally yelled out loud and woke my wife up. She had this look on her face like are you crazy?! Next thing on my list is a Furnace. Also can you craft set pieces or just regular legendary armor?


Murder Apologist
Love the "Kanye" cube. After endless hours of farming on my WD I was able to craft Star metal Kukri on my 2nd attempt. I had some time to waste before I left for work at 4:45 am in the morning. First one was a rhen'ho flayer and then I made a SMK. I literally yelled out loud and woke my wife up. She had this look on her face like are you crazy?! Next thing on my list is a Furnace. Also can you craft set pieces or just regular legendary armor?
Yeah you can. Aside from the helm, I made my whole arachyr set from the cube. Shame helltooth kinda shits on everything now.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So this will be the first Season I've participated in and I was wondering if the new character will have access to my Stash, or will it be like a new, start from scratch account?

Once the Season is over will the character disappear, or will it remain (along with whatever items/recipes I manage to acquire)?

I stopped playing over a year ago, I think, so reading through these messages makes me feel like a noob. As a Monk, any suggestions on what to aim for during this Season and after? My current Monk is:Ishem

This character tears through T1 easily, haven't tried t7 yet. Just tried out a GRift last night, but I set it at 12(?), so I wasn't surprised at how easy it was. The Cube gave me gloves from Inna's set (a set which seems super nice), but I'll wait to use them once I have a second piece.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's mostly like starting from scratch - no stash, no vendor upgrades, no paragon points. You do keep adventure mode unlocked if you've unlocked it in non-seasonal which is the main thing. After the season ends, your seasonal character gets rolled into your non-seasonal characters and everything in your seasonal stash is mailed to you for you to claim. Paragon XP is added to your non-seasonal XP (XP, not just levels + levels).


Blackwing Lair Raider
Seasonal is like starting a new game, you'll have to level your stash, armorsmith, etc again. You keep the character and all your items at the end of a season they just roll into non-seasonal.


<Silver Donator>
No obviously you don't have access to your main stash, otherwise there wouldn't be a point in starting new characters or playing season.

Once season is over, your char become a normal char, your stash gets mailed to you, the paragon levels get merged and stuff like recipes and shit also get merged, I assume kanai cube extracts will also.

Grift levels aren't equal to torment levels. They actually say what's the equivalent now(well not on every tier, but every difficulty tier is shown on its corresponding Grift number so like it says torment 6 on 35 or whatever it was), 12 is like master or something.


Lord Nagafen Raider
What lego effects are you guys finding most useful? I did a few of the most obvious ones, like RoRG & Unity. But what are the most useful ones in each category? I'm thinking generally, but you can get build/class specific if you want.


<Bronze Donator>
Very vague question. In-geom is useful for my speedfarming charge-hammer barb, but it's useless for my grift WoTW barb.


<Silver Donator>
Furnace for weapon, RoRG/Unity/Convention of Elements/Obsidian Ring of Zodiac for jewelry and nothing really stands out for armor I think(maybe Cindercoat or Leoric's Crown or the knockback bracers that increase damage taken or the reduced damage ones for stunned enemies). Then each class has their own specific stuff, mostly for armor(stuff that buffs specific skills for builds like meteor boots for tal rasha or gungdo bracers for exploding palm monks and shit like that) and for weapon in some cases, especially since Furnace isn't nearly as good now due to Bane of Stricken(well in S4 that is) and reduced health in general on Grift bosses.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Furnace for weapon, RoRG/Unity/Convention of Elements/Obsidian Ring of Zodiac for jewelry and nothing really stands out for armor I think(maybe Cindercoat or Leoric's Crown or the knockback bracers that increase damage taken or the reduced damage ones for stunned enemies). Then each class has their own specific stuff, mostly for armor(stuff that buffs specific skills for builds like meteor boots for tal rasha or gungdo bracers for exploding palm monks and shit like that) and for weapon in some cases, especially since Furnace isn't nearly as good now due to Bane of Stricken(well in S4 that is) and reduced health in general on Grift bosses.
Thanks, that helps! Any other thoughts on weapons effects for general use? I don't have a Furnace because the RNG hates me. Maybe I should try crafting one since others seem to have done it relatively easily.


<Silver Donator>
Thanks, that helps! Any other thoughts on weapons effects for general use? I don't have a Furnace because the RNG hates me. Maybe I should try crafting one since others seem to have done it relatively easily.
Well every class has good weapons to cube in general, what do you play? Btw you can see everything you can cube, so you can see if there's something good. Thunderfury or that lightning shield hammer I forgot the name of are pretty good iirc.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well every class has good weapons to cube in general, what do you play? Btw you can see everything you can cube, so you can see if there's something good. Thunderfury or that lightning shield hammer I forgot the name of are pretty good iirc.
I play several different characters frequently, so I was curious what others found useful across classes. As mats un-bottleneck, I'll get specific for each character's build. Just wanted some stuff to plug and go with so my effect slots aren't wasted for now.


Murder Apologist
I don't have a Furnace because the RNG hates me. Maybe I should try crafting one since others seem to have done it relatively easily.
Yep. It'll be expensive crafting wise but hold on to yellow 2-handed hammers and just upgrade those for a furnace and it is BY FAR a better chance to drop the furnace than kadala's 2h weapon category or just random drops. Same with 1h spears for the new scrimshaws, ceremonial daggers for SMK etc.


<Silver Donator>
Well generic good weapons would be Flying Dragon(monk staff, gives attack speed), Schaefer(that's the one I forgot earlier, only useful if you play a lightning based melee range spec though), Stalgard Decimator if using melee and Thunderfury. Ingeom can be useful in some cases and I don't know what's the state on Shard of Hate but it might be good too. Some of these aren't usable on every class though, like Flying Dragon is only available to the 3 melee classes it seems. Overall weapons is pretty meh I think, and that's really the slot you want to look for class specific stuff if you don't have a furnace. Every class has several good weapons to cube I think.