Looking for some general knowledge please. Please note, i just play solo and don't really care about some leaderboard.
It's been a while since Diablo 3 for me, but i've gone and updated and finished Reaper just on Hard (which was surprisingly very very easy)
So, i've been reading all these patch notes and new things etc...
Season's Question:
I don't understand this whole "Seasons" thing. Seems that on the 15th you can 'rebirth' your char which will reset him to level 1, and mail you your gear.
1) What is the purpose of running the whole game over again like this?
2) if you do this, does changing the difficulty do anything useful?
3) Why mail you the gear, if you are planning this why not just drop your gear in the stash?
Green Gear:
green gear it seems (from memory) use to drop, however, now it seems like you have to craft it? I've run a few normal 'rifts' and gotten the patterns to craft green gear. Is this the only way to get green gear now?
So, normal rifts, click and play, easy there...
Rifts that take stones to open, i notice there are choices here for levels, how do you determine which to pick, i've never done one of these so unsure of the method to pick which to try.
Thanks for helping in explaining this stuff, seems like Diablo has gotten more indepth and it's really fun again