Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


<Bronze Donator>
Left click has some restrictions. You pretty much have to put a builder there. Or a few other skills, not sure what Blizzard's criteria for that slot is.

EDIT: nvm, Amzin already said it.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Keep in mind I just started playing last week so this may sound like a stupid question. If Cyclone Strike will never leave your bar, then how will you ever use Epiphany since they both go in slot #3?
I don't mean this sarcastically: Welcome to the actual game. I don't understand Blizzard's rationale for the decision to lock the skills initially, but use the stuff above to get into better playing.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
In the Starcraft2 expansion they also made it the default that you can't click your enemies structures of units. So you have to opt-in to see what the Protoss is warping in or checking your opponent's upgrades. It is as retarded as elective mode.


Vyemm Raider
I think the game might have actually been more interesting if elective mode wasn't there. But they fixed that by putting in elemental synergy.


There's a setting in options (under gameplay I believe) called "Elective Mode". This is basically the real version of the game. It lets you put whatever skill in whatever slot, including multiple skills from the same "group" of skills, e.g. you have have multiple defensive skills or whatever. The only restriction is some skills still can't go on left mouse click.
Thanks for the explanation. That opens up a whole new can of worms.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
10 minutes after hitting 70 I managed to roll a Thunderfury. Reforged the 10% resource cost reduction and ended up with +10% damage on it.

Thiris - Community - Diablo III

My guild (clan? whatthefuckever.jpg) shit themselves when they saw it pop up in chat. Now if I could only get some other drops.


A nice asshole.
1st world problems, website is blocked at work so can't view shinies
From his profile, the bastard.


Vyemm Raider
Beat the game on torment 1 last night. I got pretty lucky on drops. You can view my profilehere.

For some reason my profile isn't showing some of the reforging, but whatever.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You can ding him for using the wrong spirit gen with that weapon.
True. I just picked the game back up yesterday before RoS launched and haven't played since about 4 months after release. The group I was playing with needed a bit more distance fighting Adria, and this worked out at least fairly well. Dashing Strike is stupid good for that fight. I logged out around 3:30 and didn't bother changing back to Way of the Hundred Fists.


Toe Sucker
It's 40 bucks, you can play this game for 2 hours and get the same out of going to see a movie bro

But yes, I'm enjoying it quite a bit and i haven't even seen 90% of the new shit.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Thoughts on expansion? Was it worth the $40?
I'm still a bit torn on if it really is worth $40 so far. The story has been interesting so far, and has definitely kept my attention. I play with a group of two other people, and we tend to check every single corner of every map. Some of the open areas are MASSIVE. We started on Torment 2, but about 3-4 hours in, made the switch to Torment 1, as we were just getting our asses kicked. The difficulty feels good, and there weren't any of the elite combinations that made you say "Fuck this" and reset the game to avoid them. Mobs feel spread out a bit more, though you can occasionally grab some extras when fighting elites that have abilities that force you to kite them.

They've done some really interesting things with cities, where it feels less like you've just cut out a lot of the perspective, and instead you "feel" like you're walking from the streets into a tunnel/building/etc. This was something we've all enjoyed so far. It feels fairly polished, aside the occasional stutter that you get as melee. I'm not sure that will ever really go away.

I do like the inclusion of the Mystic. I had a 2500 DPS 2H drop about 10 minutes after my TF, and ended up giving it to my buddy who plays a Wizard. He was able to reforge the Agi to Int, and it turned into a fantastic upgrade for him. It feels like this provides some neat synergy to playing with different classes, but allowing some items to be traded back and forth since most drops include your primary stat.


Vyemm Raider
It's worth $40 if you want to play a version of Diablo where your loot upgrades come from playing the game rather than playing the auction house or bartering. But the hook is still essentially akin to playing the lottery.