Yeah that's what they did with D3, Sets were the build defining items ,and they completley pigeon holed everyone into playing the exact same items and farming was just about + paragon and + gooder on the exact same items.
This seems headed exactly the same way.
I'm not asking every new AARPG to have the insane diversity of builds POE has because that's just unrealistic, but there HAS to be a middle of the road compromise between D3 and POE, this isn't headed that way from what i can tell, this is headed exactly the D3 way. Blues and yellows are going to be crafting 'mats' fodder, legendaries are going to be the uniques of D2 but more uninspired and completely useless since not tradeable and usable at lower levels, and the new flavor will be the build defining items that sets were, which will limit the number of builds possible per class to a handful.
Bind on equip, bind on account, dailies, weeklies etc have no fucking place in AARPG.
So I went with a Fire Build at 25 to see if it was viable. (
A legendary weapon drop was the best in slot up until 25 and then I started getting rares that were more DPS than the actual Legendary.) I found a rare at 25 with the top stats (minus the Legendary Imprint, the Socket, and the Upgrading). Those stats fit perfectly for the build I was going for. The Conflagration Imprint comes from a dungeon, so not every single Imprint is going to be ripped from a Legendary. I took that imprint, put the Legendary imprint on it. Then took the weekly crafting mat that drops from the world boss and socketed it. Then upgraded it. Thats pretty deep customization and you're supposed to be able to do more than just that at max level.
In my opinion, this is far superior to Diablo 3. At 25, where item power wasnt going up anymore - I was getting legendaries that were just as much trash as the rares and uncommons that I pick up. If anything, the game is probably going to need a filter like
is talking about. Just hope we dont have to use a third party POS like POE has.
There are, however, certain legendary aspects (imprints w/e) that are almost 100% needed. I picked up an amulet that has a 16% chance to reset your defensive CD every time you're hit by ANY damage. Dot, close, aura, etc. With the Sorcerer Fire shield, I was basically non-stop invulnerable with it and Fire Shield also heals you with that talented - so full health constantly as well.
I was under the impression that they were comfortable with how the current system works and were unsure how they were going to implement sets at this time.
People have been saying "oh legendaries are just there to rip the orange stat off and put it onto a rare" but in my experience the stats rolled on the legendary are vastly more useful than what rolls on any rare I've seen. Like getting up to 3 different +1 skills affixes for example (and not just +1 to one skill, it's mainly been +1 to the whole tier of skills). I think the best rare I've seen so far has had +1 to two individual skills and that's it.
Refer to the above - The Legendary Aspect or w/e gives the item a certain amount of Item Power based on the effect alone. But you can find a rare with just as good if not better stats. There may be some code that certain effects on random legendaries are most often paired with certain stats - but I didnt pick up on that. Often getting weapons that were upgrades for my Sorcerer, but had Dexterity on them instead of Intelligence etc.
There would be more build variety and greater interest if you could trade items with interesting affixes so that people could try out different builds.
This, Ill agree with. I dont understand why you can trade Rares - but the legendaries themselves are restricted. With how the system works, it just doesnt make sense and just seems idiotic.
I tried the Sorcerer builds that were linked etc. and a couple of them I fully expect to get nerfed, but overall - theyre very out of the box good and dont require much grinding at all. Fire builds on the other hand seem to start off very .. shitty. But by the time I logged off today, I had +8 Hydra, +7 Incinerate, all the pyro passives that were offensive and defensive, teleport and fire shield passives. +24% Fire Damage, +31% Damage over Time. Basic Ability for fire was maxxed as well, but rarely ever used since mana regen was over the top. Just come up to an elite, throw hydra down, basic him once, core him the rest down - if he doesnt get rooted, I can run away and my Burning damage would eat him alive anyways.
When people said Fire sucked, it was my own little personal test to see if it was true and that they just hadnt balanced the Sorcerer at all. I was delightedly proved wrong.
With all that said - I think Ill get a month to two out of the game depending on my work schedule.