I'm not sure why I'm sharing my worthless point of view on the beta but here it is anyway.
Personally, I didn't really find anything to recommend playing the game. It felt phoned-in to me. Sure, it was functional but to me it felt like a modded D3 with a ton of live service bullshit added in to increase retention. Anytime I see more than one currency or a battlepass now I just get exhausted. People are saying the story is good but I found it silly and childish. Oh, a sexy demon girl talking about gleeful sin and the seductive power of Hatred or whatever. Thanks - I'm not 13 but I guess that's my fault.
I thought the UI sucked. I thought the graphics were better than D3 but not a lot better. A lot of textures were dark and muddy and the environmental effects made the world very boring to look at it when it was night or a snowstorm.
Its blatantly obvious that classes are not balanced whatsoever and likely won't be until 6+ months after launch. Playing a Barb was painful but Sorc was at least fun.
There aren't enough mobs and the mob packs are too small. Most of the enemies are just the same enemies doing the same stuff they've been doing since D1.
Adding bushes and rocks to mine is retarded and I hate the person that approved that.
I feel like the camera is too close. Obviously, that's so they can sell more cosmetics so it sucks extra.
I hate the dumb mechanic of builders and spenders. If I want to spend 100 million gold on Mana potions so I can spam my ultimate ability on every fucking mob I see that should be my decision. The forced way to play makes the whole gaming experience numb.
I remember when games were fun right out of the gate. This game basically promises it will be fun after 25 or so hours but that might turn out to be en empty endgame promise.
D2 is probably in my Top 5 of all time and I played hundreds of hours of D3. I had a long-weekend and no kids and I couldn't even be bothered to level a character to max.
I was always going to buy the game since reviews are worthless nowadays but I am glad I just bought the base version. I'll play it, finish it on 1-2 characters and probably put it down for a year until it gets improved.
Probably about what I expected, maybe a little duller.