Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
A recent example is that Wo Long game. He plays for a bit, skips the tutorial that tells him how to beat a boss. Tries button mashing through it and getting upset (He sucks at those types of games even when he pays attention). Declares the game unplayable.

To me, that’s pretty fucking shitty of him. He has a large audience for some reason and a lot of influence. When you reach that level you can ruin a companies sales due to your incompetence.

He went back and completed Wo Long.


Potato del Grande
Then if you are like me you started programming text adventures in Basic on an Apple 2. Remember that stuff?

10 Print "You are in a dark cavern and you hear a grumbling noise from the corner. There is just enough light to flail your sword in the general direction. Do you 'fight' or do you 'flee'?"
20 Input A$
30 If A$="fight" goto 50
40 Goto 100
50 Print "You manage to hit something as it cowls in terror and flees opening up a new passageway the unindentified being was blocking"
100 Print "You tripped over a rock running away like a little bitch. The end"
This was what they had us doing studying Game Design 101 in 2005. Play Avent and Zork then make your own.

Made me hate Zoe Quinn when she got press coverage for doing this in a web browser. Made me hate her more when I learned HTML/CSS/Javascript and it's fucking easy.

Anyway I think that the skills and personality types to design games are different from those required to code and those required to manage/finance a project. Blizzard lost the designers and replaced them with diversity and nepotism hires.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
This was what they had us doing studying Game Design 101 in 2005. Play Avent and Zork then make your own.

Made me hate Zoe Quinn when she got press coverage for doing this in a web browser. Made me hate her more when I learned HTML/CSS/Javascript and it's fucking easy.

Anyway I think that the skills and personality types to design games are different from those required to code and those required to manage/finance a project. Blizzard lost the designers and replaced them with diversity and nepotism hires.
Is it any surprise that a bunch of shut ins are overwhelmingly coders? Regardless of the fact that I like the below movie, this should have been a huge screaming red flag for what was to come.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
These games live or die by their end game. I mean campaign story is nice and all but its usually one and done, by the second time your mashing keys to get rid of dialogue and skip cut scenes and hurry the fuck through it as fast as possible to hit that end game. That coveted end game is where either this game will live or die a fast death. And until we see a glimpse of any of that end game were all smoking some huge ass copium.

This will launch without endgame, just like D3 did.
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<Bronze Donator>
People supporting shitty games means more shitty games get made. Generally, I agree with the direct message of the cartoon but letting people like what they like is not a decision made entirely in a vacuum.

25 years from now, there's going to be a TellTale game made about a guy that was on the practice squad for the Minnesota Vikings who went on to become a bombastic forum drunk. This game will exist and it will be amod's fault.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
People supporting shitty games means more shitty games get made. Generally, I agree with the direct message of the cartoon but letting people like what they like is not a decision made entirely in a vacuum.

25 years from now, there's going to be a TellTale game made about a guy that was on the practice squad for the Minnesota Vikings who went on to become a bombastic forum drunk. This game will exist and it will be amod's fault.

What is a shitty game is very subjective. Someone can have a blast in one game and play it for hundreds of hours, but I can't last a few hours into it. I don't demand they stop supporting it because I think its shitty. Put your dollars where you want, and let others do the same.

There has and will always be shitty games and people that play them, you not supporting it or demanding others do the same isn't going to change it. It's not some new phenomenon that has only started showing up in the internet age. Hell you can go back to board or card games and find the exact same thing.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
A recent example is that Wo Long game. He plays for a bit, skips the tutorial that tells him how to beat a boss. Tries button mashing through it and getting upset (He sucks at those types of games even when he pays attention). Declares the game unplayable.

To me, that’s pretty fucking shitty of him. He has a large audience for some reason and a lot of influence. When you reach that level you can ruin a companies sales due to your incompetence.
He does it on purpose. 90% of his "schtick" is playing the role of idiot, because the low IQ retards who watch him think it's real and not an act.

He's definitely "bad" at games, but the whole, "HOW U PLAY GAME?!" shit he does is 1000% for clicks.
  • 1Seriously?
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>

This is peak PoE gameplay. Sorry but anyone that thinks this is good is an actual fucking moron. Can anyone even tell what the actual fuck is going on in any of these videos? It's as if the objective of the game is to try and give yourself a seizure. You would think the lead developer of this dog shit game is Michael fucking Bay. Fuck all these retards in this thread that want Diablo 4 to turn into this trash.

Bro this is being disingenuous the game here was to get to the point where you could do the above.


Molten Core Raider
I'm not sure why I'm sharing my worthless point of view on the beta but here it is anyway.

Personally, I didn't really find anything to recommend playing the game. It felt phoned-in to me. Sure, it was functional but to me it felt like a modded D3 with a ton of live service bullshit added in to increase retention. Anytime I see more than one currency or a battlepass now I just get exhausted. People are saying the story is good but I found it silly and childish. Oh, a sexy demon girl talking about gleeful sin and the seductive power of Hatred or whatever. Thanks - I'm not 13 but I guess that's my fault.

I thought the UI sucked. I thought the graphics were better than D3 but not a lot better. A lot of textures were dark and muddy and the environmental effects made the world very boring to look at it when it was night or a snowstorm.

Its blatantly obvious that classes are not balanced whatsoever and likely won't be until 6+ months after launch. Playing a Barb was painful but Sorc was at least fun.

There aren't enough mobs and the mob packs are too small. Most of the enemies are just the same enemies doing the same stuff they've been doing since D1.

Adding bushes and rocks to mine is retarded and I hate the person that approved that.

I feel like the camera is too close. Obviously, that's so they can sell more cosmetics so it sucks extra.

I hate the dumb mechanic of builders and spenders. If I want to spend 100 million gold on Mana potions so I can spam my ultimate ability on every fucking mob I see that should be my decision. The forced way to play makes the whole gaming experience numb.

I remember when games were fun right out of the gate. This game basically promises it will be fun after 25 or so hours but that might turn out to be en empty endgame promise.

D2 is probably in my Top 5 of all time and I played hundreds of hours of D3. I had a long-weekend and no kids and I couldn't even be bothered to level a character to max.

I was always going to buy the game since reviews are worthless nowadays but I am glad I just bought the base version. I'll play it, finish it on 1-2 characters and probably put it down for a year until it gets improved.

Probably about what I expected, maybe a little duller.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I return to PoE every now and then but all the Skill Gems I find fun/cool to play usually suck. I played some during Lake of Kallandra and used the new Lightning gem and thats the first time I really enjoyed a build.

I do hope PoE 2 comes out as I find the current game be a bit dated and I cant channel enough autism to understand anything more than running maps.

Thats why I usually go back to Diablo 3 as it is easier to enjoy for a week or two. I hope D4 can expand a bit but even if it is just as the beta thats fine with me.

I do understand lots of people want to no-life games but I'm just too damn old now to be more than a filthy casual gamer.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
People supporting shitty games means more shitty games get made. Generally, I agree with the direct message of the cartoon but letting people like what they like is not a decision made entirely in a vacuum.

25 years from now, there's going to be a TellTale game made about a guy that was on the practice squad for the Minnesota Vikings who went on to become a bombastic forum drunk. This game will exist and it will be amod's fault.

The collectors edition comes with a $500 gift card to Total Wine.
  • 1Worf
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
On the topic of shitty changes to the Diablo 'formula' I'm surprised I haven't seen more people complaining about the new gems. Weapons only get small situational dps boosts, and there's no possibility for +dps on jewelry or armor at all.

Not sure if they're a "free" affix now (in terms of being able to add one to an item no matter how many affixes it already has), since you can craft them onto an item using mats you get from salvaging legendaries. I know people didn't like the retarded gem system in D3 where a missing socket on weapon, helm, or jewelry--and almost any other item, to a lesser extent--meant it was completely worthless, but this seems like typical Blizzard swinging the pendulum way too far in the other direction.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Oh god so true and so funny. Its crazy how upset people get if you enjoy something they dislike. People are weird, who cares, let them play what they have fun with and go play what you have fun with. Get over it already.

Who is upset? You are on a message board full of shit-slinging arguments and somehow expect the thread devoted to a really popular series to be different? No one in this thread gives a fuck if you like Diablo; in fact, the people complaining here are complaining because they wanted it to be good and think it won't meet their expectations.
  • 1Picard
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Log Wizard
I'm not sure why I'm sharing my worthless point of view on the beta but here it is anyway.

Personally, I didn't really find anything to recommend playing the game. It felt phoned-in to me. Sure, it was functional but to me it felt like a modded D3 with a ton of live service bullshit added in to increase retention. Anytime I see more than one currency or a battlepass now I just get exhausted. People are saying the story is good but I found it silly and childish. Oh, a sexy demon girl talking about gleeful sin and the seductive power of Hatred or whatever. Thanks - I'm not 13 but I guess that's my fault.

I thought the UI sucked. I thought the graphics were better than D3 but not a lot better. A lot of textures were dark and muddy and the environmental effects made the world very boring to look at it when it was night or a snowstorm.

Its blatantly obvious that classes are not balanced whatsoever and likely won't be until 6+ months after launch. Playing a Barb was painful but Sorc was at least fun.

There aren't enough mobs and the mob packs are too small. Most of the enemies are just the same enemies doing the same stuff they've been doing since D1.

Adding bushes and rocks to mine is retarded and I hate the person that approved that.

I feel like the camera is too close. Obviously, that's so they can sell more cosmetics so it sucks extra.

I hate the dumb mechanic of builders and spenders. If I want to spend 100 million gold on Mana potions so I can spam my ultimate ability on every fucking mob I see that should be my decision. The forced way to play makes the whole gaming experience numb.

I remember when games were fun right out of the gate. This game basically promises it will be fun after 25 or so hours but that might turn out to be en empty endgame promise.

D2 is probably in my Top 5 of all time and I played hundreds of hours of D3. I had a long-weekend and no kids and I couldn't even be bothered to level a character to max.

I was always going to buy the game since reviews are worthless nowadays but I am glad I just bought the base version. I'll play it, finish it on 1-2 characters and probably put it down for a year until it gets improved.

Probably about what I expected, maybe a little duller.
I have stopped paying attention to stories in games, and you have nailed why.

My biggest takeaway is that they've been working on this thing for 5 years...and they have fuck all to show for it. Their contribution to skill trees is to make nodes REALLY FAR FROM EACH OTHER. Beyond that, it is still the same shit we've seen in 903024597144250871018 other games.

The graphics are ok, but the game runs like complete trash.

Maps were basically empty and had zero character....which mirrors the rest of everything I saw. No character whatsoever. If the 1-25 game is this bad, there's really no reason to expect anything but the same for the full game.

At the end of the day, this is just another generic arpg that does exactly nothing to make itself interesting.
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