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4. They need to redo the rarity of chests altogether. A radiant chest should have at minimum, a rare, in it. If you do an event and catch it at the ass end of it, you should get a basic chest. Events should have a participation bar altogether. The fact that I can roll up into one, tap the boss, get his loot and the events loot, in full, is just ass design.Ok so I played this, got to level 25 and unlocked a lot of things.
Here's my thoughts:
4. Random events are cool, and being able to do those are great, but I feel the rewards really blow. It reminds me of Diablo Immortal. Grats on clearing this, here's your radiant chest with a blue and some gold and 4 potions you never needed to use.
5. There's still some extremely unintuitive things. Like as a necro, having to keep the golem on your hotbar for it to be able to be used at all is dumb. You basically get 2 hotbar abilities and left/right click. Unless there's another way I dont know.
6. Evade seems retarded. I dont even know what this is for.
7. I legitimately hate the dungeons. They are huge, and predictable. Oh this is a big dungeon where I'm going to have to perform a task 2-4 times to open a door to a mini boss, to open an area to the boss at the end. Bonus: Sometimes there's a second floor exactly the same.
8. I do like the skill system, although I don't like how underwhelming some of these things are.
All in all it's running a 6/10 maybe a 7/10 for me. I think the potential is there, but I cannot believe I'm playing a diablo game, and I am getting bored with it already. Even in D3, I ran act 1 like 30 times and leveled up every class to max in the open beta. After this one level 25, I'm done till release.
5. You can tell its just taking up a slot just so they can balance the ability - but I agree, each ability slot should have an active that concentrates its power. The Druids wolf companions are really, really shitty versions of the skeletons. But they actually designed the druid companions section really well. In that if you press the ability, if you built them correctly - they'll create an execute action. For Druid, you poison the enemy, then send the wolves on that do X(times) the damage to enemies that are poisoned. The vines do passive damage in an area around you to individuals, but if you press it, it roots everything around you and poisons them. Etc. (It's one of the only things I can compliment the Druids designer for.)
6. Evade is built in as just another ability in my mind. Each piece of gear has a passive thats in the top portion, and boots generally have something tied to Evade. Whether its more stacks, or more move speed after a dodge, etc. The most powerful combo I found was on the Barbarian where his evade was paired with move speed buff and unstoppable would launch me into a killing spree. Which I thought of as almost an "I dare you to root/immobilize/stun me!" kind of thing. I think it'll be far more valuable when all classes are properly balanced.
7. Was somewhere, Twitter? PC Gamer? Idk where I saw it. But the dev said that they were actively trying to think ahead of their design to stop cheaters, botters etc. in their design. It ultimately looks like that boiled down to some predictable "unlock the boss" mechanics. Where as another developer has said that they are "looking into" making it more diverse before retail launch. As Im sure you'll agree, Ill believe that if/when I see it.
8. This is pretty much my take on several of the skills. There are just several sections of trees across all the classes where just one ability is far more powerful than anything else in that section. Sometimes those sections are so fucking useless that the most popular builds completely skip those sections altogether. Again, this game needs to balance the classes something fierce.
I hope they can optimize it more for non-bleeding edge computers before it launches, but I am fine paying the box price for what is already in the game. I won't be buying battle passes or cosmetics, so none of that matters to me.
Which is one of two problems this game has for someone coming into it that isnt biased. This game runs like complete ass on machines that arent relatively new, and thats just not what Blizzard is known for. Even watching it on my g/f's 2070 Super PC, it hitches, rubber bands, loads slow etc. Thats a better computer than probably 80% of the world. The second problem is the game is poorly balanced with the classes. Like below, the Druid and to a lesser extent, the Barbarian - just shouldnt have been playable. That or they should have buffed every class out the ass, similar to League of Legends new champion releases, for beta.Fucking lol, game is using 20gb VRAM. What is happening...
These two problems are absolute shit tier marketing mistakes.
They have to do something for barb and druid for the start. Maybe not so much barb as I hear it gets much smoother and quicker later(Even in the beta). But druid just felt bad the whole way(I tried werefolf, storm and wind versions). Necro felt broken, as my pets tanked and killed everything as I spammed my 3 bone spikes across the screen and barely used resources or more then 1 charge of health pot. Sorc felt more squishy but the dps was there at least. I didn't try rogue.
Otherwise I feel like release is just going to be all the ranged classes.
All these videos of content creators shitting on Druid are going to lead to it being the most overtuned bullshit on release
Asmongold was just dogpiled today for saying exactly as much, except he made it clear its a general melee problem. Druid sucks like this, barb sucks like that arguments aren't necessary. "Do this for Barb to make it suck less, do this for Druid". No. No hairs split.
This game has a melee problem. It's not class-specific. It's a melee issue. Whether that resolves with X Y Z build or what doohickeys you slap on your character is completely irrelevant. There is a problem with melee leaning toward fairly unfun to play. As Asmon said "It gets better later" from random chatters who don't have a clue isn't an excuse for poor gameplay in Act 1. Hopefully Blizzard is paying attention and tunes melee overall. I know rogue has some builds that are moderately fun and balanced, before anyone tries to dive in and use an exception to the general rule of melee in this game.
Played the Sorcerer last weekend, barely died unless I was doing something dumb/not paying attention. Was busy yesterday, heard how powerful the Necro was (Watched my G/F play it. Its every bit as OP as the Sorcerer.) - So I avoided it and played the Druid. Leveled the Druid up to 25 and put some gear on it, but even though it hits on the "theme" a bit - it is by far the weakest class out of all of them.I am trying not to log in and just binge the fuck out of every little thing on my necro. I have mild (not so mild, really) OCD that makes me want to go out and do every dungeon and unlock every bit of the map and grab every lilith statue. No... no....... save that shit for retail.
Tried a little bear druid. It sucked. Melee needs to have some built in damage reduction/absorption.
A lot of the skills use too much "spirit" (resources) and even when you get the passive that increases spirit gain and spirit usage for damage - your abilities are just too one dimensional to be worth as much as they are. I turned off the spirit usage for more damage passives and I can get out a few more uses out of the entire pool. But then it does way less damage and still doesnt deal with trash properly. I then tried to go with stats that would make me overly tanky in comparison to the damage with Thorns etc. and.. then you just do too little damage and thorns dont take care of bosses at the same rate you recover life. Never mind your abilities hitting like wet noodles. The last build I had the most success with and that was stacking poison damage and being tanky - but then you're just trying to outlast everything thats challenging. All different variations, and even the legendary builds Ive seen online just suck on the Druid and can barely (if at all) kill the Den Mother. If you've only played the Barbarian, or the Druid - swap to a Necro and you'll see the polar opposites of the power spectrum and just how badly balanced they are.
If the developers really have a say in the game - they need to heavily concentrate on the performance of the game and balance the classes. If they can pull those two things off before launch - they'll knock it out of the park for a while to come. If they address these issues down the road, the game will get some positive press - but will have completely missed the boat on "what could have been." Truth be told, I think if you have friends to play this with - it would be dumb to miss playing something new with them. But I sure as fuck dont think they are going to change much of anything before release and thats kind of sad.
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